
Energy Release Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"Let go of any energy that is no longer necessary in your life."
"A feeling is just energy, and the energy can't stay inside of us. It has to come out."
"Fermi had split an atom in 2, a process that releases an absurd amount of energy."
"Service to others is automatic at the released energy generated by this state of consciousness."
"We want to take those protons and push them together to make them combine and release energy."
"Breaking free, closure, releasing energy, feeling excited for the future."
"It's about releasing negative energy, getting out of your head, and seeing things from a positive perspective."
"Write down what you want and release it back into energy."
"I can't wait for all fate, I'll unleash all the quartz energy in a single blow."
"You are going to release this negative energy and it's also going to do something so beautiful to yourself."
"You know, rather than carrying it with you, send it back into the ground. Mother Earth's always happy to receive it and to help rebalance that energy so that you can let it go."
"As you shed this energy... the flow is going to happen."
"Now is the time to let go of that which does not serve you anymore, free the pent-up energy within you."
"Share what you feel and the energy that is within in order to let it out."
"This process of subduction just releases an enormous amount of energy through both earthquakes, through building these mountains, through volcanoes. It's just really inconceivably huge."
"Sometimes you just need that... that ass, alright? Nonetheless, still Aries, you know, get that energy out, man, and you'll be feeling rejuvenated and revitalized."
"Heal your wounds and focus on finally healing it, releasing that energy, and moving forward."
"This month is the month to release any energy that has been blocked or holding you down."
"Do the work. Release the old energy and invite in the new."
"I am releasing all that doesn't serve me, I am releasing and replenishing my energy."
"Gather with loved ones, set positive intentions, and release negative energy together under the light of the full moon."
"An interesting side-effect of this is that when taken away from the radiation, the radiometer actually begins to spin backwards as it releases its excess energy to the surrounding air."
"The total energy released by the wildfires was equivalent to 1,500 of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima."
"An atom is split mass changes to energy and an incredible amount of destructive energy is released."
"Nuclear fusion: hydrogen nuclei combining to form helium nuclei, liberating energy."
"Give your body a 'highway out' with physical release: exercise, cold water, or shaking it out. Like laying a road to let the energy out."
"The amount of energy released in a supernova explosion is so enormous it's equivalent to the energy that our sun would radiate over its entire 10 billion year lifetime."
"For some of you, it's all about healing. This year is about releasing the energies that you're carrying around."
"When the electron falls down to this lower energy level, it releases energy, specifically X-rays."
"The unstable atom will release energy either in the form of particles or waves until eventually the atom becomes stable again."
"The energy released at immensely high velocity greatly upsets the surrounding interstellar medium."
"Radiation travels in waves that release energy when they are absorbed by an object."
"Open mouth exhales are an opportunity to let stagnant energy become unstuck and let it go."
"Supernova my guide, release your energy."
"Remember, the more endangered you are, the more spiritual energy he releases."
"The most efficient way of releasing energy, apart from pure matter-antimatter annihilation which can achieve mc squared, is black hole accretion."
"Catabolic reactions are reactions where we are breaking something down... and when we perform catabolic reactions, it actually releases energy."
"Fusion in essence isn't terribly complicated; we can make new elements by combining smaller elements and in the process release a lot of energy."
"When the spring is wound up to a certain point, the mainspring will slip, which releases some of the stored energy inside the spring."
"A single supernova can release around 10 to the 46 Joules."
"The breakdown of organic molecules is exergonic, meaning it is spontaneous and releases energy."
"Energy is released as the electrons associated with hydrogen ions are transferred to oxygen, which has a lower energy state."
"Cellular respiration is to release the chemical energy stored in the bonds of glucose in a controlled way."
"Ultimately though, fusion can release a lot more energy as the binding energy difference for lighter nuclei is far greater."
"An exothermic reaction releases heat and so your reactants need to undergo a chemical change and end up on a lower energy level."
"You've had to move on from a lot of energies that weren't serving you and your highest good."
"After the core collapses, a tremendous amount of energy is released in a supernova."
"By moving between these vortices, we release the tightly bound energies at their core, as if it were being unwound."
"In nuclear fission, we fire a neutron at the nucleus of a radioactive isotope, releasing tons and tons of energy."
"Cells are going to perform reactions as part of a pathway, and we want to release our energy step by step."
"The collision of supermassive black holes... resulting in a cataclysmic release of energy that could warp the fabric of spacetime itself."
"Relaxing your whole body, letting out any unnecessary energy that doesn't serve you."
"Exothermic reactions release energy to the surroundings."
"The key thing we do with fuels is we combust them."
"Nuclear fusion is where you take two small nuclei and jam them together, and it releases energy."
"When Venus gets into a conjunction with Pluto, you can have this almost cathartic volcanic release of pent-up energy relative to Venusian themes."
"Feel it drain out of your feet as the Earth absorbs it and transmutes it and releases it from you."
"The very air grows thick with tension as the blue-white arcs of energy twist and writhe like serpents hungry for release."
"A heavy unstable nucleus splits into two lighter, more stable nuclei and releases energy."
"We're going to have about 350 times the amount of energy released from the earthquake than we have from the magnitude 6.2."
"Helium fusing releases a huge amount of energy."
"Embrace this period of healing as a sacred and necessary part of the journey, signifying the shedding of old energies and the preparation for a vibrant and balanced reunion with your twin flame."
"Oxidative phosphorylation... energies released from the transfer of electrons from one compound to the next."
"Releasing that energy is huge for stress; it's crucial."
"Cellular respiration is the process by which the energy that is contained in organic molecules can be released."
"When you break those bonds, that's when you're getting the energy."
"This is the best place to throw out your negative energy."
"Bonding always creates a scenario that's more stable than unbonded, and energy is always released."
"Catabolism is the process that breaks down food molecules, releasing their stores of energy."
"These types of reactions are very exothermic."
"The energy that is released is comparable to the atomic bomb that was used on Hiroshima."
"It's the rapid release of energy when you have movement along this plane that causes the ground to shake and earthquakes to occur."
"Nuclear energy is all about releasing the energy that's trapped inside atoms."
"Once you release this energy, that clarity is going to come."
"Look inward... it's time for you to release any kind of energies that are no longer serving your higher purpose."
"A higher foam stack height provides a softer feel; a wider shape provides a more stable ride, helping release energy with every step."
"It's all about broken open, opening yourself up, finding that inner balance to release all this negative energy."
"Letting go of negative energy will bring you success and victory."
"This is like a great shaking off of energy, like a dog shaking off after a bath."