
Strategic Timing Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"There's a window we have to go through and I think that we've started that process."
"There's been some new and important products that have hit the market since then so I feel now is an appropriate time to go through and rejig some of our choices for the first half of 2022."
"Have a general idea of which round you would like it to happen in."
"They timed their specials up well every single moment."
"I find that whenever bitcoin sentiment is very low, it's a very telling moment."
"Decisions made during this time are at one of the most opportune moments."
"Far too often I hear people say it's just the start of the window, wait till the end of the window."
"Whenever you're at your strongest, that's when you should make plays."
"Liverpool did what they needed to do, they scored at the perfect times."
"Chandra awakened inferno... can't be countered... clock is ticking."
"If you want the company that you once fell in love with, now is the time."
"The pivotal moment of this war is getting closer and it's getting way sooner than anticipated."
"Successful presidents better than me have been successful in large part because they know how to time what they're doing, order it, decide priorities."
"They are expected to merge in October like Henrik Fisker has stated, and I do expect a huge pop."
"They made sure that they waited for RDNA 2 to be full, they made sure that they had the hardware in there to do it."
"If they can fine-tune it and get to that magic number mark where they find 'Okay, we need 28 seconds to get onto this B site,' with this execute I think this team could be very deadly."
"The time window in which to do that is shrinking."
"In war, in baseball, and especially politics, timing is everything."
"Timing is everything in this country. It matters most in politics, and it matters most in comedy."
"That's gonna be a touchdown for the Saints. That's also gonna get Pittsburgh time to do something."
"It's good that we did score when we did because otherwise it probably would have just been a nil-nil draw at the end of the day."
"When the baddies think they're winning that's the exact time we strike back."
"The icing on the cake could be the timing of the launch of Tesla's Cybertruck."
"Recognize when to get aggressive and push the advantage, especially when the enemy team is at a disadvantage."
"For every soul ring that's cast on turn one, there's a soul ring cast on turn four that gets somebody back into the game."
"Releasing the white paper closer to the launch of essence will help make it even more successful, that's just it then."
"When a trend pops up, you don't want to be the last one to be on it. You want to be early, as possible."
"The focus is really on the right gear at the right time."
"Timing is everything and the timing is perfect for this deal."
"The dangerous parts in a game are right before half time."
"United have had this deal for Solksjaer already for two months. They wanted to announce it after the Europa League final but we lost and the timing wasn't right."
"It's important to know when to initiate and when to retreat."
"He takes the victory, what a well-timed performance tonight!"
"It was actually a pretty smart announcement to make on a Saturday."
"Level 11 on Jax is a pretty big power spike."
"If one completely distracts us, then that is the opportune time for the other to get set off."
"This is where Huns need to shine, Feudal Age to Castle Age, before the Celt economy really starts to overwhelm the Huns."
"If the answer is yes, you probably want to be picking up these tokens because you're probably not going to get a better opportunity to pick up these tokens than now while everybody is dumping."
"I decided it was the right time to sell and made over $200,000 profit from my new investment."
"And it would not have made sense at all to try and launch this two or three years ago."
"If you have the right strategy and the right information, it's like there's never been a better time to act."
"Always hold off for an upgrade until the last minute."
"Similar to Dark Petition and Yawgmoth's Will, this is a one-time Necropotence, and that's why it's specifically on your end step, at the only point where, in theory, you would be able to actually afford to lose."
"If you don't get him a lot before he gets his Battle Fury, you're gonna have a bad time against the hero."
"Bucks could be hot at the right time man I mean Tom Brady's been dishing it."
"It's okay to let the darkness go a little bit then peak your moment."
"When an opportunity presents itself, you have to step up to the plate… you have to capitalize on the opportunity when it's there."
"He's getting stronger, I'm going up, and I think it's the best time to catch Floyd Mayweather."
"If you die before they detonate, you won't get credit for the kills."
"Plan your chip strategy around when you're going to play your triple Captain."
"We are in a season of manipulation and what happens in manipulation is that news headlines are put out at strategic times to flood people out of the market or FOMO people into the market."
"Patience, take your time. There's no one forcing you to buy anything. Wait for your perfect pitch."
"Being patient is extremely important to find either the right trader and trade or just the right time to make one."
"Understanding that time does not benefit Western democracy is the global norm. Time benefits Russia." - Insight into the strategic considerations of different nations.
"Delays come at the cost of Ukrainian lives, increased risk of failure in Ukraine, and the erosion of the US's advantage over Russia."
"Do they truly love other people? Do they live like followers of the Messiah?"
"Timing is everything, and knowing when to execute."
"When the sun comes into the seventh house to join with Mars after August the 17th, very good business opportunities may arise for those of you in any business situation."
"The time was running out for Napoleon because Wellington's Prussian allies were getting closer to the battlefield."
"The renewed interest in Game B is not a moment too soon."
"For Russia to make the war go into 2024 gives us more time to get off the edge of the apartment building."
"Better to be right once when it matters than to be wrong several other times."
"The best time to prepare for growth is before the opportunity arrives."
"It's just a matter of capitalizing on the given situation at that moment."
"These opportunities in the market come when there are massive, massive insecurity."
"Options are always best at the end of the day."
"People are not satisfied with the field. Honestly, if Hillary Clinton were to make her grand re-entrance now would be about the time she should do it."
"We have to remember that the D.A. chose the time... he certainly surprised all of us... it was a master stroke."
"It's a no-brainer if you jump in on the Kickstarter today."
"I promised that at the right time we would pounce."
"This shows the box office wise waiting till January was a good move."
"The time is ripe and all we need is the right game."
"The next six months are probably the most pivotal in the history of the Cardano project."
"Is it kind of now or never? There isn't a significant gain during this summer, it's going to be big trouble for Ukraine."
"AMD really doesn't need to launch anything until Intel launches Fishhawk Falls."
"Shout out to my guy Neil on that one, as we waited all day for that and did that on purpose right there at the end."
"It felt like about the right time to bring back a love franchise." - Aaron Greenberg
"Timing your big moves for down moves is the most important driver of success."
"It's all about timing. There's no rush right now. They need a little pain and panic first. End of Q3 and all of Q4 will be the most intense and exciting months."
"It seems like the opportunity for wrestling companies to strike would be now because the McMahon's might not have a monopoly on wrestling inside Madison Square Garden for much longer."
"I always like to give you like a two minute window there to have your predictions."
"The Grizz dialing it up at the right time."
"Now time to take over, we just hit the game right."
"This looks like an opportunity, almost like the eye of the storm."
"Heaven's favorable timing, Earth's advantageous terrain, and harmony among the people."
"The Roman Senate had changed its tune and decided that war now was preferable to war later."
"When you sow during the rainy season, you have an advantage of the environmental conditioning favoring that agricultural pursuit."
"The best time to attack is not when you're feeling good, it's when everyone else is feeling bad."
"You make money on the days that it's easy to make money."
"It isn't his power, it's his speed and placement, partnered with perfect timing."
"We're in this sort of window now for the next few months where you have the opportunity to make some moves and make some money."
"He knew what would happen to Xerxes, and then He timed it right to send in a woman to save His people."
"It's a great time to score just before half time."
"Knowing when to make your move is incredibly important, and he has a gift at it."
"Investing material for quality and time is the classic Kasparov approach."