
Browser Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"The browser can now do the heavy lifting for you."
"The Aloha browser makes downloading things online very very easy."
"The tweak that made the browser insanely fast."
"The brave browser is the user first browser for the web3 internet with over 60 million monthly active users."
"Opera GX is a very awesome browser... so much more interesting than all the other ones."
"We all know what a performance hog Chrome can be, so it's fantastic to have a browser that you can rein in."
"I've been using Opera on desktop for a while now, and in my opinion, it's still the best browser that I've ever used."
"The hottest new web browser... Firefox was produced in an open source collaboration."
"Application consists of two parts: playing against a friend in the same browser and playing against the computer."
"Mozilla Firefox is what I personally use and is free and open source."
"I know with other internet browsers you have to open up new tabs to search for different social media platforms, but Opera GX actually has them on the sidebar."
"Firefox is the best browser. It's absolutely the best browser for me without a question."
"If you're on the fence to give it a try I'd say go for it, give it a try, see if this might be the browser that you've been missing, that you've been looking for."
"JavaScript has this killer feature which it's there in the browser so like take advantage of that fact."
"If you've heard of Brave, you're probably a privacy-focused individual."
"So now I can say, 'Yep, stay signed in,' Edge has identified that I've got a new account here so I could click sign in to sync data and then that keeps it all synced up together."
"Brave: Privacy-focused browser built on Chromium, blocks ads and trackers."
"The cross-platform support is really the strong selling point here for Brave."
"Bromite was a chromium-based browser."
"...Port 80 and Port 443 is used for by your browser."
"Opera GX is also all about accessibility and customization. You can customize the browser with special themes, wallpapers, and colors. You can literally make it look whatever way you want."
"Opera GX is a new browser that might not be for everyone but they're on a mission to make surfing the internet a fun experience for weebs of all shapes and sizes."
"We'll find out which browser is now totally dominant in the world and then we'll find out what Google's doing to protect your privacy."
"The Samsung browser is actual hell for whatever reason on a lot of devices Samsung has decided to not use Chrome and instead use their own thing."
"I'll die on that hill. I'll use Firefox or any other engine than Chromium and Blink, and yeah, I'll still stand by it."
"It's honestly the best browser you can find."
"That's the browser that is going to keep me there for the rest of all eternity and it's going to be awesome... Obviously, such a browser does not exist."
"Finally, this is one you should probably do every once in a while, no matter what browser you have, and that's review what site permissions you have granted."
"Chrome being Ram [ __ ] is very real."
"This does tend to vary by browser. Sometimes things might be kept around longer than you expect. But, by default, this is going to ensure that, essentially, the cookie is deleted when you quit the browser."
"The Tor browser is a browser forked from the popular Firefox that anonymizes your web traffic using the Tor network."
"Tor is completely free and open source, allowing the code for the browser to be inspected and audited by third parties."
"The Tor network is designed to be completely free and open source, allowing the code for the browser to be inspected and audited by third parties."
"Cloud Shell: command-line interface within your browser to manage resources directly."
"One tab can save up to 95% memory."
"Check out OneTab next time you're working with several tabs."
"Firefox was the sexy cool thing that represented a lot of the cutting-edge technologies and all that kind of stuff."
"So we, because we are browser engineers, we think about it in terms of engines, but we need to kind of speak the same language with our customers, so we need to explain so what are those browsers."
"Welcome to Opera GX, a browser focused on originality and creativity."
"Check out the link in the description below and download Opera for free."
"The browser itself is actually really, really good."
"JavaScript is about responding to what the user is doing on the browser."
"We're saying to the browser: okay, do all of your logic, everything that you need to do on this frame, and be ready on the second frame for something new."
"Full browser available in ultra power saving mode."
"It's pretty performant. It's really pretty impressive what JavaScript can do in a browser."
"...without any requirements for media queries and just letting the browser figure it out."
"The real part of the Swelt Kit is that changes of your code will reflect on the browser instantaneously."
"A lot of the browsers are up to date on this. You can see in here that Chrome has done this since 80. Mozilla has got it. Microsoft has it. So it's something you need to be aware of."
"It allows us to automate anything on our browser."
"Programming the browser is like ice-skating on bad ice."
"How much you can do just using native browser APIs."
"It's the pure data representation of what you see rendered in the browser."
"Not only is it the best functioning browser for literally everything - in my opinion."
"If you're developing and if you see that the browser is kind of like caching your changes, you can enable this and boom, your caching is gone."
"WebAssembly is suitable for the browser for two main reasons: the code can be run on any platform for which there is a WebAssembly runtime, and code is always run in a sandbox environment."
"You can write code in those languages and then run it in the browser. It's really cool."
"Control Shift T will open the most recent tab that you closed in Chrome."
"If we've done everything correctly, we should now be able to go over to the browser and see we have a functioning map."
"Camellio... allows you to spoof and change your browser fingerprint."
"The security of your private key and your password depend on your browser security."
"If you're thinking which browser will be the last to implement anything, you've guessed it right, it's Internet Explorer."
"The same-origin policy underpins the security of your web browser."
"Interact with those applications that are desktop applications running inside of a browser."
"Every activity a human being does on your web browser, Selenium can help you replicate that."
"Chrome isn't actually the best browser to use on a Mac, believe it or not, it is actually Safari because Safari has been optimized for the macOS operating system."
"Metamask will turn our browser into a crypto compatible browser."
"Firefox is still one of the browsers that you can download and still receive security updates for."
"Install your favorite web browser into your Zorin operating system."
"The job of a browser, its main responsibility really, is to render these three technologies: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript into a web page that we can actually understand and look at."
"Shader coding is like making cool little graphic effects directly in the browser."
"That was a full Epic level. We're talking AAA game stuff running in our browser now."
"It's the only browser that puts you first."
"Microsoft Edge these days is not so bad."
"Safari has been pretty good when it comes to privacy."
"DuckDuckGo is probably the most popular third-party browser that is very privacy conscious."
"Let the browser be your application."
"Chrome is built for simplicity, security, and speed."
"Wow, this is so crazy, you can do everything in a browser."
"Imagine that your browser is a planet."
"You can filter by each one of those dimensions and then come up with subsets that recompute very quickly on the browser."
"Blazer WebAssembly apps run in the browser on a WebAssembly-based .NET runtime."
"It's similar to an assembly language, but it runs natively inside the browser."
"You literally shipping .NET DLLs to the browser."
"Pie script is amazing; it lets us put Python code directly in the browser and interact with the third-party libraries."
"Let's have a look at that in the browser, and there's the form with its two inputs and the submit button."
"The real advantage here is being able to use the power of Python and the packages that it comes with in the browser."
"If you have MetaMask installed, it means that MetaMask the extension actually turns your browser into a blockchain compatible browser."
"Let's go ahead and just test this in the browser, make sure it looks good."
"This decentralized browser has become one of the default browsers on Androids all over Europe and the UK."
"If you have repetitive tasks that you do in your browser, you can most likely automate them with Selenium."
"The browser to me is an operating system that I want to develop really high performant high-end applications in."