
Financial Metrics Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Earnings is not the metric to use when you are valuing Amazon."
"They have a massive yield of almost 7% a good payout ratio of about 45% a great five-year growth rate of over 25 percent and six years of growth."
"The numbers are gargantuan for this company."
"Total gross margin 29.1 percent, that's up 780 basis points from last year."
"Beyond Meat sells for 14 times 2021 revenue, the tattooed chef sells for 5.4 times 2021 projected revenue."
"Revenue growth and operating margins drive the value of this company."
"You can't place orders on it, you can't make money on it, it's a venerated metric that doesn't mean anything."
"Volumes in January 2021 were larger than the entire year of 2019."
"No Time to Die took in $56 million over the first three days."
"Understanding investor mindset is key to valuing a company."
"EBITDA: earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization, a measure of profitability."
"What drives equity returns in the long run is simply a function of one thing: economic value added."
"Tesla's cash ROIC is at 23, within a stone's throw of Amazon."
"Extreme commitment is essential for achieving greatness."
"Positive free cash flow, EBITDA, and net income for every single company."
"Truly attractive valuations when PEG ratio is one and a half times or lower."
"Tesla is pretty much at a $10 billion per year EBITDA run rate which is fantastic... pov ratios don't give adequate valuation metric or framework to really know how to value growth companies."
"Despite being massively down, Tesla's margins are still industry-leading."
"Equity valuation is not just behavioral; it's an actual number published every quarter."
"Gamma tells you how much more money you can make."
"We've talked about this hundreds of times at this stage now, any value above zero indicates the networking is in a state of net profit while values below zero indicate the state of net loss."
"Return on equity tells you how much net income a company generates per dollar of invested capital."
"Tesla's operating margin is above the S&P 500 and double the average of the Auto industry."
"The only number that matters is this percentage over here."
"When we look at my weighted average free cash flow yield of every one of my companies... I would rather take the portfolio that's a slightly higher valuation but growing at a much more rapid Pace."
"Interest coverage ratio is already falling precipitously."
"Gross margins hit a low of 12.5% last year, now at 20.6%."
"The higher the earnings per share, the better a company's profitability."
"No one talks about that return on invested capital number that's the stealth number that we really should be focused on."
"The more the price to free cash flow drops, the higher your position size."
"Build portfolios using methodologies like token metrics and the crypto power index."
"...longterm share price growth is driven by earnings per share growth and free cash flow per share growth."
"The average spend per conversion is your customer acquisition cost."
"Higher coverage ratios and lower payout ratios imply safe dividends."
"Return on assets, return on equity, and return on capital."
"High Returns on Capital employed are the most important identifier of the quality of a company."
"The Returns on Capital Employed of 35-36% and earnings growth assumptions of 10% were off the charts."
"Every number has its role to play, don't let them stand in for each other, don't mix them up because that's the roadway to double counting confusion."
"Operating margin... captures the profitability of business."
"A 15 PE is an earnings yield of 6.67%, the minimum threshold of earnings yield I'm willing to accept as an investor."
"Earnings per share is simply the earnings available to common shareholders divided by the number of outstanding shares."
"The price to free cash flow is single digits, 9.85."
"One of my favorite metrics is the PEG ratio, and this is a ratio of how much money you're paying for growth."
"So, earnings before interest, tax, and amortization: what is the percentage of revenue?"
"For ROEs of 35-40, price to free cash flow of five-six is superb."
"Efficiency ratios measure how much you generate as revenues for every dollar capital invested."
"So we're still over our hundred ROI percentage, which is great."
"Knowing the VCE value is very important."
"The operating margin also expanded by 7% to a net of 32%."
"The average true range... gives you an idea of how much a given asset moves, how volatile it is."
"Good tech companies have high returns on capital employed; they're typically asset light with high gross margins."
"Free cash flow is often considered more reliable as a measure of a company's income than reported earnings."
"The NPV, while not huge, is positive; the IRR is greater than the weighted average cost of capital."
"We have the total sales amount, the amount of commission, and we've also calculated the commission percentage based on the total sale price."
"The payout ratio is a great indicator of dividend sustainability and the potential for growth."
"The Sharpe ratio is used to maximize returns while avoiding as much risk as possible."
"You can see the project evaluation, the NPV, project IRR, Equity IRR, Break Even period, and break even sales as well."
"Companies that convert EBITDA into free cash flow at a higher percentage are deserving of a higher valuation multiple."
"Enough with the revenue vanity metrics. Let's start talking profit here."
"The gross yield is the amount of annual rent divided by the property value, expressed as a percentage."
"We compute the CM ratio by taking your contribution margin divided by your sales."
"The internal rate of return is the point where your net present value is equal to zero."
"Return on invested capital 5 years 24%, last year's 30%."
"The story you tell about a company's growth is going to determine every one of the numbers: growth number, margin number, and reinvestment number."
"Much more important than that revenue growth for banks, you always want to look at this return on average tangible common shareholders equity."
"Margin equals gross profit divided by sales times 100%."