
Holiday Anticipation Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Oh my gosh, Christmas is right around the corner."
"I want the tacky red and green already December."
"It's mischief night so I'm not going to be too late for trick-or-treating, that's tomorrow bro, that's tomorrow."
"I prefer Christmas Eve. I prefer the journey rather than the end. It's like going on holiday. I love the flight, I love the... I love the ga, I love going on holiday more than I actually enjoy the holiday sometimes."
"2021 has been an interesting year but we are all looking forward to spending some time with our friends and family once again this holiday."
"By Christmas this year, standing on that, waiting for Christmas miracles."
"We're gonna wake up to a white Christmas almost for sure, you guys."
"I'm not gonna open any presents until he gets back."
"Given how what a hellish dystopia we've lived in for several months I think Christmas was the only thing people were looking forward to."
"We love you guys! Seriously, we're so excited for Christmas, too." - Unknown
"I know Halloween is coming up it is very very close now less than a week away."
"Take your time, get it right, and if we have to wait all the way until the holidays of 2021, that's fine."
"I love the build-up for Christmas so much, I just love the atmosphere."
"I literally can't wait, I haven't tasted one of these since last Boxing Day."
"I know a lot of people don't like talking about this stuff this early but, you know, once you get past Halloween, you just have to accept it."
"It's almost Christmas. They have to be coming today."
"Santa's waiting for you all. Yes, sir, absolutely."
"Let's get through Halloween first, okay, and then Christmas."
"Good morning, Runway Ranch. It is about 2 weeks before Christmas, and it's supposed to be 60 degrees today, which obviously I love."
"Just that Christmas morning anticipation, you never know what's going to be there waiting on you the next morning."
"Christmas is coming up very soon, like next week."
"We're really excited for this next holidays in Miami."
"We're gonna have a Thanksgiving dinner like no one else has ever seen before."
"It's basically most Halloween, which then means it's basically Thanksgiving, which means it's basically Christmas."
"Fall is moving along here, pretty soon we'll be into Thanksgiving and then Christmas."
"Can you believe Christmas is less than a week away?"
"Who doesn't want a gentle reminder that Christmas is coming up?"
"We are hoping to go soon, that Christmas maybe."
"It's insane how we have four more days until Christmas."
"I'm always looking forward to cozying up and Christmas and that kind of thing."
"Christmas is almost here, I know we still have Thanksgiving, but it just always feels like Christmas is just sneaking up."
"We're going for four nights, I believe, five days, four nights."
"I'm so excited for going back home for Christmas, I'm just going to watch TV nonstop."
"I'm definitely ready for the holidays. I'm excited to share the gifts I got for my family with them."
"I really can't get over how soon Christmas is."
"I'm not forgetting about Thanksgiving; I'm just choosing to expedite Christmas this year."
"Christmas is literally like less than 10 days away; it's crazy how fast the holidays have crept up on us."
"I love the fall up until Christmas; it's like my favorite time of the year."
"Can you believe that this was the last weekend before Christmas? That is really wild."
"It's such a beautiful season and it's a preface to holidays. How seriously, how could you not like this site?"
"Christmas is coming is the note that is sounded throughout our world from east to west, from north to south."
"I'm so excited for Christmas; we're not even close, but I'm excited."
"Christmas Eve is coming soon, now, are you dear old man?"
"It's too early for Christmas music."
"It's going to be the 1st of December tomorrow, which means that Buddy the Elf brings the boys' calendars."
"The countdown to Christmas is on, and I am very much looking forward to it."
"I am very excited at the prospect of a holiday and feeling some warmth."
"Talk about exciting for Christmas."
"We are only a few weeks away from the holidays, from Christmas."
"I can't believe Christmas is getting so close."
"You know the holidays are coming up when Costco puts these out."
"Next year's Christmas may look different than this one, and that's why I'm really enjoying this year."
"I cannot believe that Christmas is right around the corner."