
Legal Battles Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Major news this morning: Kerry Lake has a massive victory in her election lawsuit."
"I think they have decided to try to beat Johnny at his own game."
"It's a systemic problem that there weren't a bunch of Republican lawyers fighting like crazy."
"Every time we win a case on one of these solid legal arguments, the left is going to go out there and say they just want to kill bunnies."
"We're waiting for lawsuit heavy Pennsylvania, but we're also going to have to wait for Arizona and Florida and Ohio and those so-called blue wall states."
"At the end of the day, President Trump knows that these cases are going to be decided by the American people on November 5th, 2024, regardless of what happens in the courts."
"Epic made a calculated decision here, so probably can look forward to this fight continuing for at least the next nine months."
"This has been the long game and only now half a century later are we possibly seeing roe v wade overturned."
"She won't do a damn thing unless they remove the entire conservatorship."
"The fight is not over, there will be legal challenges and other ways to continue battling for a free and open Internet."
"Women fight you in the court of public opinion and in the legal court."
"Sinister plot that transcends the Realms of divorce and custody battles."
"Legacy is owned by fans, not by the club. They need to win that court case."
"I'm a very happy man right now because after like two years of constant legal battles... I'm finally after all this time a free man from legal troubles."
"Federal appeals court has temporarily blocked... enforcing a new rule regulating guns equipped with pistol braces."
"Olivia de Havilland fearlessly took on Hollywood in two high-profile lawsuits."
"Nintendo should change the way they do it and and go more in line with the other companies but no they're gonna fight in the courts and they're gonna say [ __ ] you guys."
"Patents and trademarks have become a nuclear stockpile in a legal game of mutually assured Tech destruction."
"In my eyes one of the most iconic legal battles at the start of this era of litigation happened in the early to mid 1970s."
"I think this bill is going to pass and I think that we're going to see a big legal fight ahead of us."
"One of the major themes that doesn't get picked up about the NDAs that I fought is guess what election interference."
"Muhammad Ali won his fight with the US government."
"Acquiring frame, Rock Solid self-belief, is what you should be aspiring for as a man."
"His entire reputation is on the line here. And the truth is that even if he wins this defamation lawsuit, the 'I stand with Amber Heard' herd of sheeps here are still going to believe that he's guilty. That's the truth."
"The battle is not just in the streets, it's in the courtrooms and the executive suites as well."
"Twitter has a really good record because Twitter was fighting really hard and has lost every time."
"I think that Johnny Depp won in the court of public opinion on day one."
"This is a battle that can affect every school child potentially in the country."
"This divorce will be one of the messiest in celebrity history."
"The real threat to our democracy is these baseless Witch Hunt investigations and lawsuits against President Trump."
"Billy Mitchell isn't finished, he's now trying to go to the Supreme Court over this."
"Judicial Watch has nearly 50 lawsuits to expose this most massive corruption scandal in American history."
"Even if you're right, you're still wrong when you're fighting the IRS."
"I was not afraid to fight back and I cost them a huge sum of money."
"I walked away with a good amount of money and more importantly the knowledge that the HOA can lose."
"Larry Flynt's legal battles on the grounds of free speech continued into the 80s, even going as high as the Supreme Court."
"In the end, the courts forced the company to pay fees totaling, get this, one million dollars."
"Ronald McDonald, who himself was kind of a sketchy copy, may have lost some of his explicit rip-off friends as a result of the court's decision."
"We're the little guys, nobody is going to give a about us or our legal claims."
"Scientology was brought to court numerous times by the city and the IRS for this. Luckily for the church, they eventually succeeded in having Scientology declared a religion, which granted them tax-exempt status."
"When you see your name on a piece of paper basically the Chrisleys versus the United States of America."
"The constant legal battles with Mattel and just really Mattel doing everything in their power in general to try and shut down MGA really hindered a lot of their potential in ways that were felt for years upon years."
"After decades of legal battles, the future is looking bright for Subaraya Productions and Ultraman."
"Copyright lasts longer so it's a fight."
"Spears faced personal and legal challenges that captivated public attention, particularly her battle to end a conservatorship."
"While we stand in court, we do not stand alone. This is our collective fight."
"Even if he loses, he's won back the court of public opinion."
"It would be far more economical to keep Ted in prison than for the state of Florida to keep dashing through the minefields of legal battles."