
Tactical Decisions Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Board Wipes are for when single-target removal isn’t enough!"
"Why would he even Expo that early? I had the Elixir for a Tesla, I just didn't expect him to do anything."
"If they play into Gragas and you play the champs like Renekton, you have to try and outplay the dive."
"These new systems in 2.2 present so many more interesting and tactical choices."
"It's better that we take heavy losses now, get those cavalry killed, than to leave them alive and have to tip the balance in a critical fight later on."
"We have the ultimate weapon against them, but we’re not going to use it. Not yet, anyway."
"From Russia's standpoint using a tactical nuclear weapon to destroy a Bridgehead or a troop concentration is a 105 pound problem that needs to be moved from point A to point B."
"Objections are strategic, there is so much that you can object to choosing when to object matters."
"I'm gonna destroy this light Mount that makes sense, the Bastion of remembrance that also makes sense, and the Sunbirds invocation that makes even more sense."
"Just don't shoot the Bubbles, right? The thing is though, you have to shoot the Bubbles at some point."
"You should take those S-tier items and you should immediately drop them down away."
"We're waiting on exfil but... crushed him, we were not leaving him."
"I like the fact that the Night King used his powers to protect his troops."
"Hurting your enemy is sometimes more important than pleasing your base with policies they actually like."
"Are we gonna wipe out the Tychus wave with our stalkers while we're fighting under planetary range?"
"Wow, those got a little bit close there for my liking, but we were able to chip away."
"But usually the things that are going to allow you to get more kills and be aggressive don't necessarily align with winning."
"Tactical decisions focus on specific day-to-day issues like resources needed, schedules, and quantities to produce."
"I suppose this is a step forward for you, but I'm afraid I don't have a tail at all."
"Emerson will get played left wing back before Paul will get."
"It was a brilliant managing drive of those soft tires. I was absolutely stunned when I saw him coming off the grid on a set of softs." - Sam Collins
"Forming an alliance with Rison, now Rison depending on your request sometimes your mission will be to conquer them."
"Why isn't John and Tony on the ground? Okay, I understand why you hesitate."
"But Alfred's prioritization of speed control and KO and Connor's Pokemon early to try and force in dendozo made this set so close."
"Game nine, once again we could dunk an invade while the enemy has a nice juicy gray bar, but oh man, it's just so important to get that extra two."
"Generous people just save you a lot of time if you only fight the battles that would otherwise have been a devastating loss."
"They realized that the Necrons had committed just enough forces to make sure the battle would be won, but once victory was in sight, they had completely abandoned them."
"It's a highly unlikely maneuver... But overall, the sense of not really knowing what's going on, the sense of having to make decisions, the sense of this cat and mouse is all really good."
"I do end up getting the heimerdinger now I guess maybe it paid off maybe the greed play paid up but just because something paid off doesn't mean it's actually the correct play it is definitely correct just to put the jeweled gauntlet on the karma."
"Wow, what a massive flop and Queens just gets out of there."
"You need your actions to be more valuable than your opponents. You need to come out ahead with the exchanges."
"Read the enemy team's positioning to make informed decisions."
"Admirals matter: Choose wisely. Traits like Seawolf, Silent Hunter, Torpedo Expert are key."
"Drone War as we see it here is all about forcing your opponent into a lose-lose decision."
"This game is so tactical and strategic any little thing can turn the attack one way or the other."
"I'm just showing them a little love, you know? I'm like, 'You know what, let these troops at least fight here without getting harassed in the rear.'"
"Flipping the card over to the number two side gives you such a rush."
"The decisive terrain in this war was the people and it was the hearts and minds of the local populace."
"Kills will scale on placement so closer to endgame kills will be worth more so now players are going to have to decipher is it worth taking a fight early game or should we wait till the middle of the game."
"Chronic not happy with her kickoffs, decides to fake one, and Lane blaze not falling for it."
"If you want to do something different, go all in on your graveyard."
"Equip wisely and choose your battles - strategy is key."
"Pay attention to enemy loadouts for perk decisions."
"If you just got rid of the ranged formation for now then it would just all of a sudden be really easy to understand that formations are just stats and armaments are more stat that are just chained on to a specific formation."
"Gathering enough intelligence to find the mastermind of the operation is the goal."
"Nightmare goblin was like the card in second place that if they don't hit the firewall they basically had to hit nightmare goblins."
"It's nice to take in the scenery sometimes, but sometimes you just want to get on with it."
"This is the moment we want to counter-attack."
"Convenient that he’d want to remain there for the duration of the game."