
Magical Elements Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Access to powerful magic... absolutely worth it."
"New possibilities unfold with elements of magic."
"This thing can handle the magic. Inside the crafting table, we can use the magic sticks and one of the magic essence in order to craft ourselves the YouTuber wand."
"Cast spells, slay monsters, discover secrets, and save the world."
"This book honestly sounds enchanting. I'm particularly drawn to the magic itself."
"Different worlds, girls wielding weapons, and now Fox poison magic. Next on the list: a talking, talkative magic sword."
"Suddenly You Are Not Alone a phantom Voice issues from the wood itself oh stranger do you know the spell which controls the gate uh no I do not."
"It was so cute and so magical and very whimsical."
"Willow wands are uncommon wonder wood with healing power."
"It's truly one of the most fantastical and magical elements of the show."
"Oddly enough, people were talking about a magic update."
"The syrup grants you whatever you desire most."
"If he slaps you with this ruler, that means he'll have a magical spell. That means I might find true love."
"A beautiful and cruel new land, twisted monsters, an array of magical abilities, sentient jewelry. Welcome to the world of ForSpoken."
"Someone has stolen magical stones from one of our safes."
"The purpose of howlers of course being red letters that deliver a message expressing significant displeasure or anger in a manner which standard writing could not adequately convey."
"It could be symbiotic organisms... temporary spells... magical tattoos."
"Maybe Red Skull went full magic on this thing, opening a dimension."
"Potion brewing, along with enchanting, is one of the more magical elements of Minecraft."
"I feel like the thing that I can do that might turn this around is like... if the unicorn got out, it would be really mad at these guys."
"The magic is stunning in this and has so many different forms."
"The nimbus cloud was a great means of transportation."
"One Little Mermaid Theory suggests that Ursula wants Ariel's voice so badly because she knows it holds real magical properties..."
"All it needed to become a Disney classic was just faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie dust."
"Magic is supposed to be op in order to counteract how ridiculous the monsters are."
"Simple warns them away with the magic wand and tie things up. They die to their own sword, you know."
"There's no real danger or magic involved in the Canon of the show."
"The brilliant atmosphere, challenging combat, and superb storytelling are a magical recipe that any potions master would be proud of."
"But it's exactly what Agatha wants. Oh my God, oh my God, she's lifting the hex!"
"I like how fast everything moves, you back up and regroup that magic. Holy cow, this is the ultimate."
"It's just a contemporary book this isn't that but if you wanted a magical or paranormal book it's not that either it's rooted in reality with the slightest amount of unexplained strangeness."
"Magic in Nightingale is tethered to weapons and tools."
"Wait, why is my sword on fire? That's awesome!"
"He thought he must be able to awaken because the Crystal reacted to him and he knew that the blue light represented the magic system."
"I think what we have here is a wonderful opportunity to appreciate that magic is somewhat rare."
"Magic is a major aspect in all realms of fiction... with fighting games being no exception."
"It's not just rolling dice at each other and seeing who wins there's uh you know these asymmetrical powers and you all have spell books that you're trying to unlock."
"I was hooked by the whole Lady Tremaine getting the magic wand thing."
"Time in this world wasn't measured by something like a clock." - "Time in this world wasn't measured by something like a clock; it was measured by what's known as a magic time crystal."
"Lara and her mother crash-landed their plane in Nepal, and her mother has disappeared through a magical portal."
"I loved it, the moving staircase was my favorite part."
"The first one had all the elements of things that I really like: it's like a competition, there's a really cool magic system, etc."
"The iron ore in the owner's hand began to crack, and in an instant, a soft blue light poured from the cracks."
"There are dragons and talking trees after all."
"It's magic rope, okay? Jesus, credit where credit's due, dude."
"Quirky crew trying to pull off an impossible heist with also a magic system that is like magical coding."
"I think it's cool that the One Piece world is just a fantastic world with some magical elements."