
Enemy Design Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"All these different elements at play make Nemesis easily the hardest enemy I have ever tried to consistently beat in any game I've ever played."
"Each zombie boss we have, such as the Brenner, such as the Wüstling, the pests, they are all very unique in appearance and the way that they behave."
"Giant spiders! They're dumb and fit the world of Unreal like a glove."
"This mod... will change the enemies to have a bit of an identity or attack style themselves... Each enemy type will pose a different type of threat... and the personal attention to the bosses is very appreciated."
"We're missing the inspired enemies the first two games had."
"Some of the best enemy and environment designs I've ever seen."
"There's normal enemies and then there's the big dog wolves that wear the masks, 'cause they're into weird stuff, crazy."
"Enemies and bosses are fun to fight, with different patterns you gotta figure out in order to beat, making for some really intense moments!"
"Half-Life pulls off creating the belief the enemies are thinking."
"Patrolling enemies in games freak me out, the idea that something is designed with your slightest mistakes in mind only for them to chase you down makes any horror game scary to me."
"The Prometheans don't have any weaknesses; any possible."
"Doku is the coolest thing about this game and it's by far the best enemy design."
"Rarely are you simply chewing through disposable ax fodder; instead, your enemies are often fighting for something as important to them as your quest is to you."
"The nemesis system created the most deliciously annoying enemies in all of gaming."
"Encounters with the nemesis enemies in Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War were always meaningful."
"Enemy variety and combat mechanics in Far Cry 6 offer a familiar yet engaging experience for players."
"The Suicider in Dead Island: The blisters are not just for show."
"The enemies are all deadly in their own ways, the variety is interesting, its arenas are fun and well designed."
"A brand new enemy class from another dimension that our current weapons can't do anything to, not because our weapons are too weak, but because they just aren't effective, you know?"
"The Scorn are potentially one of the most terrifying enemies in the entirety of Destiny."
"Sunken Valley Passage: A vertical area with primate snipers and sword monkeys scattered throughout."
"The gunners are no longer just better raiders but an actual enemy."
"These guys look amazing in-game, their animations fighting them, and they can be pretty devastating at points."
"The Division 2 shines... enemies don't really feel like bullet sponges."
"The underworld has a lot of identity to it... Most of the enemies in the underworld are pretty unique and special."
"Bioshock that made it really work was the fact that everything tied together the enemy design the weapon design the powers and the place all tied together."
"The capacity of the parasite to mimic other enemies is quite the daunting thing to witness."
"The banished are fantastically fun enemies to fight."
"Stalkers are the best enemy in a survival horror game, absolutely terrifying."
"They're not just monsters looming out of the dark to kill you, they're highly trained, experienced veteran troopers."
"In the next video, we are going to give our spaceship an enemy because right now the space it's looking very lonely for a spaceship."
"And this new swampy variant to zombie can be devastating to come across."
"The enemies are the most random chaotic things I've ever seen in the game."
"The enemies aren't slouches either, you'll be hard-pressed to survive in a good amount of the encounters you come across."
"The core combat is as good as it's been since Super Metroid, and AM2R brings back all the familiar SR-388 creepy crawlies."
"Enemies are a bit strange and then they work against a lot of your established instincts as to what's going to morph what and what isn't."
"But every now and then you'll just come across a room like this and okay what the [__] it's the enemies their placement their attacks and how you deal with them there is an enemy that spawns almost exclusively in areas with chasms."
"SIF fight really isn't anything to cry home about, but what the fight does have to offer is a badass-looking foe."
"You can go crazy with different enemy types while still keeping your logic organized and easy to read."
"The enemies in Ultra Kill rock because they're unique, they work together really well, and collaborate alongside your arsenal."
"We're just going to be making the enemy blueprint and making sure that it's always going to be running at and chasing the player."