
Ecological Importance Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Saving soil is vital to maintain life on our planet."
"First 12 to 15 inches of soil in the world is responsible for 87 of life on the planet including you and me."
"Terence had a great reverence for mushrooms everything from how they grow to their place in the universe."
"We should think of them as flying keys to longevity and resilience."
"If the bee goes away, we're done as a society in the world, that is a really good in distress he made that point."
"Ants are important decomposers in all ecosystems of the world."
"The future of life on earth depends on whether small mammals like the sugar glider can find a way to rebound."
"Venomous snakes as a whole are really important to the ecosystem."
"Bees help pollinate 35% of the world's food."
"Whales maintain a crucial position in the aquatic food chain and yet have been hunted close to extinction."
"Without insects, but especially bees, our food system wouldn’t necessarily collapse, but many more people would go hungry."
"The Florida Keys' coral reefs: supporting 25% of marine species."
"The Himalayas are the water tower of Asia, supplying fresh water to a fifth of the world's population."
"The Coral Triangle has been called the global center of marine biodiversity."
"Symbiotic relationships between marine creatures are crucial to many species' survival underwater."
"The largest mushrooms are wood-decaying fungi that grow on massive substrates."
"Everybody should be obsessed with mushrooms... they play critical roles in the ecosystem."
"The ice caps are essential to planet Earth and they're in big big trouble."
"Trees keep the air clean and breathable for all living beings on earth, they help absorb the heat, give us shade, and provide nutrients to the soil."
"The Amazon rainforest, the largest tropical rainforest in the world, is not only a Haven for biodiversity but also a cradle of ancient civilizations."
"Bees are essential for like one out of three bites of food people don't get."
"There is no doubt that apex predators are valuable to the ecosystem."
"They are amazing, and they're important for our ecosystems."
"Birds of prey are so important for our environment because they manage all the other animals below them in the food chain."
"Every individual actually is important to the population."
"Carbon dioxide is the gas of life and without it there would be no life."
"Bees and bee pollination is actually responsible for a full third of the food we eat in the U.S."
"They are Troopers for me. The pollinators love them."
"Stevens Point is culturally and ecologically the center of the state."
"Without bats, we wouldn't have tequila."
"The world without birds would really not be one."
"If bees ceased to exist, we'd only have like four years to live."
"Without bees, these foods would be much harder to grow."
"We do need the bees, we found that out recently."
"If humans disappear, the Earth will be just fine; if bacteria disappear, we will all die immediately."
"Why is he important? Because frogs... it's like the food cycle."
"Fire in this country is very important to the ecology, to the people who lived here traditionally."
"The oyster is the most important animal in the Bay."
"We have to understand which sets of organisms are most important and the habitat that promotes their continued existence and reproduction."
"One reason bats matter so much to us is because they eat animals we are often less fond of: insects."
"The Amazon rainforest is not only a vital ecological treasure but also a repository of rich human history."
"They're the backbone of the animal kingdom."
"Forests are beautiful and they're so important for us and for the animals who live there."
"Grasses matter because they are the most widespread plant family globally, covering almost every continent."
"These pollinate crops that feed 90% of the human population, without you guys, we'd be dead, humans would just die."
"Periodical cicadas play a vital role in their ecosystem, and for that, we can be grateful to them."
"Without the overlooked life forms, plankton and insects, many larger animals would have no food from which to live."
"The nitrogen is very important for life."
"Vultures are an extremely important animal in our ecosystem."
"If every single bee dies today, we all die."
"Every species has its place in the ecosystem, and they're all important, and so if you take one out, it affects everything else."
"Without algae, which many of us think of as fairly slimy and disgusting, we wouldn't be able to breathe."
"Vultures are hugely important to an ecosystem."
"Certain types of grasses are exceptionally valuable to the different creatures."
"Zebras are very much important when it comes to the ecosystem."
"They're an important component of many ecological functions, like nutrient cycling and oxygen cycles."