
Film Techniques Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Making evil seem okay or making us root for the bad guy."
"Sometimes less dialogue can get more across."
"Montages are some of the sweetest, coolest, most satisfying scenes ever."
"There are a ton of creative uses of animation throughout this film."
"The ratcheting of the tension is super good and I think it pairs well with the score."
"Wes Craven cleverly uses claustrophobic camera angles to add suspense to the scene."
"Dream sequences in films are like drug sequences, another area you're allowed to go all out."
"Neil Burger used a lot of reflective surfaces throughout the film to illustrate the theme of identity."
"Subtle reaction shots can be just as powerful or devastating as the line that they're reacting to."
"The title card is a joke on jump scare... that's amazing."
"I like that sort of weird eeriness a lot of stop-motion brings to the table."
"Cross-cutting to pique interest, build tension, and carefully divide the delivery of necessary information."
"Lighting creates an atmosphere for your scene and can even strip specific emotions from your audience for certain lighting techniques."
"Your opening statement is lighting up the shot. No, no, that's a pretty serious. It is, it's a pretty one. Yeah, oh, it's a pretty one."
"Silence in movies can be used to convey emotion."
"That's why nobody says 'goodbye' before hanging up the phone in movies."
"A lot of the songs are integrated so well into this movie... literal like they'll fire a machine gun to the beat."
"The camera work is what gives Yorgos Lanthimos films their distinct color."
"The show uses fanservice is like one of those red lasers from Men in Black."
"I liked that they were able to somehow resurrect the late Donald Pleasance not via deep fakes but through the combination of practical prosthetics."
"They used real fire in his sword with zero CG enhancements."
"Light motifs help the audience keep track of everything."
"It's better storytelling when a film can show you instead of tell you."
"Jump scares when utilized properly can be quite effective and make for an exciting experience."
"Cinematographers prove again and again that rules are meant to be broken."
"A quiet place one and two know just how to selectively use it to amplify attention."
"This creepy Prowler sound was actually made using the theme of Miles but backwards."
"Jump scares done right can be very effective."
"This movie is kind of like the magic trick that Nolan attempted in the prestige he is very good at misdirecting the audience to pull out genuinely shocking twists."
"First-person segment and it works within the context of the film."
"That cut from the close-up to the wide shot during your fall is some great A."
"The blink human beings blinking is the equivalent of in film cutting from one shot to another that Harriman himself is editing his own movie."
"It's meant to feel really personal and not only from a story perspective but the way the camera reinforces that."
"It's amazing how much of a story they're telling with just the color direction and the lighting."
"Both horror and comedy use very similar methods to invoke emotions bigly within their audiences."
"the house wakes up and in a shot that's so cool I actually had to rewind"
"Post-processing effects are essential. They make everything look and feel completely different."
"Color grading is hugely important when conveying a feeling to your audience."
"Slow motion makes movement graceful and significant."
"But that specificity worked for the film. It drew the audience to the character of pink and helped them to identify with him."
"The speed ramping and missing frames always enhancing every set piece with something new and engaging."
"It shows how small Cameron is when it comes to repeating techniques to add tension."
"We did all the scary movie things, the score, the coloring, the shots, we built stress and suspense in the audience then instead of a jump scare we got a jump comedy."
"Because of the way we process information and signals and cues as human beings, if you understand what that is in your film editing, then you can be much more affected by breaking it with discontinuity editing."
"Those jump scares are still landing... jump scares are cheap, but they can be truly effective."