
Investigative Approach Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"If you follow the money, you could see where the truth lies."
"Eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, has to be the truth." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
"Women shouldn't just be believed, investigate investigate investigate."
"Follow the evidence and try and understand the anomalies."
"To really understand and interpret a crime, you have to walk in the shoes of the offender as well as the victim…"
"To be a scientist, you have to allow your investigations to reshape your own presuppositions."
"I'm gonna find out a little bit more and see if I can start connecting some more dots."
"Despite this seemingly simple circumstances of her next case, Dr. G knows she must dig deeper to find the answers."
"Sunlight is the best disinfectant... the truth matters, sometimes to get at the truth you have to look beyond the facts."
"Money talks, and you have to follow the money. You follow the money, and you will be surprised of what you can find."
"Follow the money, that will get you to the main top guys."
"Not everything is what it seems... sometimes the best way to the truth is by debunking."
"Sometimes it takes one psycho to catch another."
"Follow the money, let's always remember that one."
"An unfinished castle is now our favorite theory."
"He has, by the little things, Lestrade. The little things that one must remember, the little things that make the difference between success and disaster. One must never forget that."
"Follow the money because it will answer so many questions."
"When you have what might be suspected to be homicide, historically, you start looking at who the people that know the person are."
"They're not just making baseless allegations but looking for proof."
"We want to try to get a better understanding if there might have been some kind of mechanical problem based on what they were perceiving."
"I started this channel looking for the truth."
"We're going to go back to the Crime Weekly Roots... and really get into one."
"It's a simple case of just follow the money."
"Just telling you guys where I'm at with the evidence. I'm okay being wrong."
"Follow the money, simplify, reduce the variables."
"It's actually not that hard... Follow the money and you find out how this stuff works."
"Wouldn't you want to get to the bottom of that and try to fix whatever the issue might be?"
"It's usually not just one thing, if you pull on the thread usually there are several other things that you can say."
"If this is some creaking creep luring victims on the spark, we should be the Minnesota game. All right, oh great. Ah, you know like it TV guys pretend to be children."
"In this business saying I was going to expose, we're looking at body language, facial expressions, word choice of all the players involved to figure out what's going on." - Cat Williams
"It's going to be a real detective task to find out what's going on."
"The investigation into Aubrey is a little different... all missing persons cases as homicides until they could prove it wasn't."
"Some of them, if I think they're really good, maybe we can investigate and figure out the different ways that we can help people."
"Would it not make more sense to pursue further understanding or investigation before making claims of mass graves murder and cover-up?"
"Eliminate the impossible; whatever is left, no matter how improbable, has to be the truth."
"That's all scientists do guys, is they're, they're detectives and they're just trying to make sense of the natural world."
"If you want to understand what's really going on, you follow the money."
"Before we knock on this scammer's door, let's take a look at how we found this mule and convinced them to receive our bait package."
"It's imperative that we gather facts before we build theories."
"We gotta get to the bottom of this thing, it's all fun and games."
"When you follow the money... you can find the sinister acts."
"We're the one who wants to get to the bottom of this. That's the reality. Let me bring some facts to their story."
"If you want to know the truth, follow the money."
"Could it be that the answer will be found by digging into history rather than digging on the island?"
"We have to play his game to find out more information."
"This is an unveiling. Let's pull this thing apart and see what's inside."
"It's worth a shot when you're concerned about a case and you're not sure of what direction to go in."
"Don't just tell me that you're afraid of some ghosts. No, you got to go further. You gotta record the facts, analyze, get to the how and the why, then present your conclusions."
"It was a non-traditional case, and Bottomly was a man of non-traditional methods."
"I visited the carnival and collected data on all the games and then used physics to expose which carnival games were rigged and then showed how to beat them."
"You have to be more investigators than applicators."