
User Management Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Be kind to our moderators because I'll nuke all of you from orbit."
"These are fantastic. They does all of the heavy lifting with the authentication of users."
"We're going to talk about users and privileges."
"I'm going to be creating different sheets for each different set of logins."
"Adding users is easy, adding groups is easy... Linux users groups and permissions is a lot simpler than in the Windows world."
"Saving the user is just as simple as saying form.save, and that's it."
"Netflix began cracking down on password sharing."
"What I'm going to do is pass the provider here is the current user."
"User authentication is crucial to every single website out there."
"Netflix gives account holders the ability to kick freeloaders."
"How would you add a user in Office 365?"
"In Windows, we could go through each individual user in the domain and specify what rights and permissions that particular user might need to be able to perform their job function."
"Identity Providers create, maintain, and manage identity for users across multiple separate identity management systems."
"To add or create a new user in Linux-based systems, you have to use the command 'useradd' or 'adduser' with the username. The username is a user login name that is used by the user to log into the system. Only one user can be added, and that username must be unique."
"User sbin no login means... that user is not going to be able to log in."
"Users are such an essential concept for every application. Bubble has them existing out of the box."
"Once the logout is done, then we need to make is authenticated user to false."
"You can assign trials to these users."
"Currently, we don't have any authentication in our application, but just for here, we can use the random uid to create a user."
"...all you do to add a new user is type add user followed by the name of the user and then you press enter."
"So as I've mentioned as well as creating and managing users you might also want to add a user or provide a user with admin role permissions."
"I'm just going to dump out all my guest users."
"Root user is the global user that gets created when your account is created for the first time. That's kind of a superuser."
"Making sure that user accounts are created, maintained, and eventually deleted is one of the most important tasks that a sysadmin can have."
"Domain Users is a group that contains every user account in the domain."
"We're just gonna add a role to a user."
"On large networks there is a good chance that two users will have the same user name."
"We should not be using our root user for the project."
"Users are a valuable asset because if we didn't have users we wouldn't even need to manage Linux servers."
"I highly encourage you, if you're going to have multiple people on here, set up everybody as their own separate user."
"My favorite feature of this app is the group conversations as well as the ability to edit the user participants in a particular conversation to either add or remove users."
"But if you've got thousands or millions of users to deal with, then you have to cope with some custom solutions."
"It's going to be a very simple user management service where a client can send a request to create a new user."
"It's a lot easier to manage if we add users into one or more groups, it means that we can manage their permissions while they're using the application."
"Grant users the minimum access required to do their work and nothing more."
"With Azure AD, they'll be able to handle multiple user logins without any issue."
"Cognito is a service that helps us to set up sign up, sign in, and have access control over the users who would be using our mobile and web app."
"You can control everything in Active Directory, specifically at the user level or computer level."
"You're not authorized, please contact admin."
"NTFS allows security to be applied to the file and folder level and supports users and groups."
"Profiles are templates that allow you to set permissions and settings within your Salesforce organization."
"Keycloak has a database which is able to store all the metadata about users."
"You can use it to save data, to create users, and do anything you want."
"So this allows you to control what your users can enter."
"One new attribute is last login time stamp. This is a useful feature that allows you to determine when a user last logged on to the domain."
"This tool will tell you if users are invalid or not."
"This level of control, this level of management of connected users for home or business as well as the analytical information that you can pull... is tremendously unique to this system."
"User life cycle management helps to alleviate that problem."
"So there you have it, SSO and then user lifecycle management working together in order to set up access to an application from Octa."
"The flexible plan is designed for organizations with a variable number of users, providing the flexibility to add or remove users at any time."
"Exclude current user, this is good practice, right? Because most of the apps you're going to be building, you're going to be looking at a list of users."
"We actually have users now that are being returned from the database and that's great."
"You also need to tell Filament which tenants a user belongs to."
"We're granting permission by creating a user abstraction in MySQL."
"AWS SSO makes it simple for them to create and manage users and groups without setting up any other infrastructure."
"Create user or update user API route."
"Complete user update functionality."
"The best practice is to create a group from day one and add users to that group."
"The idea here is to allow our users to create accounts, log in, log out, and have those users in a database."
"We just took care of login, logout, restricting pages, and registration."
"You can create multiple permission sets and you can also give one user multiple permission sets at one point of time."
"From an administration point of view, company administrators want to manage users and add them to roles through their Active Directory tool."
"You have the ability to choose which users and which groups are sent to Snowflake automatically."
"For user management, we have create, update, and delete users; change password; and search user by username and email."
"It's fairly trivial to figure out if a new user was added or deleted."
"Once we have the user saved in the database, we can then start doing stuff like serializing and deserializing the user upon every request."
"Devise is a gem that handles all of this user management stuff."
"We want to be able to see the users that we have in our database in our project."