
Culinary Success Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"This booth featured three new food items in 2023, each one was an absolute winner."
"Wow, I mean, it looks like it came from the same restaurant. I could cry."
"Now we can finally lift off of rock bottom, and it's all because of Chef Jen."
"I think we got it right, it's one of the best dosas I've ever had too."
"Look at that, that is awesome... Oh, that's perfect."
"It was amazing. I was like all these people are eating our place, you know what I mean? So look, I think it had to do with the chef, the food was phenomenal, his steak and fish dishes were amazing, the plating was amazing."
"If you owned the 10th best restaurant in the world, you'd have like a three-month waiting list. You're on fire."
"It's the best bread I have ever made, hands down. It is perfection, absolute perfection."
"The importance of why getting up to temperature will make or break your cooking experience."
"She hit it out of the park, the gravy melted it through the layers."
"After 372 curries, I finally took a victory bite."
"Despite the fact that I kind of messed up the timing on every single ingredient, the final product, dude, it might be the most delicious thing I've ever made in my life."
"With Gordon's help, the restaurant got a little 'make-over' and began to earn its 'Best pizza in Denver' title back!"
"The secret to success, truthfully, is local fresh ingredients."
"The end result is perfect and it tastes fantastic."
"The bun is like a semi-muffin-y sort of bun, and I put it in the toaster and it came out great—properly great."
"This meal ended up turning out amazing. I really liked it and I was very proud of myself."
"We were successful as far as people were enjoying our food."
"Every single time we've made these, they come out just amazing and like just super good and nice and thick and rich."
"Brined chicken wins, it stepped it up a notch."
"I definitely think the combination of the buttermilk marinade plus the flour and seasoning that this recipe has is a true winner."
"That fish comes right off the grill there is no sticking the cam chef strikes again."
"That's the most delicious thing I've made in a while."
"That may be one of the greatest feelings in the world when you've got a recipe or a cake that comes out of the pan perfectly."
"And just like that, after about 35 minutes off the pit, this comes out."
"This is always a fan favorite it's something that gets requested by my friend group when there's like a potluck and they've taken the recipe from me and served it to their families time and time again it's just such a winner."
"Overall, steamed stingray, big success."
"It's gonna be a friggin delicious winning dish."
"This is one of those meals where you become the kitchen hero if you go in and all of a sudden you walk out with these two awesome dishes."
"Nailed that, not even sticking to the pan, jesus"
"No one in this house is gonna complain. This was a great cook."
"This is a very successful rice dish. If you haven't tried making your own risotto, it's pretty simple and it is absolutely delicious."
"If you would have had a crappy brisket, you wouldn't have had this result."
"the diners love the food and the relaunch ended up being a success."
"I am Canada's newest Master Chef, I did it right, I did it!"
"That dish was absolutely brilliant, it was awesome."
"The final product came out good... that's chef's kiss."
"This recipe really does taste like the real thing. The sauce hits every flavor that I remember."
"The fish course was just a winner all around."
"In conclusion, this was a hit, no wonder they ate it all during the Great Depression, it must have been a good treat."
"Mrs. Knott's Chicken Dinner Restaurant was an unexpected breakthrough, more popular than ever, the eatery reigns as much a draw to visitors as the neighboring theme park it spawned."
"The dessert was a triumph, a white chocolate mousse with Oreo cookie pieces."
"It's been four hours since that morning feeding one one one, take a look at the starter, it's more than doubled and that's beautiful."
"Empty plates are always a good sign."
"That's the roast dinner done, and that was really nice."
"It shouldn't work, putting English onto a pizza, but it just works."
"First off, these are delicious. These are way better than the original ones I did, by far."
"This tastes incredible, like the banana bread we had in New York. I'm so proud of us."
"These turned out surprisingly amazing and they're super easy."
"That sauce is so delicious, oh I'd call that a win."
"This is the best vegan mozzarella I've ever made."
"The secret of a successful restaurant is first of all the way you buy, try to buy good stuff."
"The combination of that thing works for a reason, and my God am I glad that I had a chance to try it."
"This dish is just a winner all the way around."
"That's a winner for me right there."
"This is fall-off-the-bone turkey, and if you try, you can say, 'Why haven't I done this before? I'll do this forever because it is so good.' Not bragging, just telling the truth."
"Fire, absolutely fire, ladies and gentlemen, congratulations, you have made one of the best pastas ever from scratch in your house."
"This is an absolute winner, I'll be making this a lot."
"It's delicious. It's really good. It all works."
"Perfect, that's going to be a great pizza."
"What Andrew Jones has cooked up in the ELAC kitchen appears to be a winner."
"That steak turned out so good, it's like so tender."
"Our savory hot pots are so delicious, we did it!"
"Recipe A had a beautiful color and great consistency after mixing."
"It's like that right there is money, it's freaking amazing."
"I nailed it. I'm so excited. You're gonna love this recipe."
"That has got to be our biggest food win we've ever made."
"They're doing something right here; that cauliflower tastes amazing."
"I made a batch of pasta at home for my wife and I, and for whatever reason that night, it came out incredible."
"So rice aside, absolutely winning dish."
"I think I've succeeded in bringing real Italian pizza to Japan."
"I'm happy that everybody, like literally everybody loved the food."
"I have absolutely nailed this, this is a French chocolate éclair, but the cream on the inside is chocolate as well."
"Oh wow, that is amazing, all the vegetables are cooked through, they're softened."
"He quickly shot to fame with eight restaurants; he has undoubtedly become the very definition of Italian cuisine in Japan."
"It's hot. Oh my God, if you guys don't try that at home, oh, that is going to be the recipe that makes you the most desirable family member at the Christmas party."
"The recipe was met with huge success and started to spread like wildfire, and today it has just become a world-famous dessert."
"It's absolutely delicious and the judges really seem to enjoy it."
"And here it is, all ready to eat. You've cooked your very own sweetheart quiche. Who's hungry?"
"Nothing is more satisfying when you make a delicious meal and you go, 'I made that,' and it was really good, especially when everybody goes for seconds and thirds."
"That is a well done, perfectly done chicken."
"Victor's homemade spaghetti dinner two evenings earlier had been such a success that Kay was eager to move their relationship forward."
"If you follow the instructions to this recipe, super, super good, hands down."
"My turkey last year was so moist and oh my God it was perfect."
"Oh my goodness, this is so good, this is such a good pizza."
"I baked a cake all by myself, it turned out really really good."
"We've also got a cookbook out that we've sold nearly 5,000 copies of now called Chin and Chu's Chinese Takeaway Bible."
"Everything went well like the decor was on point, food was on point, like everything was perfect."
"Everything that we've prepared has been eaten quickly and consumed, and people have asked for more. That is a success."
"Hey Ian, your wing recipe turned out amazing."
"I'm really happy with how the recipes turned out."
"The ham was delicious, oh my goodness."
"Success in the kitchen is not just about outshining their competition."
"This come out way better than I thought, and really thank God for food, man."
"Winning MasterChef will unlock every culinary door you've ever dreamed of."
"The new biscuit recipe was the bomb."
"Trust me on this one, every time I've made this, people are like, 'Wow!'"
"We had successful meals all the way through."
"Your lunch is ready, did I nail it or no? Y'all, this looks absolutely amazing."
"Your two savory dishes were an absolute triumph."
"The lemon and lilac cake was actually a fairly good success, I would say."
"We crushed it, try this meal out guys."
"It's delicious and you nailed the soup again."
"The meal was a huge success and everyone was incredibly satisfied."
"This came out beautiful and perfect."
"I think the scalloped potatoes you made were a hit, they were so good."
"Have patience in the kitchen, when you have patience, you're gonna have some good food that turns out just perfect."
"These sliders were stellar, this was exactly what I hoped it would be, and I called it a banger beforehand."
"It's so freaking worth it, you're gonna wow the socks off your family if you try this."
"And my dessert gets lavish praise, and I'm really happy; I'm beaming."
"This is the finished product, guys. It tastes absolutely amazing."
"All the food turned out great, everybody loved the low country boil that I cooked."
"The mac and cheese was a great success."
"All of this food we just made, and it is fantastic, it's delicious."
"You know every Easter table's got to have a potato salad, and this one was a winner."
"That means you've done it right, all perfectly heated through and delicious."
"I've outdone myself once again, this right here is so good."