
Aggressive Tactics Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"An aggressive style. Hit, hold, push down, lie on him, really make the smaller man blow."
"Can't we just drone bomb them?" - A willingness to drone a foreign government embassy just to make her point.
"I'm going to destroy him by any means necessary."
"He's likely to double down and try to grind down the Ukrainian military with no regard for civilian casualties."
"I think the goal has just been push push push push push, spit in the face of everybody that disagrees, call them bigots."
"You're going out there to destroy them, right? Not to study, not to bring back, but to wipe them out. That's the plan."
"And now, we're basically just driving these bastards down."
"Take as much as you can when fighting anyone while also keeping an eye out on aggressive expansion because even if we don't get coalitioned that aggressive expansion will prevent us from expanding even more."
"He was a flame thrower, someone who wasn't afraid to smear his opponents."
"I think getting into Steve's deployment zone, taking the fight to him, putting on some massive aggression here is going to be better than scoring the points I can by hanging out in the midfield."
"Sick has shown us just how aggressively you can play Sage, with well-timed abilities and additional aggression."
"It's an aggressive play style that has its risks, but if you capitalize on enough mistakes and pressure a great team like the NY excel, you can find their weakness every time."
"It's time to go absolutely crazy and expand everywhere you can."
"Terminate your enemies, wipe them out, remove them from their present status."
"Virtually nothing the liberal says is true, and the lies are not ordinary lies. The lies are so brazen, so aggressive, and unending."
"Our goal is not to win, it is to do damage and damage is what we will do."
"He hits him with so many punches he ducked underneath, he hit him again."
"Sometimes you have to get aggressive when you want to accomplish your goals."
"This game rewards being aggressive and it discourages turtling."
"Night Train signature move was take your head off."
"McMahon had grand expansion plans and they would require, to borrow his words, a little ruthless aggression."
"Verstappen's movement was very aggressive, legal but aggressive."
"The fleet found much more success plundering and burning the cities of Cadiz and Algeria."
"You can't bomb and intimidate your way out of this thing."
"It's time to fight fire with fire and you know what we actually have the Constitutional authority to do so."
"Putin's aggressive actions meant that foreign policy norms and international sanctions would not always work to deter an aggressor."
"Now we're gonna stop him if we have to kill him."
"He's all about just being an offensive blender a lot of characters in this game have very strong offense and Brad's definitely one of them."
"You should be using your EMP to aggressively push enemies."
"We're gonna assault the aircraft carrier and try to take it over."
"Pump early and often... as soon as you build that elixir advantage then you go hard again your opponent you commit to the push."
"For my money, it came back to the call by Doug Peterson on fourth and one on the goal line. He was relentless with his play calling, he never gave an inch."
"That was a quick fight, just not giving your opponent a chance. Jumped all over him from the beginning."
"Your strategy should be as hyper conservative and hyper aggressive as you can be instead of being mildly aggressive or conservative."
"They don't have infinite ammo, bring them down, get up there and start killing them."
"We make an impact on the suspects when they get home and their house is missing doors and missing windows. So I look at that as all--it's a good thing."
"He Came Out Swinging his prosecutors hitting Trump first."
"It just feels more aggressive and more capable in those close range fights."
"You don't want to stand in their way. This is a massive wave. Let them achieve their goal from this facade, from this racket, and then there will be an opportunity to short Tesla."
"Never back down, run him over, and for Republican voters, that's like catnip."
"Rush with melee weapon swings to pick off high-risk characters."
"They're basically building a campaign for war."
"Get to the high ground, push the enemies back or pull them in and strike them down."
"At some point, I think you do have to be a little more aggressive and end these pursuits because they go on for hours, the drain on the resources."
"Never a bad time to spam an area with pissed off little alien infants that do your murderous bidding."
"Filthy boxing with Frankie Edgar on this one, I like it."
"Trump is aggressive... his aggressive instinct is the reason that he is popular."
"Of course it's run and gun... that's the nature of the animal."
"If you have the case, you're going to reward your prosecutors if they're being aggressive and they're prosecuting a lot of people."
When asked about aggressive selling tactics, Sakare said, "We welcome any investigation, as there are other retailers in the West End using such aggressive tactics."
"The aggressive man blitzes are still there, and they'll definitely be used on some obvious passing situations as well as in some short yardage situations to disrupt blocking schemes and stop the run."