
Pursuit Of Dreams Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"Be brave and honest, the universe is pushing you towards your dreams."
"If you have a delusion, just follow it to the end of the yellow brick road. It may come true."
"An inspiration to be bold, to be audacious, and to never give up in the pursuit of even your wildest dreams."
"Go after it! Be brave enough to expect miracles."
"Dreams take hard-ass work. Be prepared to lose something to get them."
"Just having a dream and just going for it and not ever letting anyone tell you what your dream can be."
"You live and you learn and I hope my story could help somebody else that's trying to follow their dreams."
"All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney
"Live your life, chase your dreams, and go hard man, go hard."
"Keep chasing your dreams, your life is literally about to become very colorful."
"If you got a dream, go after it with all costs."
"Surf towards the dream or the vision that is in front of you."
"Claim your victories, stand on what you believe in, trust in yourself, go after your dreams, no matter what rejections come."
"Everyone is beautiful, and you shouldn't ever put yourself down for wanting to pursue your dreams."
"Live your life to the absolute, boys, challenges. So go after your dreams, do whatever it is you want to do."
"You're gonna stop doubting your dreams and start going after them."
"Life can be sweet and good, so focus on your dreams and don't be afraid to pursue them."
"This is a story of a man who chased a dream despite it almost costing him everything, and in the end, he ended up making history."
"I rather die living my dream than die a coward."
"The message of always striving for your dreams no matter what hits home too many fans."
"You criticize us for chasing our dreams, saying we're chasing fantasy, but at least we're trying."
"It's time to really chase after your dream, your desire, not even chase after, just embrace your dreams, your desires, the things that bring the opposite of this, that keep your interest, that inspire you."
"You cannot let that fear control you; you got to face it, you got to keep chasing your dreams, and you got to Ride the Lightning."
"I'm done following your dream. I'm living my own life from now on."
"Why don't you take a chance on your dreams instead and make a comfortable living doing so?"
"Support your passion, support your dreams."
"Don't be afraid when your next dream."
"Stay driven and chase your dreams no matter what it takes."
"Things are going well and feeling fulfilled. Go after your dreams."
"When you do what you want, you find your pot of gold."
"You should never give up on your dreams, no matter what."
"I think you need to go after everything you dream of in life. Chasing your best version."
"Fearlessly pursue that which sets your soul ablaze."
"He wasn't going to let the fear of losing that income stop him from chasing his dream."
"I want to continue pursuing my dreams with the people I care about."
"If you work a 9 to 5 and come home following your dreams, you'll be too tired."
"She will succeed, and yet the main thing for her now is to follow her dream."
"You're stepping away from something that no longer fulfills you to walk towards your dreams."
"Lift your head. It's time to let go of the past, it's time to pull your shoulders back, lift your head up, and start walking towards your dreams."
"Work your 9 to 5 and then work your 5 to 9, you know? Put in that time after you finish work to go and chase your dream, man."
"You gotta educate yourself, education, job titles, and trades. You gotta have whatever certificates or whatever degrees you need to pursue your dreams because without that, there's no validity to you."
"Life is too short to be miserable... it will shorten your life because when you give up on your dreams."
"From having this platform and being in this experience, I encourage everybody to follow their dreams and be creative."
"There is nothing realer than all emotions and all the things that people encounter, people go through when they're truly chasing a dream."
"I was someone that kind of ran away with their dreams."
"Listen to your heart. It's guiding you towards a dream come true."
"Would you rather go back to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them?"
"The dream life doesn't always go smoothly but it is worth it. So the dream is still very much happening."
"I hope I'm not too late to set my dreams straight."
"What are the things that you fear that's been keeping you from living your dream?"
"Every human on Earth should live with four roommates in a [__] hole and go for every dream they have as hard as humanly possible."
"Do you hate your job? Do you hate these people? [ __ ] your boss, [ __ ] your boyfriend, they're pieces of [ __ ]. Follow your dream."
"Vicki wasn’t going to let school get in the way of her pursuing her dreams of becoming a musician."
"...it is achievable, it is doable, and the only thing that's stopping you is you, right? So if you can get in there and make it happen, it is achievable, and just go for it, follow your dreams."
"Gentrification is full of contradictions. Nikki showed how you could have a house and still lose a home. And while so many can get displaced, others can get a chance to chase a dream."
"How many hopes, dreams, goals, aspirations have been put on hold or cast aside entirely simply because of the need to make ends meet?"
"I hope this inspires you to think big to go after your crazy ideas."
"I just try to tell myself that this is my dream, you know, and I'm going to enjoy the [ __ ] out of this 2 minutes and 30 seconds."
"I'm finally breaking ground on my dream."
"Before we start we would like to reintroduce ourselves we are jan and anne and we escaped our 9-to-5 jobs in canada last year to chase a dream life of traveling the world philippines being the first country on our list."
"If you have an idea in your mind that you have had for years, do it, because you've been thinking about it long enough that it's like something you really want."
"Never stop believing and never stop making your dreams in quilting come true."
"It's okay. Just chase your dream. Just do what you got to do."
"I recall that moment as among the happiest in my life, the moment I stepped off that train and knew I was on my way to my dream. I was going to be a soldier."
"It's really, really good to know that they're gonna keep going and they didn't let these people spoil their dream."
"Everybody should do it, whatever it is. Live your dream, man."
"It's interesting that the conversation has been talking about dreams and, you know, going after something, going after what you really want."
"Keep chasing your dream, you know?"
"So go ahead, chase your dreams, follow your heart."
"...I want y'all to chase your dreams, I want y'all to have fun."
"It's up to me to show people, hey, if you got something you want to do, go get the thing, go do it."
"Don't give up on your hopes and wishes and your passions."
"In the process of working on your dreams, a lot of disappointment, a lot of failure, a lot of pain."
"Cheers to those guys for chasing their dreams, doing what they love, and sharing it with others."
"There's no reason you can't ever say you don't have time to work on your dreams."
"I've always done what I dreamed of doing."
"Anyone can get off their couch in their small town and go chase their dream if you're willing to sacrifice everything for it."
"If this is my calling, I'm really sorry if that's going to upset you, but I kind of have to go for this."
"You need to be happy in the moment to take action towards your dream life."
"Superwoman, I'm going to keep making my dream come true out in Spain."
"If you're a kid who's creative and you want to do something do it you should do it."
"Don't think you can't do it. Try it. I mean, follow your dreams."
"We're risking everything to follow a dream."
"I had to go back with my grandmother, but at that time, I was already kind of in the street, chasing my dream with my music."
"He's willing to put everything on the line and risk everything to pursue a dream."
"It wasn't about the material gains but the Liberation to pursue his dreams."
"You're never going to get the dream box if you're not out there doing it."
"I hope that sharing these videos and projects and inspiration with you guys every week also encourages you to go after your dreams too."
"Do what you want to do, just go for it, and the means will follow."
"You need to get out there and go after your gosh dang dreams."
"As I looked out there with a spectral moon... all I could think is that somewhere up on that mountain were two still forms, yesterday alive in pursuit of their dreams."
"I know that I'm a superstar, but no one gives a... Goodbye, I got to chase these dreams."
"I'm Not absent, I only went after my dreams."
"Get out there, freaking chase your dreams, go hunt hard, go just do take action."
"Now you can go follow your dreams, buddy, but after training, of course."
"His legacy continues to inspire chefs to pursue their dreams and embrace their love for the culinary arts."
"You're pursuing your dreams, and you never let me down because you are amazing."
"My dad would want me to keep living, keep pursuing my dreams, and keep being happy to the best of my ability."