
Expense-management Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Disney World is super expensive as it is, spending your money the way you want to is important."
"You could literally be a multi-millionaire in the future just by slightly cutting back on some of your expenses today."
"It's not a cheap Endeavor hiring a financial advisor... but this is not an easy transition."
"I really believe that cutting back on your expenses and then saving the difference will have the biggest longest lasting impact in terms of making more money at the end of the day."
"Three thousand five hundred dollars is insane."
"You make your money in solid operations and increasing that operating income by increasing collections, decreasing expenses."
"You know how much this costs right? Too much."
"A hundred rupees? Well, that's a good start for replenishing the 3000 which I had to spend recently."
"Decrease all expenses; then that increases your income."
"You do not have an income issue, you have an expense issue."
"Decrease your expenses, increase your income."
"Why should I allow him to write this off in one year?"
"No need to feel guilty about it, no need to worry about the expense. It doesn't matter, it's one day here, and it's saving you a lot of hassle, right?"
"Your income minus expenses should equal zero."
"A red pen takes the expenses and adds them up along the side of the receipts, the total coming out to 1 million 50,000."
"I think it's very important for people to learn how to limit their expenses now."
"Master your expenses, then focus on growing your income."
"Not every Disney premium perk has to be added to your vacation. All of these things are wants, not needs."
"At the end of the day we're all here to fucking quit smoking and what we choose to spend on the devices to help us quit smoking is entirely up to the fuckin individual."
"We rarely have a plan to pay for these expenses with cash."
"These cost 32 dollars by themselves and that's not factoring in other desserts appetizers drinks we also ordered."
"Find out whatever you need to comfortably cover your bills."
"The lowest expense ratios usually come from low-cost broad market index funds."
"Money, the personal finance app that helps lower your bills."
"If you're not covering all your expenses because your expenses are growing with your income, you will never find financial security."
"Imagine the administrative assistant for marketing on the fifth floor winning a ticket only to find out she had to pay for everything."
"People got corporate cards, travel team lead became an actual job, and when we hired one, she handled all the financial stuff for us."
"For some, these expenses are essential for effective budgeting and maximizing the benefits of owning a Tesla."
"... it's more important to cut your expenses than to simply boost your income."
"Your profit margin should be the result of careful budgeting and expense management. It should not fluctuate too much and certainly never surprise you."
"It just takes a little bit of planning ahead, and then we don't have that huge expense."
"If you're in a position where you need to cut down some expenses, listen, do it for a little while. Even two weeks, right?"
"Getting this visual pie of my biggest expenses every single month has been... okay honestly, kind of mind-blowing."
"There are a lot of ways that you can take those essential expenses and lower them."
"But with you know expense approvals that you've done, weird, I know."
"Don’t put yourself in a situation where any discount would make you cover your expenses out of your own pocket!"
"When it comes to cutting expenses, you've got to pick something you've got to do it in a way that works for you."
"Let's talk about cutting expenses... It got to a point where it was pretty extreme."
"Figure out a way to cut out expenses. Not all of your expenses are necessary, I promise you. Embrace minimalism."
"You can only reduce expenses so much, focus on raising income."
"You've got to have a plan for every expense, and that way you can tell your money where to go instead of wondering where it all went."
"Our annual expenses average a mere $25,000 to $27,000."
"My thing was always attacking what I call the big three in terms of expenses: housing, transportation, and food."
"They'd approve all expenses as long as a receipt was provided."
"Use Cost Explorer to find your higher spends first and start from there."
"This is great; you can finally tackle those expenses that have been stressing you out without any hang-ups."
"I barely buy any coordinating dies because they're just really expensive."
"Increase income instead of lowering expenses."
"We can only cut back on expenses so much, whereas our ability to earn more money is unlimited."
"You are financially free when the income from your assets exceed your monthly expenses."
"One of the best choices you can make is to be very frugal with a lot of their expenses."
"I can cut my expenses by 75% and still live comfortably."
"Treat every expense like it's a monthly expense."
"Especially if you're looking to reduce or offset some of your travel expenses."
"You will be able to send invoices, separate your business and personal expenses."
"You've reached financial independence, and now you have to balance all of these expenses without income coming in."
"You need to have a budget. When you have a budget, then you know where to spend, where to cut costs."
"The easiest way to become financially free is to have your expenses be as little as possible."