
Reparations Debate Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Reparations are not only morally justifiable."
"If reparations are going to be paid, shouldn't they be paid to the families of those who died and sacrificed themselves to end slavery?"
"I'm NOT okay with the slavery reparations conversation that implies guilt for past sins."
"Reparation proposals are incoherent because they rest on the speculative notion that descendants of slaves are in a worse place today than they otherwise would have been if their ancestors were never enslaved."
"Reparations is never a topic because the people that are supposed to be representing us, at least in the mainstream media, never bring it up."
"If y'all don't agree that we should get reparations cuz we were never we didn't because we didn't do the work we were never enslaved you don't get to get your daddy's money."
"How are blacks in America asking for more money than blacks in the Caribbean when they're the same amounts and we enslaved them longer?"
"I do not believe in reparation because what reparation does, it points to a certain race, a certain color, and it points them as evil."
"So instead of us waiting on the politicians to change why don't we just decide as a people that we're not just going to want people to give us reparations but we gonna take what's ours."
"Reparations is cash payments, it's not up for interpretation."
"Reparations has to be three-pronged: recommitment to strong enforcement of civil rights laws, a really large investment of resources into the black communities, and a cash payment."
"Reparations is necessary because of deep miseducation."
"You have to more clearly define the parameters of the debate: who are you talking about reparations from, and to whom."
"I want to understand the best reparations argument out there... Marianne Williamson is the only one offering it..."
"It sounds like she's revised that plan to two hundred billion dollars... something we can vet and scrutinize and debate..."
"Who is included when you do reparations? That is the people who bear the cost. Those are descendants of American Shadow slaves."
"You can make a powerful argument for reparations."
"Only those who can prove their direct lineage to an enslaved ancestor should be entitled to some type of reparations payments."
"Voting is about power, voting is about who will rule over you, and if those that you're giving the power to rule over you aren't going to give you reparations, we have no reason to vote."
"Did y'all hear what I just said? If y'all ain't talking about reparations, you better get about our face."
"Reparation is the federal government repairing the damage they have done to Black Americans."
"Reparations are justified, but cash reparations are not going to work."
"It's time to start the national full-blown conversation about reparations."
"If black Americans are not supposed to get reparation in compensation for what was done to their ancestors, why are descendants of white supremacists enjoying the wealth once possessed by slave owners?"
"Slavery reparation becomes a moral duty the US cannot escape anymore."
"I support reparations as a general concept but we need to be extremely careful with this issue and nail down exactly what we mean by reparations and what the right course of action is"
"Reparations are part of that it will undo the great American experiment we'll undo it."
"Who will compensate for that? Certainly the US has to make reparations to the black Americans whose ancestors endured the unimaginable for centuries."
"Reparations should come from corporations that have benefited from government policy."
"In order to get reparations, you need transformational policy."
"Until we take care of the business of internal reparations, I don't even know why we're talking about external reparations."
"How do you feel about having all ADOS prisoners released included as a form of reparation and time served?"
"Reparations is an unpaid debt owed collectively to Black Americans."
"If you gonna come at me on a reparations conversation, you might wanna have all your facts together."
"Reparations is not going to heal the black community."
"The eligible word, that's what I don't like about the reparations."
"The concept of reparations and legal arguments for it go back right after the civil war."
"Yeah, cut the check, but no one can be held responsible today for what happened many hundreds years ago."
"Reparations is to give us what's owed to us. People want to make reparations a magic reset button."
"Reparations is one thing, one thing only, cash payments."
"The notion of reparations for the transatlantic slave trade is a hotbed of debate."
"Reparations... it's a really valid subject that we really need to talk about."