
Historical Consequences Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"There was a spectacular failure of the establishment... what did that bear? Nazism, fascism, racism galore."
"Africa is still putting itself back together after centuries of conquest, colonization and exploitation by European powers."
"Yes, it is true that you likely would not be here today if history had not unfolded exactly as it did."
"The invasion of the whole of Czechoslovakia demolished the policy of appeasement."
"Yesterday's corruption affects today's battlefield."
"Throughout history, food shortages have triggered popular unrest, they served as a contributing factor to uprisings that have brought down entire societies."
"The albatross around your neck, tied back to slavery, is the thing that's most consequential."
"You only need to study history to understand how these things end it never ends well for the groups who are trying to push something that the people simply do not want."
"War with Tanzania in 1978 quickly led to Amin being deposed and exiled the following year."
"Sometimes history needs a push, but that push was a hundred million dead people."
"Other nations who failed to learn from history would disappear as dots in the sands of time."
"To the guillotine for expressing sympathy for the royal family."
"Unfortunately, with the increase of cotton production goes the increase of slavery."
"The arc of the moral universe bends towards justice, and it's gonna catch up with him."
"The ignorant masses... are unwittingly helping Nazism."
"The mere idea of letting a man speak or a woman speak is so threatening that, if we do, the certainty of violence apparently was free speech that led to the rise of the nazis."
"It's clear to all the top bras around him that it's Hitler's fault this did not need to happen."
"Stalin's armies now prepared to bring the war to Germany the consequences for Hitler and the German people would be deadly."
"Hannibal's victory became the beginning of the end for Carthage."
"His decision to attack Russia signed the death warrant of his own dreams of empire."
"Without the victory of the rebels, there would be no French Revolution."
"Nothing is more certain than that every trace of Hitler's footsteps... will be sponged and purged and, if need be, blasted from the surface of the earth."
"Prohibition led to the rise of organized crime."
"It was a genius strategy that had a massive impact practically everywhere, especially in the Reastes Kingdom where the aftermath is causing these growing ripples and rising conflicts."
"We have created a monster with the atomic bomb."
"France demanded an indemnity so crippling it choked the newborn nation's breath."
"Had Octavian lost the battle of Actium, both Roman and Egyptian history would have taken very different courses."
"History never forgets, and blood sometimes is the only acceptable payment for a man's crimes in the world of narcotrafficantes."
"Aegon IV legitimized all his bastards on his deathbed and how much pain, grief, war, and murder grew from that."
"The 70-year party is over and when the dust settles we're going to realize just how much cleaning up we have to do."
"If the scoundrels of the old regime all went unpunished, there was no justice in the new system, and so good didn't triumph after 1991."
"The worst things that have ever happened in any society or any civilization... has been done under the name of fear."
"The trauma inflicted upon the students of the residential school system has profoundly impacted those lucky enough to survive."
"The destruction of the temple was symbolic; no matter the side, the small folks suffer."
"Jealousy, hatred, and revenge: these Kings murdered, betrayed, and tyrannized their way to spectacular success."
"Rhaegar risked everything with Lyanna. He not only left his wife and children – he started a war that destroyed his family and his kingdom and his life."
"Remaining a distinct minority separate from the majority often leads you to eventually become targeted, become hated, become exiled, or even killed."
"If you don't kill off the royal family, what happens is, a couple of years later, they'll come back."
"Finally, the white men were afraid to be too cruel to the Mexicans, for fear of getting on Murrietta’s hit list."
"A dreadful price for refusal to acquiesce: the fate of the Romanovs."
"Carthage was made to pay dearly for its defeat."
"I think oftentimes we don't see that what we're dealing with today is a reaction to what has already occurred."
"World peace and everything that Roosevelt had worked so hard for was going up in flames because of Truman's ego."
"But even if we got to where we are because we were cruel and horrible to other people, then we were still cruel and horrible to other people which makes it immoral even though the outcome was ultimately good for us."
"For some reason the Palestinians were punished for European anti-Semitism."
"Censorship gone far enough always ends in a very bad place historically."
"Russia was not consecrated in time, and Russia was gonna spread her errors all over the world."
"All Japan was now hopelessly swept by this anti Western feeling and nothing could stop its force from rushing to the ultimate consequence."
"Do you think if half good never screwed things up in the past we might be ready for the micro Nova?"
"Let us say for the sake of discussion that the fable is somewhat accurate and were we to do as we have done for millennia, we might suffer some untoward consequences when the dust settles."
"The aftermath of this war, and especially the fiscal crisis that it sparked in Britain, eventually led to a lot of important consequences."
"Particularly worthy of note is the scene towards the end where Steven argues with the Doctor about changing history, which is a superb scene."
"The aftermath saw a reconfiguration of world powers."
"Emancipation in the West, the emancipation of individuals, had not just been insufficient but been a disaster for the Jews."
"Our sins were that we crushed a very small country and in so doing we learned bad lessons which would come back to haunt us."
"This negative impact continues to affect the lives of First Nations people today."
"The transatlantic slave trade also created conditions for the subsequent colonial conquest of Africa by European powers."
"This changed with the French and Indian War, which resulted in a massive amount of debt for the British."
"The consequences of this will be felt for centuries to come."