
Game Progression Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"The natural progression from being a weak survivor to a geared to the teeth badass... was the mode's hook arguably more than any other aspect."
"Forbidden West also provides a greater sense of progression."
"The only thing motivating the player forward is progression."
"The progression of both the acquisition of new weapons and the rising strength of your foes felt really good across the game."
"Once you defeat all six Robot Masters you can proceed to the final stages."
"Progression feels really good for quite a while and there's a solid reason to come back to play every day."
"IG claims the base, ladies and gentlemen. We're gonna be going to Game four."
"Crafting is a huge part of the game, even early in the early game in the mid game in the end game especially."
"Weapons are built of modules that allow for deep customization and progression."
"This right here is when the combat loop in Dead Space starts to really kick off."
"Between levels 5 and 10 is when you really get to explore what your character is made of."
"Mastery ranks are a measure of how much of the game you've done on your account... More powerful enhancements, weapons, and harder activities are gated behind mastery ranks."
"Everything you do in that game is progressing you towards something."
"Congratulations on graduating to level two of potions!"
"There's so much to that side of the game from this big story experience to this really deep progression system."
"The more you advance in story the more the rewards are going to be for your daily tasks as well."
"The speed at which you acquire things doesn't ever really feel unfair because you're constantly able to unlock at least some new weapons or frames."
"Pawns become increasingly important as you climb up the levels in chess."
"The infinite battle rezzes really help with making progression less annoying and more fun."
"The progression system... there is an RNG aspect when it comes to this but there's also a guaranteed chance to get a specific skill."
"Buying all of Kratos and Atreus' skills is not only entirely possible in a single playthrough, it's critical."
"Those aren't in isolation those could lead to further adventure."
"I cannot believe that we have gotten to this level at these points. Season three and we've already signed someone of the caliber of David Alaba."
"Leveling applies to your health bar too, the more enemies you kill, the larger your maximum HP gets."
"You're evolving this and adding more to these special abilities as you progress through."
"Resident Evil 3 remake gradually rewards players with gameplay altering bonuses."
"Once you wrap up your second war with Naples...continue your conquest."
"Just by playing through the game normally, completing some of these objectives and earning these rewards for your character, you'll also be progressing your battle pass more quickly."
"The game becomes about chasing increasingly higher gear levels in order to become more powerful."
"The base expands like a metroidvania as you progress."
"Every death brought me closer to linking the flame."
"Cold War zombies excels at the feeling of progression."
"As you reach certain points in the game, meet certain requirements, and improve your equipment, you will have the opportunity to battle various bosses and events."
"Scary powerful monks, scary, scary powerful later on, yes."
"The linear nature of the shadow temple allows for some great puzzle progression."
"Quest Mode is where you want to really focus a lot of your efforts on earlier on in your account's lifespan."
"You can guarantee that the progression will be shared amongst your party."
"I'm ready to start putting the cap on Hollow Knight, a game that... I have enjoyed more as it's gone along."
"All right, guys, now we have the bonus quest so let's get on to that."
"Your hard work will let you upgrade your farm, restore shops in Sun Haven, and even bring in new neighbors."
"The career mode will give you some easy levels and money, as well as getting you familiar with how the game is played."
"Even if you hate ratchet's weapon mechanics you are almost certainly going to want to see what the next planet holds."
"Fire cuz I was into Guitar Hero but frets on fire was play better he could just download whatever song he wanted and it was just there."
"This trend continued with Sonic 3 and Knuckles, albeit a bit smoother."
"The reason I love this one is because you won't be able to get Anubis until late late late game."
"Wrath of the Lich King felt like everything built up to that Lich King fight."
"Wrath of the Lich King paved the way for where WoW is currently in Legion at least."
"The way the play progresses throughout the game, you start off in the demonic realm, then you venture off into a demonic one."
"GoldenEye becomes really challenging from about three or four missions in and it does never really let up."
"Every building counts, it's all still up for grabs."
"It was worth sticking through to the forty hour mark where everything picked up and unfolded at a much faster pace."
"Joining an active guild is definitely one of the best things you can do in playing as fun as it is to progress the game."
"This is where the real game begins apparently they're the first part was just kind of like an intro so we'll see."
"Once you develop one class to a certain point you gain access to the second level of the Atlas."
"So leveling up tech is still extremely important if you want to get a lot of these but this gives you so much customization as far as how you want to build up your nation."
"Things started out fine enough for the Colts... But then it went very bad very quickly."
"If you're a fairly new player or someone a little bit less experienced trying to get to world tier 4 and then x filling there is a really good idea."
"I feel like this continuing in P2 and making those rewards more available is just a huge win overall."
"Level 5 at this stage of the game is actually really high."
"That's easy, alright, so again, we've used the early game strategy and it carried us even through late-game with effective strategy and position."
"Now that you're on your way to 99 ranged, you have pretty much unlocked all of the ranged gear in the game."
"Overwatch 2's progression: regression across the board."
"Progression in Warframe feels like being in control of your destiny, always something to work towards."
"This fight is still cool it shows how far random has come from just the beginning of the game mod does pale to the preceding battle for a first stage to a final boss there are way worse and only a few better."
"With this raid I feel like Joan the maid is taking a slight lead."
"Bossing your way there can be an extremely lucrative way to make a lot of money on your way to 99."
"Leveling up slayer is like unlocking a treasure trove of monsters and bosses."
"This game is incredible bro, look at our seamoth now."
"Promised land of tier seven or is there gonna be a late twist no no twist come on now we're talking that's what it's all about viewers."
"You know, we're gonna grab it, we're gonna advance move it up."
"I guess it would just take me forever to re-equip like a bunch of rare and epic champions with this gear."
"We just gotta make it to the castle. Plus, I mean, this is just the first session."
"After becoming the true hero by unlocking your memories and freeing the divine beasts, you are finally allowed to expand your spirit even further..."
"Not farming enough runes is the name of the game."
"We've got our 10th brawler, third super rare brawler on day two."
"Once you get your battle fury, your game is unleashed."
"Ending the section with a total of 158 Pokemon."
"Now, you might be wondering, wait a second, why are you fighting Winona? Can't you just go ahead and go into Lily Cove City to continue with the story? Actually no, since there are Qui Grunts that are blocking the city."
"We don't need to kill him necessarily, but he has a good sword behind him that's gonna help us for the final fight."
"I was able to complete around 10 rooms today. Nothing special happened, all the same enemies, until I made it to the last room today."
"I need to get more powerful upgrades. It's the only way I can defeat him."
"Our colony has been established, we can now pick up the extra research."
"One thing Magmoor does have going for it is how the space becomes easier to traverse as the game goes on."
"The biggest tip is to play Clash continuously. If you continue to play, you will continue to be upgrading your base but you also naturally understand the troops and how to use them."
"Completing Monkey Madness 2 unlocks one of the best money makers in the game."
"Getting past the first region is almost like playing a different game."
"Progression largely boils down to leveling up, obtaining new gear, building up your trade, upgrading your ship, and enhancing your reputation."
"The whole point of playing an MMO RPG like this is to progress."
"A big reason for that was the fact that progression was going to be deleted and we had already unlocked all the gear."
"Clear this mission, then talk to Vegeta, and you're on your way to Super Saiyan."
"Money: Starfield's economy works perfectly at low levels, but as your character progresses, it becomes frustrating."
"All is forgiven if we just get to the boss rush."
"I permit the special entry to the next... There's more?"
"That's all right if we get lucky enough to hit a coin unlock we're cruising."
"XP is the main thing I need so that I'll be able to equip my diamond armor."
"We're not done with this game, no siree Bob!"
"Now that level six is complete... we can go on to level seven but actually it makes more sense to skip over level seven for now and move on to level eight before we go to level eight though we're going to need more rupees."
"Mage arena quests offer strong magic gear, essential for mid-game progression."
"XP that you have already dedicated towards unlocking an aircraft stays with that aircraft."
"RuneScape gives you a long-term sense of progression and many people play this as their only game."
"The further you move into the game, the larger the arenas that you fight in become."
"We get to feel ourselves grow bigger and badder in the face of stronger monsters."
"This game honestly is an incredibly deep strategy game that very carefully opens its depth up to you as you progress along..."
"Survive early and choose your own adventure in the mid-game and beyond."
"Given that the last three 2D Metroids have felt linear in their progression, it’s refreshing to see Dread take inspiration from Super Metroid, a game that didn’t hold the player’s hand at all."
"Expect small story arcs, grand base progressions, and everything in between."
"I've got a feeling it may be the final round."
"He was now level 20, and what happened was not a dream."
"Even without this skip we're about to do, you can normally get through it fairly quickly."
"But that's where things must come to an end for this video because we have just survived 100 days in an expanding world and it's also really crazy to think that we came from a one by one square to this absolutely insane thing."
"Cloud9 holding on, but TL scaling more and more."
"Progression isn't just about leveling up, it's about making strategic choices."
"Unlocking all of the aliens in the Omnitrix – these final few aliens are more powerful than anything you've played with so far."
"Last game: climbing from the bottom up. New game: dropping in from the top down."
"G2 with a clean four four zero and they're going to look to push in and perhaps end this game."
"My main goals are to make actual land, fully enchanted, and defeat the Ender Dragon."
"Eventually you'll have unlocked every perk on the artifact and uh it's going to be a really really powerful item."
"It feels like the whole game just opened up now."
"The game was a great game too, it started out very slow and kind of boring and turned into one of the better Super Bowls of all time."
"We made a nice little witch's hut here in the corner it's almost day now it's almost a 100 right we need to you know step up our game add a couple more bills before the end."
"The dragon has now been defeated and all this precious xp is mine."
"The Kanto gyms were all so easy up until now but Blue just destroys us."
"Halo infinite does do a decent job at letting you unlock more of your Arsenal as you progress through the game."
"A plus 40, that's huge, putting us over up into Titans."
"Supercell does remove gotcha from the game in a way that does not make progression longer, I'm actually really excited for this change."
"Overall, yeah, you're gonna be able to get into the endgame action a bit quicker."
"As a player continues to advance... meaningful progression."
"...white's knight just went from b1 to e4 while black was moving the d-pawn twice, which is now traded off the board and you don't see it anymore."
"... it's early in the game and both teams have three quarters to recover."
"But everything before that part of the game was a really enjoyable journey."
"Even a pawn is good if it gets to the other side of the board because it can get you your queen back."
"He was there for a good time, not necessarily a long time, got the real sense with him he was trying to move the game forward."
"And now we've changed our scene to the world scene. Awesome."
"It just feels like the longer the game continues, the more white has going for him."