
Frequencies Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"These are new frequencies that have been never tested for their long-term biological and health effects."
"The universe is all about frequencies, so imagine that every reality and every being is like a radio station."
"We dream in the same frequencies our earth Tesla measured."
"It's all about energy, energy is everything. Get your wavelengths right, frequency, that's what I'm thinking."
"I'm literally seeing it all in frequency, you know, all energy, all frequency."
"You owe it to yourself to live life on your own terms in the higher frequencies."
"Mix harmonic sounds with inharmonic frequencies and you can theoretically recreate any sound you've heard."
"Each Solfeggio tone is a frequency that can be used to balance one's energy and keep one's body, mind, and spirit in harmony."
"Energy is king, dog. Frequencies are amazing."
"The world is controlled by frequencies, energy waves, frequencies."
"It's all frequencies of electromagnetic radiation."
"Silence never complain, never explain. Very nice, thank you thank you thank you thank you my little winter frequencies."
"They came down from the light frequencies and the sound frequencies of the Big Bang, from the same family."
"Your innate capacity to tune into these energetic frequencies to decipher the stories and wisdom they hold is a testament to your Lemurian heritage."
"Manifest your reality through the science of frequencies."
"Thoughts are frequencies, and we are the broadcasters."
"You're actually listening to the creation of the universe when your radio is tuned between frequencies."
"The magnitudes of the alphas stay fixed. It's the relative phases between them that change."
"Just put the EQ on this track that your bass is on and you can actually see if your bass even has the actual frequencies that you want."
"Your soul naturally evolves like that, you naturally just shift into new frequencies."
"Think about this. We have our low end, we have our high end, basically everything goes through the mid-range spectrum of frequencies."
"Your thoughts and feelings have their own distinct frequencies."
"That is the voice of iniquity. It's how it sounds. Every sound you hear is a frequency that is Conjuring a particular spirit that answers that frequency."
"And it's a very important thing to understand about the way your ear works, is that certain frequencies can actually be inhibited to try and save things when noises are very loud."
"Enhance the low mid frequencies and it makes the kick drum sound kind of boxy-er and puffier."
"When two frequencies get together, there's a third frequency that is created."
"We all vibrate on various frequencies depending on our environmental experiences."
"All music is just different notes vibrating at different frequencies."
"Anything is possible as you tap into the miracle Matrix frequencies of the universe."
"Our body is like an antenna, picking up on all these frequencies."
"Crossovers well done... they send the high frequencies to the tweeter, they send the middle frequencies to the mid-range driver, they send the low frequencies to the woofer."
"Everything vibrates at different frequencies."
"This is all pretty interesting; we can generate frequencies also higher than that in the lab."
"So what can I do to go from this to millimeter wave frequencies? Let's investigate."
"There's a sea of infinite invisible frequencies carrying encoded information all around us and inside of us at all times."
"By extracting the so-called power at these frequencies, we can gain insight on the physical phenomena at play."
"The best way that we can summarize them is through using frequencies."
"Resonance will Emphasize The Frequencies Around the Cutoff Point."
"Music existed before this thing; there were frequencies, there were notes, there were all kinds of things existing before."
"I feel the theory that our brain is working basically like a radio and we can tune into different frequencies makes a ton of sense."
"The entire operating range of the engine, or I should say the first ten natural frequencies, all occur within that operating range of the engine."
"By understanding the concept of vibrational frequencies, you can begin to harness their power."
"The NIV button, when you enable it, means the compressor is going to react more to the lower frequencies."
"These frequencies help them to gain optimum access to a deep state where they could work in deep and further."
"The Laplacian gives us a natural sense of frequencies on the surface."
"By choosing to change your internal response, becoming bulletproof to these different frequencies around you, you can simply move with them."
"We are capturing all the important natural frequencies of the system contributed in our vibration."
"These points are called the formant frequencies F1, F2, F3."
"The human self can tune in to the right frequencies that make up our own reality, we are makers of our own destiny."
"We're bombarded by different frequencies; it is our conscious mind that makes sense of it."
"You're able to adapt to different frequencies and hold your light."
"I love listening to frequencies, they truly elevate my vibe."
"It's helping to elevate us into those higher frequencies of love, harmony, peace, and acceptance."