
Regional Comparison Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"These are the states that score the highest in human development index and in a bunch of metrics like low crime, good education or a good standard of living."
"Look at the cancer rates in the West, then look at the African continent."
"London did far better than anywhere else... some of the poorest regions in Europe."
"I think it's good now. It shows that he's doing better in Iowa than he is nationally."
"Victory, if yes, what's worked in Saudi and UAE etc., is still not working with the western world and that should tell you a lot."
"El Salvador can be the Singapore of Latin America."
"The education system in this East Coast is the best in the entire country."
"The U.S. is equipped to weather this much better than Europe is."
"I think he is punishing nurses now in England these nurses are now paid and the worst across the UK when you look at what's happened in Wales in Scotland and is that fair it most certainly isn't."
"I'm quite optimistic that the UK is going to carry on going down, less so optimistic the United States are going to carry on going down because I am concerned about the new variant."
"Look at California like we look at Texas... You think that you just imagine Governor Abbott... they want to get rid of Governor Abbott."
"You don't get a lot of that up in San Francisco, and hopefully you'll continue doing what you're doing so that many people can speak their mind."
"I want to find out where Topeka fits in there on the state capital hierarchy."
"The 21st century belongs to China? Which China are you talking about?"
"Rural vs urban in Canada: demographics, politics, and cultural differences."
"Safety would be much better in Shanghai for sure."
"Maybe the rest of the continent should follow that simple truth."
"Florida's private sector growth rate is three times faster than the nation as a whole." - Report on Florida's economic growth
"Florida is literally becoming the next California in terms of the cost of living."
"It's insane to me that we have 150 000 people living on the streets in the greater LA area and we have heard Austin's worse."
"Many Ohio residents have some amount of state pride. I mean, they could live in West Virginia, so it's not the worst place in the country."
"It's exciting to see Western teams realizing that the talent in the region isn't as dense as it is in Korea and pulling players from here."
"Go see Niagara Falls from the Canadian side though because it's better than the American side"
"On balance every Mexico harder than the rest of Latin America... Mexico made no progress whatsoever."
"The industrial plant in North America can make the products quicker at a lower price and at a higher quality point that you can in East Asia."
"I think Kanto has the best Pokemon across the board because like even now there's still some pretty good Pokemon in Kanto."
"The countries that have managed the crisis the pandemic most successfully have been Asia's democracies."
"You pride yourself on your lunch bucket Joe nickname and tout your blue collar Scranton Pennsylvania roots but Mr President there is nowhere more blue-collar than Northeast Ohio."
"Chicago has always been the measuring stick of basketball."
"You're more likely to be homeless over here, but over there it's a lot easier. You're more likely to be homeless over here, but over there it's a lot easier."
"BTS is bigger in Latin America than in Spain."
"Massachusetts: boasting a human development index higher than all but one country in the world."
"Come on, building busts of drag queens. In some parts of the country, you can't even get a gay wedding cake made. Meanwhile in Los Angeles, they're like, drag queen bust? We'll get right on top of that."
"Let Taiwan take over or implement what Taiwan did here because it's the same people, same culture, same freedoms."
"That's just the power of like, hey, 'cause a lot of people, 'oh well it's only a five nav cap rate' here times four, comparing to the Midwest or other things, but like if you put in the big picture, you still get a very impressive return."
"The verdict is in and we have to award the medal to red America."
"The economic conditions are far stronger across most of the sun belt states."
"Vietnam's growth has been higher than China's and higher than any Asian Nation overall."
"If you're involved in the paperwork you got a 50% chance of fraud... that is not the case in Panama."
"400,000 children under the age of five die in Pakistan every year. If Pakistan had maintained pace with India and Bangladesh over this time period, about 200,000 fewer children would die every year."
"...in the United States 95% of all households have a bank account in the Middle East the figure is 14%..."
"I mean, not that Ohio can't be a vacation, but I felt like I was in Florida or the Caribbean."
"Technology in the East is the very highest."
"It's like Canada's Texas if Texas had the weather of Alaska."
"We have a forecast of 6.1 percent growth for India, that's well above the regional average."
"They say Israel is the Silicon Valley of the Middle East."
"I like the West in terms of the top heavy part, but in terms of just more good teams, I like the East."
"Women's suffrage was higher in the West than in the East."
"We see that North America and Europe consume approximately 50% of water on average."
"In the Midwest, in the West, in the rest of the country, they just have so much space here compared to Europe."