
Critical Opinion Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"He's done more damage than the 10 worst Presidents in the history of our country."
"There's no in between, it's trash or it's insane."
"In my opinion this is completely indefensible."
"Americans are too stupid to know what they're doing."
"Despite my nitpicks and gripes, I had no problem declaring that this is the best superhero movie of 2019."
"Church Militant... more ignorant group of [ __ ] I don't think I've ever encountered."
"I think the people who disagree with me on this, this is what designates the line between people who think of artistic communication and art as spectacle and entertainment, and I really do think less of the people in the latter category."
"Opinion: Large corporate interests - weapons manufacturers, the pharmaceutical industry, and fossil fuel companies - are some of the most influential sources of funding for both political parties."
"I think that you, Samantha B, are immensely untalented, unfunny to a point that I very rarely use the word offensive, but you are offensively unfunny."
"I started teaching myself about six years ago... I put in a lot of work for it... I went to a school for a little while... they're the Nazis of the art world."
"I appreciated the impact this man had on English literature. Look, I'm happy for him, but if I never had to read another one of his books, it would be too soon."
"I just thought that this was such a gross way to feed and really exacerbate division."
"Criticism of Terra risks destabilizing the crypto ecosystem."
"This is all one man trying to cover his own ass so that he can torture people and I do think this has some really Sinister undertones."
"Again, just based on what we saw with that crappy other side metaverse."
"I think Jordan Peterson is a lunatic, and I think his perspective on women is just twisted."
"Actions speak louder than words and I doubt he's setting himself up to fail."
"Get the hell out of that godforsaken white supremacist cult known as Christianity."
"Redfall is very very not good but Golem is just very very bad."
"I think G2 and this is not a bull take at all but I think it is worth saying because a lot of times people are like oh you're not giving you're either you're talking about YouTube too much you're not talking about that enough."
"But at the same time, those of us who still like Adventure 2 would appreciate it if you'd stop shoving the opinions of big reviewers down our throats."
"The truth is that it is a thoroughly mistaken decision which is taking our country to a bad future."
"I liked what this book had to say, I just don't know if I really liked how it said it."
"In conclusion, classic will suck in so many unsuspecting victims."
"One film will finally get the nod, leading rabid fans everywhere to say, 'I guess it was good, but was it that good?'"
"If you think that this series or this season is the worst season of Game of Thrones you're a [ __ ] idiot."
"These are the primary points of evidence that Rings of Power is going to be a steaming pile of crap."
"The contrary opinion that violence never solves anything is wishful thinking at its worst, people."
"Hunter Hunter is objectively peak fiction. It's definitely at the top up there. The reading experience of the manga itself is definitely not as good as it could be."
"Visual effects maybe, some technical awards absolutely. It's a great, fun, magnificent film."
"The Predator as a franchise is such a damn joke..."
"Somehow that's because of orange man bad and then to suggest Trump would feel good about a famous athlete and his daughter dying far too young well that's pretty rich right there."
"Jerome Powell, the dumbest person in our entire government. I don't think there's any question about it."
"Overall I'm feeling solid seven it's a good lesson I just think that they have better probably the weakest thing I've heard from them so far."
"I did not hesitate. I told America these vaccines should be pulled off the market."
"Loving this game is to walk on the edge of a blade."
"Putting masks on kids at this point... is not only anti-science, but it's also child abuse."
"If anyone who's involved in this decision is watching, I think you're an idiot. I just want to throw that out there."
"I thought this movie was God, Dionne. You don't know what you're thinking about."
"I held my ground because I felt it was ultimately my genuine opinion of the game after having played it extensively."
"As a film critic, I have to say this movie is well-made and effective."
"Yeah, the good guy wins. Like okay, motherfucker's really gonna pretend Spider-Man Far From Home, Ant-Man, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, and Captain America Civil War are the same movie?"
"One thing that is quite funny and like well, it's just mad is the fact that the main gripe about Abu Dhabi was they didn't stick to the rules." - Unnamed speaker
"Channel Awesome are the worst thing to happen to internet."
"I hope you enjoyed this video with some information on the Corvette zr1 and things that I really don't like about it."
"I was worried I wasn't going to because the story made sense. Yeah, the bad guys made sense."
"Venom... a bizarre totally uneven film... still strangely endearing... ton of fun to watch."
"If anybody says that this indictment is anything other than a ludicrous steaming pile of judicial dog plop, they're idiots. Period."
"It's really just like I said earlier, just a crappy watered-down version of what we've heard a million times before."
"He is sometimes quite brutal in what he says. But I was impressed with the sense of alarm and even despair with which he looks at this."
"Who don't you want leading you in a situation like this? You absolutely don't want Donald Trump."
"That is the level of their discourse when it comes to this area."
"Zack Snyder needs to not do any more of these fucking movies."
"I'm also truly shocked that a bunch of leftists and progressives came up with the worst idea in probably constitutional history."
"This refusal to take this seriously... goes beyond... predates."
"Zemo had the right idea. There's already too many super people around."
"You just don't seem like one of those women that will be voted for a Democrat because they are anti-God, they are anti-country, they are anti-family, they are anti-constitution, they are anti-Second Amendment and First Amendment."
"Here's why this is a dumb idea: it would be a dumb idea even if it were coming from somebody I actually liked, let's say that you're Mike Lee or Ben Sasse or Ted Cruz."
"For almost every person we've spoken to, with the exception of one talent, who stated the pandemic was just one big work."
"The fact that he kept Villa up in the Premier League with basically on his own and they gave him those sort of cards I think that's a joke I think Villa fans agree with me shocking it sounds very very harsh FIFA."
"here's the moral of the story all these people are [ __ ] morons and have no idea what they're talking about"
"What bugs me is actively trying to destroy progress for Humanity by like paying politicians."
"Anyone who talks down Bitcoin... should not even be in the conversation."
"It's just a blast, you know? The movie is pretty awful in a lot of ways, but it's really fun."
"I feel like over the years Ben Shapiro has had increasingly bad takes."
"That's what's really outrageous here, and you know, I'm obviously I'm not super concerned about like deficits and that doesn't drive my politics, etc. This is a basic matter of fairness."
"A bad game is bad forever. A great game is great forever."
"This lays very bare how absurdly pathetic the Democratic Party has been."
"It's still a great game on 3DS it's just the worst way to play a great game."
"I think that if they were to have someone to do like anonymous conversations with people, they would find out that pretty much everyone who's ever worked for Jeff Johns hates him."
"You're sitting there arguing that a freaking actor, I don't care unless that actor is onstage curing brain cancer, he should not be getting paid 50 million dollars for a freaking movie, ever."
"Only a zombie would support Michael Bloomberg for president, unless you actually were a fascist."
"Between 75 to 90% of all lawyers are the incompetent dishonest or both." - Former Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court Earl Warren
"I think there's definite bias... but I don't agree... I stand by my Stanley Kubrick comparison."
"It sucks way more than it has any right to suck."
"As much as I might not have liked the final season or whatever, Game of Thrones is still one of the greatest TV shows ever made."
"When I think Cardi B I think top 10 worst artists of the 21st century."
"It's like food and water for us, so why would any of them create business models with odds stacked against themselves anyway?"
"He shouldn't get a round of applause for that. That's like giving someone a round of applause for not cheating on their spouse." - Amberlynn
"Anyone that thinks that this is good for the sport, you are part of the problem."
"I didn't think they were going to put the protestant in this, and it's so bad."
"So far, I feel like Vulcan hasn't really said anything substantial."
"Most of these are betting companies and ugly sponsors. That's Suzuki, Kaster, you have smashed this out the park, lads."
"How did anyone think the Angels would be a good team? They're so not very good."
"You know what I mean? That's stupid. They're stupid. They're [expletive]. They should have, if they're going to hang, they should have immediately went over to that [expletive] kid, turned around, handcuffed him. Problem solved."
"This book could have been cooler... It didn't need to be a love story but like again overall I freaking love this book I think it's a masterpiece."
"I overall don't like the song but message is amazing."
"I really don't like 'Up' that much, the film. I love the first 10 minutes of it, and I think after that, it just goes downhill."