
Protestantism Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"To be deep in history is to cease to be Protestant."
"The number one takeaway I want all of you to get from this video is that Sola scriptura has created Jacqueline Glen's interpretation of the Bible."
"Protestantism arose in response to real error, real idolatry, real violence and abuse."
"To be steeped in history is to cease to be Protestant."
"Our day to day lives do matter which Protestantism by and large rejects."
"In order to be a faithful protestant, we need both the spirit and the experience of the faithful protestants."
"There are Catholics who are saved, just like there are Protestants who aren't."
"The Protestant move...it's saying if we're all resting on the merit of Christ and we're all called to do different things and simply trying to find time off as much as possible simply is a wasting of the talent that God has given us."
"The massive majority of Protestants...don't have a problem with it."
"It's like this baked-in Protestantism, just baked in pure puritanism that really informs a lot of this country's political culture."
"If you're watching this wondering boy I'm at a Protestant church we need to give more attention to the Lord's Supper, here's an encouragement: do a study group at your church."
"Different Protestant denominations emerged from this, including the Lutherans, Calvinists, and Presbyterians."
"...no Protestant Christian believes in Sola Scriptura. You believe in Sola, my private, fallible interpretation of scripture. That's what you actually believe in."
"The Protestants formed their own churches and believed in the idea that a person's own relationship with God was more important than submitting to the authority of the church."
"Unity cannot come at the expense of truth. This creates an impossible situation for protestantism in which there's always a balancing act between truth and unity."
"Protestantism has emphasized truth and really downplayed unity."
"Being a Protestant allows you to, with historical consistency, recognize the church is huge."
"May we truly understand what it means to be a Protestant: the authority of God's Word and the power of the conscience in religious matters."
"From his research on the letters of st. Paul what happened is he slowly he began to develop what became the bedrock of Protestant theological doctrine Sola fidei which means in inferior Latin faith alone."
"Protestants all across Europe rejoice."
"Protestant Christians set out to make America Christian and ended up making Christianity American."
"Disputes not between Catholics and Protestants--that was perhaps largely settled by 1600--but disputes between different conceptions of what it was to be a Protestant."
"It actually shows us that, at the end of the day, it's like Protestants who have walked away from the original Canon if anything."
"The Book of Mormon's theology is mostly consonant with Protestant preaching."
"Protestantism has this principle of semper reformanda which means always reforming."
"The protestant concern obviously is that this whole theology is is post-apostolic it's not biblical it's an accretion that kind of slowly comes in over time and it has the net effect of obscuring the gospel."
"Sometimes I will go to Protestant churches to pray and to see because I see the thirst. There's a tremendous thirst for God."
"I believe that the Protestant churches need and want and desire the sacraments."
"Mariology to me represents an area where Protestants and Catholics are getting further apart."
"It's not just that there is a Catholic and a Protestant side, no. It's that both sides in the early church, even when there were fights, were way too Catholic for most forms of modern Protestantism."
"Is Channel devoted to a kind of ecumenism between Christians or does he want to focus on providing a robust defense of protestantism?"
"This is a typical Protestant invention by Martin Luther and the other reformers who gave the same rights and abolished the distinction."
"I think protestantism in general has this desire to control things and keep it safe."
"I think people feel this way about Protestantism more generally, they're not always sure like okay what is your positive contribution you want to put on the table?"
"Historically Protestant Christians have seen work as worship."
"Protestantism is a free-for-all where you can basically do whatever you want."
"William of Orange certainly had pedigree. He'd been involved in several battles with the Catholic king of France and he was seen across Europe as a staunch defender of the Protestant faith."
"The Protestant work ethic emerged as part of a believer's priesthood, serving God in the excellence of his craft or in the excellence of a woman's home."
"Protestantism was from its first beginnings a missionary religion."
"Protestants are no longer protesting. They are embracing the fourth beast of Daniel chapter 7."
"So yes the Catholic Church did decide this and that's why many Protestants don't like to talk about they don't even like to deal with it because they have to admit Authority and that's a big problem especially when talking about scripture."
"The freedoms that we enjoy today in the United States in American society are the result of the spirit of Protestantism."
"Is there anything that all Protestants agree on? Yes, there actually is one thing: it's that the Bible has more Authority than the church."
"...he said England is the head of Protestantism, the center of its movements, and a stronghold of its power..."
"The principles contained in this celebrated protest constitute the very essence of Protestantism."
"Protestants need to recover both natural law and a high view of the physical body."
"If I had to summarize it in a concluding statement, I would say that in general Orthodox Christians have a lot to learn from the Protestant churches."
"Every Protestant would agree on what the gospel is and that that is primary."
"Protestants and the Protestant Reformation in some ways even reformed the Catholic Church."
"I love that the Bible is Catholic. It is Catholic. I think it is so ironic when Protestants try to take Scripture verses and try to convert me through Scripture verse because this is a Catholic book."
"Protestants are concerned that you will detract from the grace of God in their lives and people will begin to trust in their works rather than in God's grace."
"Protestants understand faith to be a commitment to Jesus Christ as our Savior, a faith that is a commitment of the heart, a trust, a reliance placing our confidence, our hope in him alone."
"The Protestant doctrine of justification is not a mere punctilious sense but is ongoing, from start-to-finish."
"Calvin's work was so instrumental in the formulation of Protestantism in general, and his insights are both biblical and helpful."
"She was about to become a legend amongst the Protestants of England."
"For revival had become a defining feature of American Protestantism."
"Edward VI was the first Protestant monarch."
"Jane was a passionate Protestant."
"Catherine Parr, the first Protestant queen of England, she raises Henry's children, she brings the family together."
"Luther himself produced a flood of tracts and books and sermons and hymns."
"It was important not just because of the birth of the Protestant Church, but because of the freedom of thought that began to be encouraged."
"Wycliffe now taught the distinctive doctrines of Protestantism: salvation through faith in Christ and the sole infallibility of the Scriptures."
"Henry IV was originally Protestant, which was obviously a problem in the minds of many French people at that time."
"Conversionary Protestants were a crucial catalyst initiating the development and spread of religious liberty, mass education, mass printing, newspapers, voluntary organizations, and most major colonial reforms."
"Every conceivable Protestant sect was publishing treatises of theological speculation and publishing treatises of religious propaganda at an extraordinary rate."
"William then issued a letter claiming that if he and Mary inherited the throne, they as Protestants would tolerate Catholics and Protestant dissenters."
"We are Protestant, and it's very important to remember those Protestant doctrines that we have because they are the solution to our problems."
"The quest for a legitimate male heir had seen England split with Rome, as well as the first tenuous moves towards the adoption of Protestantism in England."
"If ever a Protestant has been practically canonized, it has been John Wesley."
"The death of Reginald and Mary signaled the end of an era and the dawn of Elizabethan England, in which we would see Protestantism firmly established."
"Protestantism is in crisis... Protestants have been alienated from their own traditional institutions."
"We are Protestants, protesting the deformation and crying out in our own lives for the Reformation of Christ in us, the hope of glory."
"He was a Protestant because he protested against the corruption of the church that was carried on in the name of Jesus Christ."
"Protestantism helped even more than Catholicism, you know this whole like Protestant work ethic really emphasized individual hard work and free markets."
"We will come back and become Protestants together."
"Without the not just Christianity but the Protestant Reformation, this idea that we're not just handed down truth from some person on high."
"Protestantism, in disregarding the authority of the Roman Catholic Church, has no good reason for its Sunday theory and ought to logically keep Saturday as the Sabbath."
"The Protestant movement began with Luther."
"I have no apology to make for being a Protestant."
"Christianity and future are synonymous and if Protestant churches must die, they die in faith, they will be raised new, more radiant with glory than ever."
"It was as a Protestant that I learned of the reality and power and magnificent goodness of God."
"The simple claim of Protestants is that the Apostles' writings are to define the church, not the other way around."
"The call of the Protestant reformers to worship God according to His word in the Bible was neither new nor novel; it was the call of true Catholicism to draw near to the real God on His terms."
"The dispute between Protestants and Catholics is whether those souls on Earth can be directly heard by the souls in heaven in their prayer requests."
"Elizabeth's goal... was a completely Protestant society."
"England had become a safe haven for the Protestants."
"Elizabeth herself was raised Protestant."
"The fullness of Truth is not in Protestantism."
"The AME Church was the first independent Protestant denomination founded by African Americans."