
Leadership Advice Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"I remember Sir Alex Ferguson saying to me, 'Just get rid of them, son. Protect yourself. Only have people in the dressing room who are facing the same direction as you.'"
"High performance is everything that we do, generating and focusing your performance into all aspects that contribute that is everything that we're about." - Christian Horner OBE
"You've been sent to make things easy for people, not to make them hard."
"Most importantly, make sure that the team has a crystal clear vision."
"You will be told your whole life that you need to learn to listen. I would say that you need to learn to be the last to speak."
"Speak softly, carry a big stick." - Frank Reagan
"It's not about you, you're not the star, it's about your customers."
"What you would do if you are smart and the leader of the United States is you would strengthen America's economy."
"Your advice, President, on dealing with the current race crisis is spot-on."
"Don't just challenge the status quo, dismantle it. Take things over." - Ed Markey
"Stop avoiding the conflict... The longer you delay a conflict, the problem gets bigger and bigger and bigger."
"Start with why, remind your team what makes this company great."
"What Sir Alex Ferguson thinks about the manager should be listened to but should not have huge weight attached to it."
"No employee should ever work as hard as you unless they have the same equity in the company as you."
"Change your approach." - "Leaders act for their moment."
"Be willing to take action in the meetings, make the hard decisions, and ask the hard questions."
"Be unconventional. Conventional thinking gives you conventional results."
"Arrogance is a trap a lot of us fall into, Senator."
"Take control of this situation from day one."
"Be a leader even if you don't have the title of, you need to be a leader in whatever you do know who you are."
"If you ain't driving the bus, don't walk around and talk about you a champion." - Charles Barkley
"Thinking small is a prescription for disaster. We have to think big."
"Believing that you're the smartest person in the room? Trust me on this, never ends well."
"He tells him that he should always look for team members whom he can blindly trust."
"As a matter of professional advice, I would advise any leader: don't put date certains on end dates."
"We don't have to be beholden to just what their whims are." - David J. Harris Jr.
"Remember Theodore Roosevelt's words: 'It is not the critic who counts.'"
"The boys need to be smart enough to do the right things." - Klopp
"As someone who wants to give you the best advice possible, I do believe I made it clear that I recommend a freeze team."
"The plan that you have is not as important as your culture."
"Check your ego young African leaders. If your ego is more important than the people, then you are not serving the people, you're serving yourself."
"Forgive me, my lord, but if you want your employees to respect you, then you need to actually listen to them. Or at least not kill them."
"I want you guys to feel free and play on your best abilities and keep in mind what brought us here."
"I promised Joe that I will give him that perspective and always be honest with him."
"Seek and take responsibility for your actions; constantly grow and evolve as a leader and entrepreneur."
"To our next generation of leadership, at least we're giving you an opinion you could work with."
"What are we doing? That's stupid. Everyone should run their business like they're a CEO."
"I've been telling y'all what to do, how to do it, when to do it."
"You don't make knee-jerk reactions. That's just, just, that's the point I'm trying to make here."
"Coron encourages the chief not to shoulder everything alone."
"Start listening to your community, get off your [__] high horse."
"Seizing the opportunity, Tangon offered some advice to Dubai, cautioning him about the potential consequences."
"Leadership Lessons: You take care of your people."
"Be yourself; people would rather follow a leader that is always real rather than a leader that is always right."
"Now is the time to heed the timeless advice from Teddy Roosevelt: Speak softly and carry a big stick."
"There's really three things you have to do if you want to be a CEO."
"If you want to lead people, don't lead by just talking, lead by example."