
Daily Reminder Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Seize the day and I thank you for that reminder."
"As soon as you open your eyes, you have to remember this is a new day."
"This is your daily reminder to love the skin you're in"
"Fear not was written 365 times in the Bible, that's one per day."
"You need to tell yourself that you are enough every single day."
"Thank you guys for watching and most importantly do not forget to have yourselves a great day."
"It's a constant reminder to all of our active duty marines who come through and see this to remind us why we wake up and train every day."
"May the words of Psalm 91 settle deeply into our hearts, reminding us daily of God's faithfulness, unwavering love, and protection."
"Remind myself on a daily basis of what a blessing it is to have my children around again."
"The church was designed to win earth back to God."
"Money has never been able to change me. I keep that in the front of my mind every single day."
"You are incredibly strong. Do not forget that today."
"So every morning as soon as I open my eyes I look up and I'm reminded to chase my dreams never stop reaching for those goals baby."
"Don't forget to smile, don't forget to value every day of life that you have."
"Do not be afraid is written 365 times in the Bible; it's like one reminder for each day of the year to not entertain fear."
"Print out quotes that represent the mindset you have to have and place it somewhere where you can see it every single day."
"You deserve better. The fact that you know that, you need to remind yourself of that every single day."
"We want this to be a constant reminder of what the goals are every single day."
"I love having it there where I see it every single day of the year."
"When you have a daily planner, then every single day your goals are in front of your eyes."
"I have to remind myself every single day that this year I'm gonna take my life easier, I'm gonna enjoy every moment."
"You have to remind yourself every single day that this year you're gonna take your life easier, you're gonna enjoy every moment."
"I hope you have a wonderful day and don't forget, wash your hands."
"You're flawed but you're still perfect, and that's what you got to remember every day of your life."
"I'm just here as your daily reminder to exfoliate your skin."
"Never let a day go by without telling your family you love them."
"It's really cool to be reminded every day of just how vast the universe is."
"I'm not going anywhere until I remind everybody here to not forget to have a great day."
"Remember to have a wonderful day, be kind to someone, and I promise I'll see you guys tomorrow."
"Remember to have a wonderful day everybody, also remember to be kind of sewing, I promise I'll see you guys tomorrow."
"The lesson of the day is to always just love you, care about you."
"I put this little heart patch here next to the mirror so that I can remind myself to love myself."
"You deserve the best, and I'm gonna remind you of that every day."
"I think you need to write on a piece of paper and tape it to your mirror to see it every day because it's how so many people see you."
"Write down why this is important to you so you have something to look at each and every day."
"He was truly a hero and that's why I have this there every day now to remind me of what is possible."
"Every day just remember to be a little bit kinder."
"Make sure I remind you that you're beautiful every single day."
"This is something that I carry in every one of my bags, every single day, just to remind me of my grandmother."
"The most important thing to remember: have a great day."
"Just remind yourself every day that you are that."
"God calls us to something higher, and we have to remind ourselves of that daily."
"We're here to bring awareness to those rights and remind people daily like you have these rights."
"Remember to have a wonderful day and be kind to someone."
"Each day we can remember that we have 'one more day' to live and be faithful."
"The most important thing to remind yourself every day is that you're here to be happy."
"Remembering every single day that you have a choice to be happy."
"Every day I remind myself of my commitment to justice."
"It's the fact that this sits on your Papa's desk, or your grandpa's desk, or your dad's desk, or your teacher's desk, and every day they look at it and it reminds them of you."
"We came up with the name 'Starry Eyed' because it's just like something that you could use on an everyday basis to remind yourself to always reach for the stars and follow your dreams."
"Write your goal on your mirror and look at it every morning."
"It's a wonderful, amazing gift that you guys have given me, a daily reminder that we all matter to some degree."
"Set goals to our lives, remind yourself every day of the things you want to do, who you want to be, what you want to accomplish."
"Drink some water today, do better. I try to tell myself that every day."
"Remember to love yourself every day."
"I'm here every day to remind people that they have the power to change the reality."