
Balanced Approach Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Celebrating successes is as important as criticizing failures."
"We have to get back on the path to balance... even a 15-year path is better than never ever balancing."
"I just think it's important that [the music] has a point, it makes the point, and it doesn't overdo it and it doesn't underdo it."
"I think it's important to take a balanced and scientifically sound approach."
"Migration is good but unlimited migration creates challenges."
"Give a healthy balance of training and love."
"I want to treat this subject in a balanced and non incendiary way... a very important piece of information for any of us who believe in freedom of inquiry within a free society."
"INTJs, when mature, maximize both the pragmatic and the passionate in their relationships."
"The definition of insanity is basically doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result."
"They've learned that life has a purpose, but they also don't take life too seriously."
"It wasn't so controversial... I thought he balanced it very well."
"The children who do the best in the research I've done for the boy crisis are the ones who have checks and balance parenting."
"Build your war chest, you should have defense and offense."
"Balance the research but then also do a gut check."
"I encourage all lawmakers considering right to repair legislation to look at House Bill 1392 as a model going forward due to its balanced approach." - Plenfield
"The call for resolution is not punitive measures but a plea for a balanced and just approach."
"Digital should be a third part of the tripod on that."
"The housing market is passing an inflection point this spring and we're on our way to a more balanced real estate market."
"There's not an either-or situation. We can have a middle ground."
"Spend 50% of your time on content creation, 50% on content distribution."
"Why do we have to keep going to these extremes until the world can find the middle way?"
"He became the perfect balance between being quite defensively responsible and boxing quite cleverly."
"Don't just let the springs pass. Take advantage. Seize the day. Seize the moment. Seize the opportunity."
"You need a combination of both to a certain degree."
"Use what works: you don't have to be 100% organic or 100% chemical."
"We need to balance keeping the disease down, the economy open, and hospitals unoverwhelmed."
"Productivity culture can be a good thing, but it should be a tool, not a philosophy."
"Stay grounded, practice cautious optimism, and trust your instincts."
"Every time we didn't go to an extreme, that's what saved us."
"It's about finding the right balance, connecting farming with nature rather than just exploiting soil."
"Don't go all in, you need to have a balanced army."
"Watch as much matches as you can. The eye test is your friend as much as data is. Find the balance."
"Stay balanced and seek out a moderate approach to challenges."
"There is a balanced protection that better serves the interest of the Constitution."
"Islam tells us, verily do not be extreme in matters of faith; Islam is the middle path."
"You want to get a good mix of reading, speaking, writing, and listening."
"We don't just factor the science in, we also factor in our experience."
"You need to be objective in your approach, balanced, unbiased, and support your critique with examples."
"This is where we give you the tools to design a balanced approach to your own health."
"It's like too much chocolate, you know, too much sweet. A little bit is good in moderation, but not too much."
"Balance the four strands so that you have a balanced view and a balanced use of language in all the areas."
"I try to take a middle ground approach and be pretty fact-based, information-based, and not get too opinionated about it."
"We need a very calm, very thoughtful, respectful, and balanced conversation about why this happened."
"It's steering a rather brilliant middle course, I think."
"A balanced scorecard requires managers to deliver performance in all four areas."
"Hero RB is the most universal draft strategy; it's extremely balanced."
"Everything in moderation, don't do everything at once."
"Celebrate in the moment but learn from it in the long run."
"Taking a more balanced, steady approach to whatever you're doing is going to lead to a lot of success for you."