
Taxonomy Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"The evidence of taxonomic relationships is overwhelming when you look at the comparisons between genomic DNA sequences."
"What is this Pokémon? Feathers like a bird, a pouch like a marsupial, it lays eggs like a bird or reptile, but it's not a bird. I mean, come on, it can't be, right?"
"Science is busy working on figuring out what animals belong to each kind."
"The mark he left on taxonomy is still obvious today."
"A prolific writer, he completely revolutionized taxonomy."
"Carl Linnaeus was born on May 23, 1707, in Råshult, a tiny village in the province of Småland in southern Sweden."
"With this method, most species on the planet can be named using only two words."
"Remember this is a clade not a description of dietary preferences."
"Tortoises are turtles, but turtles are not always tortoises."
"Should you define a strain by its genomic makeup, which is the traditional way we define things, or should you define it based on what it's doing and its actions?"
"Sarcus imperator was named and described in 1966 by Dr. France dearon de."
"Curiously, the last subtype of Lizardmen that spawned from the jungle pools often arose from the same spawning as their smallest counterparts."
"Torosaurus is not just Triceratops 2.0; for now, it's its own creature and should be treated that way."
"Animals were named after the color of their plastron being black and the cryptic leaf-like shape of their shell."
"If we can come up with, let's say, a set of logical categories you could use to describe the world, they would not only be descriptive in the sense that they're taxonomic logical functions, but they're actually properties of things in themselves."
"We are aware of the many species of information. We name their types sardonically, as though to reassure ourselves that we understand urban myths and zombie lies."
"Why do we use the word 'animal' wrongly sometimes? Sometimes, a lot of people forget that 'animal' is every living thing—mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, insect, crustacean, mollusk, you name it."
"Opabinia is not alone in the abyss that is the study of taxonomy."
"Taxonomy, the discipline of placing names on bits of the universe or in abstract ideas, is the heart of the richness of intellectual discipline."
"Felonate, the second branch of feliday, is the most widespread group of cats alive today."
"Linnaeus sought to separate us as a species for our mental prowess and here he chose a male designation Homo sapiens."
"It's not justifiable to call it its own genus."
"He had a biological system of classification that wasn't improved upon for more than 1,500 years."
"Carl Linnaeus, the father of modern taxonomy, was a Swedish botanist, zoologist, taxonomist, and physician."
"Domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species."
"Tyrannosaurus was a particularly widespread theropod across its range in what is now North America."
"I read a paper that said that there are more than 57 working definitions for what is a species as of, I think, two years ago, that could be found in the scientific literatures."
"The spider is definitely organic yet I hesitate to call it an animal in the first place."
"Sam ethereum was an important genus in the history of giraffe evolution."
"Birds are not just descendants from dinosaurs but are considered a living group of therapod dinosaurs, specifically part of the subgroup called quosa dinosaur."
"Ants, wasps, and bees are closely related, all belonging to the same order of insects known as Hymenoptera, characterized by a special waist segment all these insects in the order possess."
"Feathers were still are to a large extent the diagnostic trait of birds."
"I understand the need for distinctive binomial nomenclature... but for the Layman and for the dinosaur fans, we really should just stop yelling at people for calling it brontosaurus."
"Meteorites are classified into categories like a periodic table based on origin, structure, and composition."
"There are four main types again there are many others."
"Kingdom Fungi includes yeasts, molds, rusts, and familiar mushrooms."
"This type of variety is called Miz type two."
"With Bloom's taxonomy, we can make our EAP students aware that different tasks require different levels of thinking."
"Cladograms allow us to view how various organisms are related to one another."
"This is our seria derunara, which is a slime mold, so it's a protest more closely related to amoebas than it is to fungi."
"The only difference between any two organisms, no matter what taxa, is their DNA."
"As far as new world species that make it on those lists, and in one case, somebody put 'boring new world species' which drives me nuts a little bit."
"Majority of new species are actually already collected and sitting in herbaria just waiting to be identified."
"The purpose of classification and taxonomy in biology is to organize living organisms based on their evolutionary history and relationships to each other."
"The fungal kingdom is distinct from both plants and animals and is, in fact, more closely related to animals than plants."
"The taxonomy will evolve over time because we have technical improvements going forward."
"King Phillip came over for great soup: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species."
"First it clearly adds to the overall message here that not only is Torosaurus a separate genus, but we even include specifically a baby Torosaurus to drive home that message."
"Genus is the higher essence and species is the lower essence."
"Did King Philip come over from great Spain? Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species."
"Taxonomy is the classification system of living organisms."
"To find out, we must look to taxonomists, they're the guys responsible for the systems of nomenclature we use to classify organisms."
"Hierarchical classification is groups within groups, and none of those groups overlap."
"A particular species cannot be part of more than one group."
"Phylogenetic classification arranges species into groups according to their evolutionary origins and relationships."
"I think that's honestly the most concise and clear way to define dinos."
"We will address more of the criteria as we move along, but the point is this: all of the traits that the first taxonomists use to separate the non-human apes from the monkeys, humans also have."
"Concavenator's branch of therapata kakara dantasory day was closely related to the famous Allosaurus of the late Jurassic."
"Domain, kingdom, phylum, class, family, genus, species."
"It's very alien, where they don't necessarily have a direct separation between plant and animal taxa the way that we do here on Earth."
"A taxonomy done right is a knowledge graph."
"This kind of visual navigation is often an important aid in developing taxonomies."
"Taxonomy is the scientific study of naming, defining, and classifying groups of biological organisms based on shared characteristics."
"Even the very definition of Dinosauria had to be revised due to the taxonomic chaos unleashed by the discovery of this unusual dinosaur."
"Dear King Philip came over for good soup."
"To ensure that all the stakeholders are on the same page, there's something called taxonomy."
"We slot name tags on life's diversity through taxonomy, systems of labeling and categorizing organisms."
"Classification is going to list the unique characters of each taxon and is intended to reflect phylogeny."
"A clade refers to a common ancestor and all of its lineal descendants."
"Tyrannosaurus is the genus and Rex is the species."
"You need to understand the taxonomy system which is the kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species."
"The first animal collected is called the holotype and is used to name the species and as a reference for its physical description."
"There's value in taking advantage of both the taxonomic and ontological approaches."
"The pragmatism and simplicity of a SKOS-based taxonomy enriched with additional classes, relationships, and attributes that derive from an ontological analysis."
"Systematic botany is the study of the relationships of living things."
"It's really important that you learn your Latin names because it doesn't matter where you go in the world, this common pink toe, the Avicularia avicularia, will always be known as the Avicularia avicularia."
"Binomial nomenclature allows us to be sure that an organism has a unique name that it can't be confused with another organism."
"Custom post types, custom fields, custom taxonomies, bi-directional relationships—that's content management."
"Taxonomy is going to focus on how we categorize life, how we structure organisms, and how we classify them based upon their evolutionary lineages and histories."
"All these things are related because the same logic that gets populations related to each other in the same species and species being related to each other within a Genus works all the way up the taxonomic rungs."
"All life is made up of the same stuff, more or less. The question is, what distinguishes one life form from another? It's not just the genetics, it's taxonomy."
"The phylogenetic classification system arranges different species into groups based on evolutionary origins and relationships."
"A species is a group of organisms of common ancestry that closely resemble each other structurally and biochemically."
"The study of all that... is called taxonomy."
"Dr. Richard Ross, the Godfather of stingrays, helped to catalogue all the different stingray species."
"We're going to take business information and group the businesses in there and have a nice taxonomy listing."
"We're going to choose portfolio categories because this is the taxonomy that we've created."
"We've now created that simple listing that will display the taxonomy blocks."
"When we talk about classification and taxonomy, we should really start with Carolus Linnaeus."
"Binomial nomenclature is the system of giving every organism two names."
"Taxonomy is the science of classifying life according to shared characteristics."
"Taxonomy at the outset doesn't seem super exciting... but it is actually really important."
"Biological creatures are named based on many taxonomic characters."
"Every ontology will involve a taxonomy."
"Birds are basically dinosaurs; the boundary between birds and dinosaurs has gone away."
"When you organize organisms based on shared character traits, a nested hierarchy structure emerges."
"When you feed all these data into a computer, it resolves a taxonomic hierarchy or a family tree showing which ones are more closely related and how."
"The clade of modern snakes is in the taxonomic suborder Serpentes that covers all the snakes there are."
"There are currently around 30 taxonomic families comprising 520 Genera and nearly 4,000 species of snakes that are still alive today."
"At the very top there is the kingdom, and it's Kingdom Animalia, which is all of the animals."
"Mammals are children of Animal, Birds are children of Animals."
"A taxonomy is a collection of concepts around a given subject domain that have been organized into a hierarchical tree structure."
"Once we have anatomy and taxonomy under us, we can talk about anything because we know everything about the fish outside and inside."
"Carnivora, which is the order that they belong to, actually comes from Latin meaning 'flesh devourers,' which is quite apt."
"Taxonomy hierarchies don't map neatly into useful class hierarchies."
"Binomial classification or nomenclature was propounded by the Swedish biologist called Carl Linnaeus."