
Immaturity Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"I'm really fun I don't really [ __ ] I don't and also I don't want to be mature and like why why would I need to do that why would I ever need to do that don't need to do that so [ __ ] you [ __ ] next one."
"Enlightenment was man's emergence from self-incurred immaturity."
"It's like the kid throwing a temper tantrum on the playground."
"It was a really fun little element of showing what an immature little teenager would do if he was suddenly given the powers of Superman."
"You're not a doctor, you're a little kid, you lie!"
"It's like running into someone who's still going to high school parties in their late 20s."
"They want to fix things and offer something legit, but they may come off a little childish."
"It's a very childlike mentality that's happening here."
"We've all done stupid, immature shit. We've all said stupid shits. Don't kid yourself."
"Blaming on someone else is the most immature and illogical thing."
"He's basically a child, he's a grown-ass child."
"Do you have to act like a child about everything?"
"It's just going to look like little bickering children who just can't get it, and that's not a winning political move."
"When I look at the collective West, it's kindergarten."
"Sprite, unlike most Eternals, is a rather immature trickster who loves to play tricks on the other Eternals as well as humans with his illusions."
"It's like a toddler having a tantrum over spilled milk."
"Infidelity is a childish behavior running through different women is a childish behavior because it shows a lack of discipline."
"He refuses to abide by that and the back and forth over it is so utterly juvenile."
"Maturity is spiritual living of course immaturity is synonymous with foolishness unconsciousness a lack of intelligence."
"Some of these people, like billionaires, they appear to be children."
"Blame is easier than self-reflection. Snap, snap, that's called immaturity, my friends."
"To make a mistake is human, to double down on that mistake it makes it seem like a six-year-old kid."
"You sound like a 12-year-old. I'm sorry, but that's the way you're coming across here. Sound like a little boy that needs mommy and daddy to hold his hand through everything."
"They're thinking that they were childish, they're feeling that they were immature, um, yeah, fall in reverse can also be like they were acting foolish."
"You're a child. That's what everything you're doing right now is childish."
"Locking your wife into a crate just because she won’t tell you how a magic trick is done is really immature, and childish."
"That was the most childish statement a grown person could ever make."
"It just [expletive] childish, bro, you know, like why you gotta say what she was doing in that relationship?"
"A lot of this just sounds like stupid, stupid, petty drama, high school nonsense."
"The nuclear family emotional process states that there is a fixed amount of immaturity in any nuclear family that must be dealt with."
"There is no substitution for immaturity."
"Skateboarding has nothing to do with competition or sport. It has to do with trying to stay as immature as you can for the rest of your life."
"They are overwhelmed by dark attachments and immature energy."
"I forgive you if there's even anything for you to be forgiven for I viewed it more as just immaturity of a 23 year old spouting off at the guy like that's what it was and we would all be lying if we all said we did not do the same thing."
"The only thing you're proving is that you're really immature and you obviously don't care about your business."
"They are reduced to children bickering between themselves."
"They can both be immature and childish, and as a result, they do very much like their time together."
"It's like an eighth grader trying to get psyched up for a school dance."
"He's just an immature dude who doesn't know how to communicate. He's like a teenage girl with her first boyfriend."
"Are they out of their minds? They are such children. Truly, he hasn't laughed like this in a while."
"Oh, that's the kind of thing a 14 year old virgin would say."
"Hey, take it easy pal, some people are able to make a decent name for themselves being overgrown children."
"I feel like this is honestly six-year-old behavior."
"To call someone names is very childish."
"It's crazy, they're acting really immature."
"And then he's a little bit, like, you can tell he's, like, nervous but then he has, like, issues like he's actually, like, a little bit childish."
"There's an interesting fun bond that can happen when there are immature things that you may not like together."
"Acting like children and there's way too much of that in WWE."
"You ain't cool unless you pee your pants."
"This movie was just delightfully immature and just fun."
"Cruelty, I always think it's super immature."
"The love of a narcissist is superficial and immature, akin to a child-like innocence."
"The love of a narcissist is emotionally immature, like that of a young child."
"The love of a narcissist is so immature, he or she is incapable of loving according to the definitions set out in the Bible."
"This person has fears. You guys feel a very sweet connection to this person, but they're a little immature. They don't know how to, like, make the moves."
"Every problem that you showed me here is a function of immaturity."
"...this definitely applies for some of you. It's like someone was just immature, deceptive, and acting very selfish."
"Childhood trauma causes immaturity. Childhood trauma and immaturity drive unmanageability."
"We had a little something like that, but it was really childish."
"This film is so freaking stupid and immature, so naturally I absolutely love it and see it as a time capsule of the era that it was made in."
"You know, it's not that it's not that it's not very nice well it's a bit immature because life isn't how about yeah, that's that. No, it's not quiet across atomizer what tonight insane and that's that."
"It's not very nice well it's a bit immature because life isn't how about yeah, that's that. No, it's not quiet across atomizer what tonight insane and that's that."
"He's like lad, dawg, great guy. You know, you want the best for him at all times, but he's just a big kid, man."
"he's acting like an actual child he's acting like a kid who is mad that people aren't playing the game his way"
"It's childish and it needs to stop."
"I feel like this person does really like you, but they've got a bit of growing up to do."
"That's what he does, act like a little kid because he is a kid, you know, he's 21."
"Dealing with a narcissist is like dealing with a child. They react disproportionately to situations due to emotional immaturity."
"Sleeping a lot has always been associated with immaturity."
"I might sound very spoiled immature, but I feel like I've been an afterthought."
"maturing sometimes is getting immature that's like you could mature by getting more immature you know what I mean you you it's not a I don't think you wasted your time that's for sure I just feel like I did"
"He's a man baby, and he's always been a man baby."
"Just two grown men constantly acting like children but one is clearly worse than the other."
"Envy tends to be one of the attributes of the spiritually immature."
"The spiritually immature are easily offended."
"The spiritually immature hold things against those who they perceive have wronged them."
"You're just such a little baby that can't have your way so you have to throw a little bit."
"He is such a baby doesn't know what day it is."
"Most anger is a result of three dominant components: immaturity, selfishness, jealous hatred."
"Even adults act like kids when they don't get their way."
"I've always been kind of a little bit of a manchild."
"People love to talk about freedom, but this immaturity, this extension of their childhood, it's a cage that we trap ourselves in."
"There is nothing more dangerous on the battlefield than an immature and arrogant officer who feels he needs to prove himself. It can lead men to their death."
"They're kind of acting like a baby or they're kind of being a little petty."
"I'm infantile and I never really grew up. I never became a real man."
"I used to read this book all the time when I was a kid, this is the Encyclopedia of Immaturity, and it's how to Never Grow Up."
"They're overgrown four-year-olds who never got their empathy chip installed."
"Most of the thoughts that we are able to discern occurring in the daily lives of those who dwell upon this planet lack maturity."
"I'm gonna be immature and be wacky and say stupid stuff to make you smile."
"A Peter Pan is a boy that doesn't want to grow up."
"It's immature but it's a charming immaturity."
"It's okay to make a few mistakes on both sides to act a little immature but that like in the end that you do care about each other as people."
"Often we hear people call her naive or abused, but I've come to the realization that Katherine was merely immature and reckless."
"These aren't acts of God, but someone very childish and immature who wants to pretend they're God."
"One of the strategies of the enemy is to keep us immature."
"You can be young only once, but you can be immature for a long, long time."
"Much trouble of our life comes from our immaturity."
"It made complete sense for you guys to drift away, but I yelled at you guys and called you all names like a child."
"I enjoy Love is Blind, I just think that the men are so immature."