
Achievement Celebration Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"Congratulations on 1 million, thank you, my good man."
"This one was for you, you finally got to see one fly!"
"If I can laugh, whether that's a laugh of ha-ha, yes, I've done it or whether that's a laugh of, gosh, isn't this silly, then that's when I'm succeeding."
"We need an applause, I'm sorry, we good? Yeah, good."
"Congratulations, you have built yourself a gaming PC."
"I cannot wait to come back in a year's time to see how far we've come, how much we've achieved."
"Your future self is saying that those blessings that you have been manifesting are here, you made it."
"It's a surreal moment, very excited about it. To everyone out there from the bottom of my heart, we would not be here without you guys."
"You celebrate last night, today you go and do more."
"Congratulations, you are the 2022 PBR world champion."
"I've done it. I did the thing. I did the thing."
"Congratulations to our Baldy's Basics: The Musical, which hit a hundred million views."
"Celebrate that you've achieved what you wanted."
"The sign has been removed. We did it, ladies and gentlemen!"
"We did it! We can consider this another mystery solved." - Abdallah
"That's fire, stop right there, you don't need to summon anymore, take your W and walk away."
"Big round of applause to all of our achievement earners."
"We win the champions league final! Clear this when we win the champions league final!"
"Imagine if he wins it and there's a new milestone hit, how cool would that be?"
"Another challenge completed, celebrate while you can Kyrie."
"I think that was four years of work, it just happened last night, right, we built that from the ground up."
"Holy crap, we made it! Look how far we've come!"
"Hooray, yep, that's my response in that moment, hooray I knew you could do it!"
"We did it we actually did it oh my word we did it we did it we did it we did it oh we actually did it I don't believe it I don't believe it."
"Let that resonate, shall I hit him 431 with the brand-new shotgun let that resume like that's it let's go dude we unlocked it."
"Sky's the limit, baby! I just want to thank them all: my team, Al Haymon, Eddie Hearn, my dad, my whole family."
"This feels like a win. This is also a win for young Vlad."
"Compliment my gameplay skills after securing those walnuts."
"First try, first nomination, first win. More to come."
"Congratulations, we've done it, we've fixed it."
"I did it, guys! We have ourselves a full centaur."
"As we go in again our star player our star budget-based just gets a beautiful goal in the back of the net."
"What does it mean to now just To Be A Champion to be able to celebrate with their family."
"Some work that you've been doing in private is coming to a close. It was not easy... but here you are, in a much, much, much better place."
"We actually did it, man. We actually did it."
"Congratulations on passing 1 million subscribers."
"The machine was coming for you and you punched back and that's why you're going to get all the accolades you enjoy it you deserve it and and have a good weekend thank you you too."
"There it is! There it is! Add it to the decks! Fantastic!"
"It's been a good run. Take you. No, they've actually done it! Let's go!"
"I feel like I'm getting near to something. I've only just begun."
"Every single rank okay it doesn't matter what rank it is you guys know in this team we celebrate every single rank."
"What a better way to say look I'm in a better place now than hiring Grif to read."
"We should cut the [__] and we should start celebrating our achievements rather than celebrating the struggle."
"I'm in ninth, this is the happiest day of my life."
"Celebrate small wins to reinforce positive behaviors and keep momentum."
"No ponchae, no front ariel. Like, holla freaking luia!"
"Our first ever 'which is bestest best guy ever' trophy goes to Hollow Knight for outstanding achievements in the video game field."
"Give me your soul, very nice, well done! There's nothing better than that moment right there."
"I do love it though when it gets game of the year, he's like, 'Told you!'"
"Finally, we did it. That was the last ingredient."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for 50k subscribers! We did it!"
"You've made the impossible possible, and that is something worth celebrating."
"Congratulations! Look what I got, alhamdulillah!"
"I actually so happy for her... it's really cool to see."
"Congratulations, on the basis that I just made that [ __ ] shot like a boss, dude."
"30k you know it, let's do it! GG everyone, thank you guys so much!"
"Revel in recognition and rewards for your efforts."
"You made it to the moon! That's one small step for bumble nums, one giant leap for bumble num kind."
"You love to see it baby. DG challenge complete!"
"The key was really clutch. We found the key, we opened up the key room as soon as you got the key. Beautifully done, very good job team."
"That's money baby, let's go, got another one!"
"It's better late than never, we finally did it."
"We have done it. Look at this, Spotify in recognition of 1 billion streams on Harry Styles 'Watermelon Sugar.'"
"We did it guys, yay! We finally made it out of the dark forest, crikey, that was an exciting battle!"
"We completed a quest and we get more coins, yay!"
"Congrats on reaching 500k, looking forward to more!"
"Oh, we made it! That was my first time ever trying that and we made it!"
"It's a Memory I keep from a lifetime and these competitions, yeah, you can call it Tim pot whatever you want but it's winning Summit, it's the feeling right, the feeling of winning."
"Don't you love it when a plan comes together?"
"April was a successful month, April is this month, this is the last one, it's April 30 and this was my most successful month."
"Congratulations on the success of your channel. I mean, you are what I checked the other day, you're at like 10 million views for the month, that's phenomenal."
"Mission accomplished, I like it. I like being a rebel myself."
"You've managed to get something enormous across the finish line... and now the whole stadium is about its feet, gets up, and you've got support."
"We're so excited, we made a spot in the room here for the play button!"
"Thanks to all of you guys, without you, we would not be having this right now and holding this in our hand."
"It finally arrived, YouTube sent us a plaque commemorating our achievement of 100,000 subscribers."
"Celebrate small victories because this will help you stay motivated throughout the school year."
"Like to call that a success. Yeah Grizzly, bam! Winner winner chicken dinner."
"Thanks, boys, congrats. Wow, look at all the points, that's awesome."
"Celebrate your small wins too, don't just wait for the big ones."
"Look at us, we made it, we made it!"
"Can we talk about how Brighton just got promoted today? That is crazy, Brighton just got promoted."
"Congratulations on your graduation, well done and welcome to the Police Bank family."
"This is a big victory, we did good."
"I'm so happy for Georgia, they've broken their streak."
"Victory! Oh yes, we arrived at IKEA."
"Celebrate small wins. Make sure you take the time to reflect and applaud your efforts."
"If this is your first time doing something like this, it's a pretty cool feeling, so congrats."
"We did it, we got everybody to the max level."
"One hell of a day, brother, we made it."