
Creative Collaboration Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"You are going to come together and make magic."
"I love being able to work with the main creative person behind their brand. Small makers are my dream clients."
"The two men became equally involved in the storytelling process, forming a new type of collaboration dubbed the Marvel method."
"If you get a good editor that's also a musician that also knows how to direct a music video This Is What You Get."
"One of my favorite parts of the entire process honestly was getting to work with folks on our amazing internal concept art team."
"We worked with different partners... even worked with folks from the community like Sims of the Prophets."
"With his permission, you know we had a back and forth and I recorded it and I said I want to use parts of this in the book and he said that's fine."
"Stan and Steve came together, neither could have done it alone to make this character."
"Star Wars Visions will be a series of animated short films celebrating Star Wars through the lens of the world's best anime creators."
"Greenblatt wanted to share that feeling by asking one of his favorite singers to join in."
"There's something to be said for just taking a bunch of really, really talented people and having them all work together to make something truly ridiculous."
"To our fellow creators, game developers, and every part of the Roblox community."
"Ultimately found just that you know that that resolution of self-love self-worth and just doing good [ __ ] doing [ __ ] that I like to do with great collaborators I think keeping that at the forefront you know."
"It's very important for a band to be friends with each other."
"That's my new mission right now is to create a network of independent producers artists video directors editors just whatever it takes."
"Social media is all about building off each other's ideas. That's exactly how Taylor started too."
"Sugary Cosmetics has teamed up with Mary Gekkoman to create the Movie Night collection, featuring the Soda Glow highlighter palette."
"What if Aaron Sorkin wrote it and Matthew Vaughn directed it?"
"Everything they came to us with, we basically said, 'That's a terrible idea,' and it became like, 'Well, they're just gonna hate anything we bring to them,' which isn't the case."
"I did a collaboration with Jazza about two years ago... Time flies!"
"You have to go back to the original creator and say, hey, could you do the file package?"
"If I had to make a sequel starring Rey Skywalker, I would honestly want to get help from all the people I've talked to about stories."
"That meeting of the minds that I had with Gene on this record was, um, magical. Really magical."
"The best directors allow everyone else who they've hired to do their job."
"We became Twitter mutuals and then I remember you made an animation of one of my comics."
"Building a team is the answer. When you build a team, they become a member of your creative family."
"Ghostbusters is a master class on what's achievable in cinema when you bring on talented people and don't second-guess your decision."
"The merging of two unique universes is a rare occurrence, but when the unlikely stars of Disney and Square Enix aligned, the event produced something magical that's captured the hearts of millions."
"Collaborating is a big part and it's really fun."
"Sometimes when I do these videos you guys will comment and say like 'I'm painting along with you' or 'I'm working on my own art' or 'knitting crocheting,' oh, I love that."
"I love doing these because we always got such amazing input from our audience."
"It's almost a marriage between me and my actors."
"A film set is such a high intensity environment that to be able to rely on the person behind the camera... you can put yourself in their hands and completely give yourself over to them as you would only do to a friend or a lover."
"Big shout out to 64-bit animation for doing the intro."
"Collaboration is so important, show a bunch of people your edit to get different eyeballs on it."
"I will give Bob Kane credit for this: he assembled a team around him that helped make Batman something special."
"This movie doesn't exist without them they created everything the writers the artists who have worked over the years interpreting and reinterpreting these amazing characters."
"He's really a genius in that sense that was very inspiring to work alongside that kind of creative force."
"Kubrick surrounded himself with a crew of great artists and gave them the opportunity to experiment and find innovative solutions for problems."
"Collaborations have the potential to be much more than just combining view counts."
"Being able to boost and augment each other's creative expression."
"What if we had our subscribers send in their best scares and we created a scare project from scares around the world."
"Like a conductor, I pull it all together then we make beautiful music together."
"Whatever you're doing creatively, don't do it alone if you can help."
"Every book is different; it depends on your relationship with the writer, your relationship with the editorial team."
"Someone ready to commit. I see a creative endeavor, two people putting your heads together, collaborating."
"It was just so collaborative and imaginative."
"Half the fun of working on a Star Wars project is seeing the toys that are created." - John Favreau
"Well done to Sanders' team and the whole team as well, you know I say there's, you saw some of the artists' work and the programmers' work and the QA. So, a lot of work and love and effort went into this."
"You need to do that to survive and grow your business but the most I get so bummed out when a project is finished because the most exciting part is being under pressure and coming up with these ideas and collaborating with different people."
"I'm partnering with one of the most creative minds."
"Joss Whedon writes and the Russo's direct X-Men, look everybody knows that for a very, very long time."
"Yeah, next Co Jam is coming up, it'll be exciting though, I'm looking forward to looking at the things."
"He's like his muse, I mean Training Day, the first Equalizer movie, this movie, is a good movie, so the third one makes a lot."
"What you birth together may not just be a physical child, it could be a business adventure, a creative project, or something else."
"If you can send me your flavor ideas right now maybe if you have ideas for tub art send that to me if I end up using one of yours I will pay you out of my own pocket money for cool ass designs or cool ass flavor ideas"
"Alberto's cool and doesn't mind me stopping by the shop to film."
"A television adaptation for the last of us was officially announced with craig mason of chernobyl writing and creatively producing alongside druckman."
"Everything else will be given to us. All of our collaborative projects will be given to us."
"Now this is a Lego ideas set, so this has been made by a fan of Lego and then made by Lego itself."
"I want to say a huge thank you to the bomb-ass goblin herself Dodie without her and her music this whole production wouldn't have even happened."
"Collaboration and building something new together."
"...the late Bill Hamlin and I used to have a movie we wanted to make... Joseph Smith the Cambridge years..."
"These artists had so often been thought of separately...we realized we were dealing with what effectively was a sort of laboratory of modernism being created."
"It's really about getting the right writers involved, getting a director's vision from the onset, and creating a story that hopefully takes some chances."
"We met in college, and we've been writing for over 20 years together."
"Thank you, Vijay Jamal, for being so dope and for allowing us to react to this."
"Producing a television show like Farscape is a collaborative art form."
"I'm trying to break bread creatively."
"The community that has cropped up from Cartoonist Kayfabe is incredible, it's amazing."
"I liked working with writers... I enjoy working with creative writers and coming up with creative ideas."
"Having somebody in the creative team, that's a big plus. Really big plus."
"They're willing to really put an effort on any kind of projects around the home or creative projects together."
"When you're collaborating on that level, you never want to stop because you can throw as hard as you want, and the uppers go, 'Got it, are you ready?' And that's a beautiful thing."
"We got producers, we got songwriters, we got stylists... we're giving you the umbrella for everything."
"It's always a great puzzle, understanding what the director is looking for."
"He's great at collaborating, has great ideas and vision for these projects that we work on."
"We've got this like fun creative space where anyone can jump in, anyone can contribute to a project."
"I choreographed a piece of Annie and I brought my friends in and they did the dance for me."
"I always feel so blessed whenever people send me things and want to see what I create with them."
"Scrappy Christmas Craft is a collaboration with Tiffany from Let's Get Scrappy."
"I feel like we can try to get creative together."
"It's beautiful art, beautiful animation, beautiful sound design, beautiful storytelling, amazing music composition."
"We created one of the greatest stories."
"Pixar and Disney have cemented themselves as the power couple in the world of animation."
"The creator community is a great place to start."
"This video was created by the wonderful, the beautiful, the mermaid to my old dusty sea captain, where I am the dusty sea captain, Emily Hanhan here pictured as a beautiful wonderful mermaid goddess."
"If you have a perfect mathematical solution but the animator doesn't like it, then you don't really have the perfect solution."