
Community Sharing Quotes

There are 166 quotes

"If you have a story of Q in your family that's affecting your relationship, we would also really love to hear from you."
"Share your food, share your home, share your ideas, share everything, and it'll always be in exchange and no one would go without."
"At least I'm thankful I got to enjoy it a little bit at melee Island and got to share it with a lot of people that got to see it there."
"The games you guys mentioned are also some of my favorites and I think if anybody starts digging into one of those they'll find that it'll keep them busy for quite a while there's a lot a lot of good fun there to be had."
"I ended up feeling just to be able to share all of this with you guys."
"The average householder America spends two hundred and fifty dollars a month eating out at restaurants but in my Facebook community the average family only spent one hundred and fifty dollars a month so good."
"You can't keep the ones that you like, but I'm gonna give it away. That's the whole point of this exercise."
"Borrowing instead of buying - asking neighbors for what you need."
"Did you guys know there's a chest down here?"
"If you like this video and find it helpful, please hit the 'Like' button and share it with others!"
"This time I've bundled all the mod configs into an actual mod that you can download from the workshop and it will set everything up for you automatically."
"Grow food where you are and share it with those you love."
"We love making worlds characters stories adventures and magic for this game that is something that can never be taken away from us and something that we will always enjoy and cherish and most of all share."
"Share it around with any friends, family, your teammates, anyone that could benefit from the optimizations within this video."
"Life is more than just games, and we're here to share."
"Roster sharing is the biggest feature and is amazing."
"Everyone experiences things slightly differently, but it's about sharing those stories in an open forum."
"I'm just so honored to be able to share with you guys my experience and do this channel because honestly I love it."
"Share your strange stories, dreams, and experiences, it gives others the courage to share their truth too."
"Create truly epic combinations with multi-classing; share your stories in the comments below!"
"I'm just excited to make more videos with you. Because like, this is my favourite thing to be in the world and now I get to share it with you."
"Thank you so much for sharing your brilliance so generously with us."
"If you caught this event on your camera... I would love to see what this actually looked like."
"I hope you guys enjoyed it, I hope you solved it too."
"We're not idiots, if we find something good, we will show it to everyone else."
"We've got the best blimp in the game flying on by saying my oh my we got three gluten-free cookies hugs for everybody."
"Automotive passion in every way, enjoying the experience, sharing the cars, driving the cars."
"Getting to hear your guys's taste and you guys putting us onto music, it's always a blessing."
"When Nintendo revealed that they were doing a 3D Mario All-Stars collection back in 2020, I was excited not only to replay it again but to share my love for the game."
"If you have tips on addressable please share them I'd love to hear more."
"So we curated some Of them. We'll share them with you well laugh at them together and you know, maybe try and smile a bit through these times."
"It's absolutely mind-blowing that we are here, and it's a blessing to share this beautiful life experience with you, and that's what today's video is about."
"This one's a really great figure, big fan of this one. I actually have two of this one, and I gave one away in our livestream a couple of days ago."
"The experiences that you guys have will really inspire the next person to be able to try one or even all of these particular steps."
"Share your trials as well as your triumphs, your stories benefit you and others in the hearing."
"You are wiser, you are stronger, and there is some gift coming out of all of this that many of you are going to share with the world or you know certain people around you."
"Tim has a long history of sharing his inspiring training journey and knowledge with others."
"Guys, if you're building a new computer here have fun, don't be afraid of it."
"I'm a grenade, you, we're here with JC who wants to share their story with the group."
"The number one thing I encourage here on the channel is sharing your mental health stories in the comments, good, bad, and crazy. That is how we shatter the mental health stigma."
"Chess is incredible and it's a joy to share this game with all of you."
"I'm really excited about sharing this message of FPV."
"Yesterday we had two full profit winners alerted out to the public Discord."
"There are literally so many options. Please do share them with me on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube. I would absolutely love to see what you've done."
"I kind of have all the max enchantments for that, and there's a little magic trick that I wanted to show the whole server."
"So many of you guys have picked up your bathing suits and are now starting to receive them... you guys have been sending so many pictures and it's been so amazing to see the bathing suits on you in real life."
"Discovering amazing escapes photos in GT Sport's social space is a treat."
"You just want to be able to share and be able to introduce it to everybody else so they can also enjoy the life that you know I'm living right now."
"Be curious, be smart, and share with the other."
"Be rich in good works, to be liberal and generous of heart, ready to share with others."
"Like many of you we woke up this morning to some rough news."
"Whenever you make a training pack you can put keywords in it... any way that they can make it where you can upload and find other people's training packs would be really cool."
"Best of luck to you, hopefully we can all walk away with something new from the tickets or something new from the banners."
"We encourage all of you to go off and make something... and share your ideas with us."
"Remember, I'm not a doctor. I'm just trying my best to share the love with you guys."
"It just kind of felt good to get that off my chest, I know many of you, if not most of you, probably feel the same way."
"What beautiful, beautiful things do you have to share with the world, with yourself, with community?"
"Honestly, it's a pretty awesome little farm and I think you guys will enjoy it."
"If you decide to build it, please show me pictures on Twitter. I would love to see it inside of your world."
"It's all about sharing knowledge and inspiring others."
"If you animate or draw something cool, be sure to share it on Newgrounds.com."
"Oh my God, yeah. Y'all just put me onto so many songs, wow."
"Thanks so much for watching. If you found this helpful or if you liked it, consider sharing it."
"This brings a lot of joy to me it's a lot of fun for me and it's brought me joy for decades and I absolutely love doing it and I like being able to share it all with you guys."
"There's enough food on this table for everybody."
"Hopefully what I'm gonna see is a ton of these on Instagram, a ton of these on Facebook hashtag the art Sherpa so I can see it, I can find it you know."
"If you guys did enjoy this video found that interesting enjoy the changes or whatever make sure hit that like button subscribe if you haven't make sure to share this around with your friends because god damnit these are some massive changes."
"Your fundamental nature is beyond your choice. It is imperishable, unborn, uncreated, immutable awareness Self-being."
"Welcome to r/EntitledPeople where we share stories from your lives about people who think the rules don't apply to them and they should get what they want."
"Listen guys, I love you, I appreciate you. Again, make sure you share this with your family and friends. We don't want to be successful by ourselves."
"What has been your guys's favorite moment from the entire series?"
"The liturgy is not their possession... it's a gift we receive and pass on."
"I genuinely really enjoy the game. I just want to play it and have fun and share that with people."
"That's the sort of thing that makes it super meaningful to us, is to share this stuff with you guys and to share it with the creators is something extra special." - Speaker
"Designing these unique farms takes hundreds of hours, and I have no problem sharing this with the community."
"Hashtag PMRTG your rewards; let's share the joy!"
"If we do a world download, it will be completely public, everybody will get access to it."
"Our main purpose for those reflections is just to share something positive and a positive message."
"Create something you think would be fun or interesting and share it in the forum."
"Everything here is free. Just return the shulker boxes and take what you want."
"I bring your own trail mix people because they always have enough to share."
"When we take what we're learning and growing and expanding on the inside and then share it and receive in community then we're actually doing the work that combines the inner work with an outer change."
"You guys can swing through and use it anytime, we also got an automatic sugarcane farm."
"I think that the more we share with each other, the healthier we will be."
"If you guys were blessed by this Bible study video, please like and share to your friends, your family, your relatives, your co-workers, whoever might also be blessed with this Bible study."
"Yeah, we got it, we got the rainbow! Let's go!"
"Can these two ladies dole out enough pieces to make everyone happy?"
"It's easier to get rid of it when you know someone's gonna be enjoying it."
"Learn, apply, tell others about it, and that's the focus of this channel."
"Wow, that's one of my best wins ever. GG's only, I would catch y'all in the next one."
"But it brings warmth to my heart to know that I can share these memories with people and that I have an audience to do that"
"I'm so excited about it because now it's just about decorating it and getting it all cute and cozy for all of our future coffee talks, so this just feels like a moment. I'm so glad we're sharing this."
"If you got that information, how does keeping it to yourself benefit the community?"
"Fear Essences and bound fossils are your best friend."
"Thank you, thank you so much again for watching thank you for being here thank you for sharing your sacred Journey with me as I share mine with you as well."
"I just want to thank you for letting me vent my experiences and share them so people know that if you have these experiences you're not crazy."
"I mean well done and thank you for sharing this with us."
"We have the universal responsibility to overflow and share."
"It's just people sharing what they love and giving the permission for someone else to share what they love."
"Please let me know, I would love to know your favorite book of the year so far."
"You saw it here first Breaking Family, I'm sure somebody else has opened up Champions Path without pulling a Machamp but I'm saying we're making history right now!"
"We share our journey, we are all enthusiasts at the end of the day."
"I'm always open to hearing you guys' recommendations, your favorite products."
"Give food to your neighbors. Share with others. Give the food to others, share with others, invite people in."
"It is more blessed to give than to receive. Share how blessed you are in our comment sessions."
"...sharing that with so many people. That's what I enjoy the very most about the SEMA show is sharing that with so many people."
"Please remember in the Reddit to show any type of decompression content that you would like me to share."
"Last night, Phil Bradley hit the first home run in the night game at Wrigley Field that was to be washed away. But watch what happens on the street. A lot of play, best play of the night, wasn't seen by too many, but now we've all shared it."
"...don't forget to create or go out and create your own adventure, share that with us in the comments below, that's actually very important."
"I'm going to build one and I'm going to do it early enough that other people could also make them for their holiday season."
"I do feel a little bit of an obligation to share it with the wrestling fans, particularly here in North Carolina."
"Take a book, leave a book. What an awesome idea."
"In the organic growing community we like to share knowledge."
"For me, it's the people closest to me and my work, including this channel where I get to share all the stuff I really enjoy with people who may enjoy it too."
"I gathered four different farms at different levels of play time from people in my discord and toured them all to see what progression looks like."
"Thank you so much for sharing your work with us and sharing your message with us, your message was great."
"It's probably one of the most remote islands in the northern province of Vanuatu, and we're going to share our catch and get some fresh produce in exchange."
"Thank you for watching the video, thank you for liking it, subscribing to the channel, definitely share it with your friends, tell others about us, and thank you, God bless."
"We can share the magic with the neighbors, and it's going to be so magical for Lucian on his first Christmas."
"We enjoy sharing it with you all."
"It's neat to be able to share this with these kids."
"If you do give this a go, please share any photos with us."
"We're really excited and we're thankful we get to share with you guys."
"You're welcome to Wall Foundation Show, where you get to share your story from experience to encounter."
"Thank you for all the support in this, thank you for helping us to share this with the world."
"I highly encourage you to make this and please let me know if you ever make any of my things that I cook because I always love hearing like I made this for my family or I made this for my kids, I get so excited like yes."
"I would love to do what Voodoo Fist says, but then be able to share it with everyone."
"Thank you for coming along this book journey with me and falling in love with books with me; it's so fun to do this with you guys."
"Just have fun, send me a link if you end up creating something cool."
"I love to hear about your experiences and what you've done, and maybe you have a better version or a better way of doing it, please share with me."
"You could also do this with pearls; if you do that, make sure to post a picture in our Facebook group for beading and jewelry making. It would look gorgeous."
"How would a 90-day run change your life? Share with everyone else in the group."
"It was all about the entrepreneurship and just overcoming obstacles and then being able to share that with people."
"We all love talking about plants, right? So let's share some ideas with one another."
"I'm always willing to learn, so if you got a nice upgrade or a part that you want to share with me, put the link in the comments."
"Thank you, Tuffy Martinez, for sending this along for all to enjoy."
"They had a passion for The Great Outdoors and wanted to share that passion with others."
"If you're going to Coachella this year, share with me and this community your little tips and tricks on how to go, especially on a budget."
"You can download this spaceship model for free."
"Share this video with your friends and family, especially whoever is interested in learning about JavaScript."
"It's ready to go, I hope you guys go out there and have a good time, this works for you, send me some pictures, some of the videos."
"Open source software... the source code is publicly available."
"Thank you for watching this tutorial and if you created something cool, I would love to see it."
"I don't know this dude, but I am choosing to believe from his energy and his enthusiasm that he loves books and sharing books with people."
"I've actually hired an artist that I've worked with before to take these art assets... and make it available to all of you to download, play with, and experiment with in your own games."
"Thanks for coming along with me, we sure did make a lot out of those two cases of peaches."
"If I get into a Mr Beast video and I win money, I'm gonna be splitting it with my subscribers."
"Everything here is Creative Commons licenses, so all this stuff that's here can be used by other people."
"Thank you for sharing you and all your hard work with all of us."
"Remember, if you want the building instructions for this particular build as well as parts list, just head on over to Small Brick City."
"Now you can build your own components, put them in libraries, package them up in NuGet packages, and share them with the community."
"I love getting pictures from people who have received the books."
"Remember to like it and subscribe to our channel and share it with your friends."
"Tell people that you crochet... you'll be surprised at how many people say to you, 'I got some yarn, would you like it?'"
"Let me know in the comments fun treasures that you have found at thrift stores."
"Thank you for sharing your drawings with me. I really am happy you guys are out there, and these drawing videos are helping you out."
"I'm blessed that I have sisters and friends and family to pass stuff on to."
"Let me know what you're doing for Christmas dinner, like Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, I would love to know."
"It's just the most amazing thing when one person in that group knows how to do this and shares with everybody."