
Destructive Behavior Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Solution they find is ideology... ideologies offer destructive outlets for resentment."
"Are you willing to work together to change around the destructive behavior that we are seeing? I am."
"This is dumb and it's dangerous and our brother nearly fuller talks about how black people we've been programmed to run away from constructive behavior."
"People like that can't function without taking somebody down to their level, and if there's nobody else to drag down, they'll do it to themselves."
"Destroying the things that make your community the community will never be the correct approach."
"I think he's destroying them and I don't even think he realizes he's doing it."
"When people decide that the goal is to destroy things for its own sake, what you're watching is not a political movement, it's evil."
"Emotions are not right or wrong, they just are, but it's how we express them, how we steward them can have a redemptive purpose or it can be destructive. That's up to us."
"People who issue death threats... want to watch the world burn."
"Nothing like the satisfaction being able to tear apart something you hate."
"I think there's got to be some point in which you start... you're taking the lives of these people and you're seeing the destruction that you're doing over and over again that it's... you're telling me it doesn't have an effect on you?"
"There's a self-destructive streak in everyone."
"Some of the criticism was just so unnecessary, petty, and destructive."
"Susie Lou is destroying the platform and I can't let that happen."
"You're either creating something beautiful or you're tearing it down."
"The only solution from such a narcissistic personality was to then try to control and destroy the object that had caused him so much pain."
"Pride robs God of his glory and hurts those around us. It's destructive because it shifts our focus from the Lord to ourselves."
"There's only one thing that makes the Jezebel spirit happy - control."
"He destroyed his life, he destroyed the life of another, he destroyed his family, his sons, and everybody in their wake all for what? Because of jealousy."
"He's a beast bent on destruction and possibly a future member of Empire."
"Malice, manipulation, deception, and revenge wreak havoc."
"Wokeness is fire. It eats away at and destroys and consumes."
"The child who doesn't feel the warmth of the village will burn it down."
"Here's the thing about the left, it only destroys, it doesn't build."
"Am I just gonna blow up the world? Thank you, asshole."
"For your family and your community, you don't destroy everything around you."
"I have the same view; people can be as self-destructive as they want, but I cannot respect or support someone who's destructive towards others."
"Sometimes you just catch yourself in this destructive tailspin."
"Rather than build something out of her life, she was going to destroy someone else's."
"You are wasting your life, you are destroying great relationships and destroying families with this foolishness you carrying on."
"We have this insatiable appetite for instant gratification, but it's like chasing the dragon, man. It'll never be enough and you'll only leave behind a path of destruction, broken dreams, and wasted opportunity."
"We let her destroy the lab to relieve her stress."
"He will do everything he can to destroy your life, to destroy your career."
"The one thing Trump is good at is destroying and he can destroy all of us if we're not careful."
"Humans are only able to destroy, to hate, so that is what I shall do."
"Wanting to just tear everything down because you don't want to do the work... is essentially what a lot of the politicians and companies want."
"When it comes to the worst, you can’t get any worse than someone just killing and destroying entire galaxies for fun."
"Jealous person is going to try to kill you and destroy you, just period, period."
"It's so badass when men stand in front of things they destroyed."
"Human psychology: the need to feel like you can destroy things."
"Tom Cruise talks about putting ethics in, which means correcting destructive behavior."
"Rhinoceros charges and completely destroys zookeeper's car."
"I know but I'm sure if you see the destruction it's such a passionate hatred for Pyro's, you know."
"Revenge is a tangled web, consuming all in its path."
"You have the illusion of free will because yeah, you had the choice to click off but did you? No, you didn't."
"If you worship a monster, ultimately it will make a monster of you."
"You can't expect God to fix something you keep destroying."
"They take, they assume, they destroy, and they inherit."
"If you sink, we sink. Why are you making holes in this ship? What do you think is gonna happen when you label these groups of people as Nazis and these groups of peoples as white supremacists?"
"Revenge is much like a disease, consuming the lives of not only those targeted by it but those who seek it as well."
"Hatred never builds anything good. It just tears good things down."
"Either way, I win, but this notion of like, 'Oh, I'm not going to listen to anybody from the opposing side,' this is just stupid, it's self-destructive, right?"
"Some people would rather watch the world burn, they'd rather burn the world down themselves than admit that their theories are wrong."
"King Solomon's warning is clear: sexual immorality can lead us down a path of Destruction it can destroy our relationships our families and our lives."
"He schemes for years, dethrones and nearly destroys a family, all in the name of a throne he only wants for his own vanity."
"The division is orchestrated... you're honestly helping destroy the country."
"Evil man will burn down his own Nation to rule over the ashes on the ground."
"It's like they want to improve themselves in some way and this causes them to prioritize things that are destructive to this person."
"Don't be jealous. Jealousy makes people do terrible things."
"A codependent relationship forms between two foolish people who enable each other's destructive behavior."
"Black magic, sorcery, and malicious malpractice all fall into the same category: negative destructive thinking and misuse of the law of mind."
"Love develops, and lust destroys."
"This is not cool, lady. If your significant other is destroying objects around you, it's a red flag."
"Stop living your life this way. It's destroying you, it's destroying all of us."