
Hobby Enjoyment Quotes

There are 245 quotes

"Finish the millennium falcon and got a bunch of new lego stuff."
"Like, it's funny, the core of everything we do is the thing I look forward to most every week. And the minute we get to that table like everything else just goes away."
"Okay, Canal fishing is lowkey fun peacock. B like I actually enjoy that I also yeah."
"I love the girls' cosplays. I love them way more than the guys' cosplays."
"I've never had a telescope I think that showed this much detail on these cool little reflection nebula."
"I want to have fun with watches and educate people."
"Love Kevin Owens to death, love his figures, they're very fun to pose around."
"However, if part of the hobby is to create something artistic that you're going to enjoy for many years, this is definitely the project."
"There's nothing like a few foils or a few special cards to make your deck feel loved."
"AC Family, behold: my new arsenal of ant housing materials."
"This is actually a solid hit, we finally got something good out of a turbo pack!"
"Literally an angel in a white coat in my eyes."
"I have no issue with video game collecting or retro game playing being popular at all. I like it because I naturally enjoy talking about my hobby."
"People have really been enjoying customizing their cars."
"We're doing this for the hobby, the enjoyment, the passion."
"Part of it is I think you get excited when you find something but also I think you're kind of vindicated and you go well we are hunting in the right place."
"We got another memorabilia card... I love to see that."
"I can't complain, I really can't complain. We pulled an amazing amount of good cards. Let's go through them all because this was actually... this might have been the best opening on my channel thus far."
"Not all blasters have to be performance powerhouses. It's okay for blasters to just be fun and cool."
"These models are just models and you will enjoy actually painting them."
"I guess that means people won't make fun of me for my amount of hours, well okay I love them."
"Some of my favorite moments in my fishkeeping career has been laying on the floor and watching fish."
"I'm not really quitting content creating, content creating is still really fun."
"In my opinion, nothing really beats a stock-ish X-Maxx."
"Just chill out, paint, assemble the models, listen to some good music, hang out with some good buds, and just have fun."
"But over the last nine months or so, I have truly enjoyed the treasure hunt to try to find it."
"Then we can get back to catching fish, doing what we love."
"Do not let anybody shame you into feeling bad about anything because this is your hobby and you can enjoy it however you want."
"It has brought people into this hobby, back into appreciating and loving and getting the enjoyment of this wonderfully enriching hobby."
"Detailing can be very fun and easy and simple."
"These look awesome, I can't wait to get all these ships."
"It shouldn't be what the hobby is about. It should be an enjoyable thing."
"That's what that was my getaway, it's my happy space."
"There's something cool about just the collection aspect of putting those set pieces together."
"Watch collecting is fun to me, one of the most enjoyable things about watch collecting is just that process of building a collection that really reflects my needs and my personality."
"If you're not enjoying the hobby, then you're doing something wrong."
"Let's get into some Astral Radiance, hopefully getting some exciting cards for y'all to see."
"You sometimes you want to look at the rest of your players just as kind of competition for the damage or the assistance and you can just, it's a nice hobby."
"It just made my heart so happy because it was the first time I'd actually had like an army of that size fully painted, based, and rimmed and it was just it was so awesome."
"This is my hobby desk, I really really like it."
"This one for some reason I'm not having any troubles. Maybe it's because it's more fun."
"I've always really enjoyed acros but it was cool to actually shoot... and realize that the profile actually looks pretty close to film."
"I love cooking and it gives me a chance to chat."
"...I found creating my own scenic bases is a lot more fun and rewarding..."
"If waving makes you happy, keep doing what makes you happy."
"I feel like April was the month I really like fell in love with reading."
"All I can say is if you're reading the current comics, you're enjoying them, get you some action figures."
"You can actually make a wine tailored to their specific taste."
"This is the best day of my life, I pulled literally all my biases' photocard so far."
"The hobby can also just be about having fun and pushing paint."
"It's been a ton of fun exploring the world of Warhammer fantasy."
"I love buying new tools. I like it when a project challenges me in a way that I have to learn how to use a new tool."
"You don't need a super expensive rig to go fast and be consistent."
"Model kits so often feel like a challenge to work against... this is taking a totally different approach."
"Software-defined radios is one of the most fun hobbies that you can get into."
"I finally, finally, finally getting around to covering the Lego modular buildings."
"I felt like I had finally cracked some kind of code and I was now a crafter king."
"I do enjoy FPL, it's way better than... not money's not involved."
"Most people enjoy the process of photography, not just the next new thing."
"That's a good start that is a great start here we got Frodo."
"Ultimately, speedrunning, as well as any other hobby, is done for pleasure or fun competition."
"It doesn't have to be this difficult to just have fun with sneakers."
"It's now exactly a month since we sent the last letter and I think it's fair to say since then our autograph collection has grown quite a lot."
"I'm into it now I feel like you know this is going to be something I do for a long time if not forever."
"There's just something really satisfying about opening packs."
"Creating life... that's a really cool part of the hobby."
"At the end of the day, as long as you are happy with the footage you're getting out of your quad and the experience you're having while you're flying it, that's what really matters."
"Whatever approach you want to take that excites you and makes you want to keep coming back to the Garden, that's the right approach."
"Collecting is a fun thing, and the crazy thing about collecting is that over the years these cards will accumulate value."
"I love watching the unique setups that people come up with."
"I just want to enjoy some Pokemon with people that I love, people that I care about in a nice positive environment where everybody is welcome and nobody is judged."
"I love collecting this format, actually really fun."
"Building computers is just getting easier and easier except for the people who like to make their life complicated and for them you know all the power to them it can be fun."
"Building a computer is fun, you shouldn't see it as a task to get through as quickly as possible."
"If you're not having fun in your hobby what's the point?"
"Let's change the stigma about these guides being cringe. It's not. It's fun."
"I never really considered myself a salesy person. I know technically I worked in Warhammer TV and that is a marketing product where you sell stuff, but I still, for me, I was painting stuff."
"Cars, I love them. They're a hobby, but they're a hobby because it brings me back to family."
"I think the best part about pokemon card collecting for me is finding out things that i never knew existed and that always makes me want it more."
"Anytime I'm out there shooting one of those black powder guns, that's when I'm having my most fun."
"Learning to craft again... it really helps me unwind."
"You couldn't do this without passion. I can tell you that. If you didn't like it, you could not do this. It would have been in the bin a long time ago for sure."
"See all my friends that come into the studio and go out and have fun with the radio control hobby."
"Aquarium keeping isn't just about exactly what fish are keeping but just the enjoyment of the entire experience."
"I'm not in this to get rich I just want to enjoy the hobby enjoy the customers that we get to interact with on a daily basis try and provide something of quality into the industry and for me that's that's plenty."
"Man, I just want to get my rating up super high now. Am I addicted? Hello!" - Discovering newfound obsessions and embracing them.
"We're still gonna do budget builds because that's sort of how I started and I love the budget builds."
"The reason we love Warhammer isn't Games Workshop always making the right choice, it's ourselves and what we bring to it."
"Oh my God unreal today oh man okay we're going three from the back on this one fingers crossed we can get a hollow or two today"
"Excited to share this setup with all of you and hopefully you'll enjoy it and get some ideas for spreads to do in your own reading journal."
"2023 will be an even better year for reading where I'll discover even more favorites, read even more diversely learn about so many more experiences and just enjoy my favorite hobby."
"We didn't pull the Ghost Rare this time, but still a great opening."
"I just like building computers, you know, there's an aspect of like this is fun."
"It's just part of the enjoyment to me of the hobby."
"I really hope you've enjoyed watching me make my childhood Warhammer dream come true."
"Right now is the single best time to be a watch enthusiast."
"These crafts have just brought so much joy and meditation into my crafting time."
"Quite frankly I'm really happy to work with you guys on this stuff the channels not big enough for it to be a profession yet and it's still in a hobby range so guys just let me know what you want."
"Find the things that you love and make sure your pruners are sharp and clean."
"It's very clear that there is now a very significant amount of people that buy LEGO Star Wars sets as collectors and enjoy it from that perspective."
"Tiny details, but it's fun to just kind of add them in."
"Building it was a bit of a pain but I had a ton of fun painting it and adding all the finishing details."
"I miss editing every now and then, but don't miss the time it takes. It actually was quite fun, but it's just like you spend eight hours to do one video."
"I love the Escape, I love being able to collect what I enjoy."
"If it's just a hobby, dude, just maximize for fun."
"Setting up tanks and seeing a design come together is my favorite part of the aquarium hobby."
"I feel like these unboxing items are just getting better and better, more and more detailed with more elements to open and assemble, more pieces."
"I think most people don't actually want that world. They want this big fancy world, these amazing sculpts, and these incredible TV shows."
"This is why I love fishing in creeks like this."
"Don't let anybody, anybody try to tear you down for enjoying your hobby."
"Top water is one of my favorite things to do when it starts."
"But just try things and find out what works for you and I hope you really really enjoy this it is so much fun to grow cactus from seed it's extremely rewarding and at times very stressful but that combination of reward and stress I think is what makes it so much fun."
"It's more fun than I ever thought it would be. Yeah, I'm addicted and I can't wait to go back."
"... and who doesn't love free ribbon, we have a few people wondering why you keep turning the Bowdabra when you make the bow, yep so that's a great question and it goes back to me being lazy."
"If it's not fun anymore, dude, I don't want to clarify it—change your hobby."
"It's about enjoying your hobby as well, isn't it? You need to be able to sit back."
"You just have to think about why you are in this hobby. It's because I enjoyed caring for them."
"An owning a koi pond should be a really enjoyable experience and a well-built and well-designed koi pond can go a long ways towards making that experience a reality."
"Positive vibes only, ash is good to us."
"Don't let your hobbies become chores."
"He's interested in building a story and when he makes his armies and his collections, you are following a just, you know, an enjoyable process."
"Stay healthy and stitch because that takes away all the stress, right? And as you say, stitch what you love."
"Lots of people have finished this and it's so sweet and it's really fun to stitch."
"Keep stitching, stitch what you love, and have fun and be kind, kindness, kindness, kindness."
"Overall shooting experience fantastic."
"Being a Pokemon Card Collector is a ton of fun."
"This is perfect to go on display here at Toy Ploy."
"You can also mix and match parts between the different kits in the line that it's related to, which is really awesome."
"I'm quite enjoying potato harvesting right now; it's a budding hobby."
"Take time to enjoy your aquariums."
"It's just a real joy to live with this aquarium."
"This is a buzzer or a chronomage pattern that is not only extremely successful in still water fishing but it's also extremely fun to tie."
"I still truly enjoy the process and that tells me that at long last perhaps I've found my corner in this hobby."
"I'm super happy with how I'm fishing."
"It's wonderful from that storytelling aspect of the hobby."
"I finished the sweater actually. I have a couple ends still a wee to weave in and I haven't washed and blocked this yet, but I did sew all of the buttons on."
"I hope you had fun geeking out on this stuff like I do."
"It's just a pleasure to run, worth every penny as far as that's concerned."
"Flashing the new firmware was easy by comparison, but that's what makes this hobby so fun, right?"
"Take care and happy treasure hunting."
"I am still learning; it's a beautiful thing about this hobby, it just doesn't stop."
"This is just a reminder that you don't always need to buy a new bike to have fun on it and to reconnect with it; just do little tiny things, tune it up, rebuild the fork, maybe paint it, make it your own, and you can fall in love with that bike all over again."
"It's really nice to get back into making journals."
"It has been a very long time since I've done any kind of thrift flips... and I quickly was reminded how much I love them."
"Keep it a hobby, keep it fun like it is, and eventually, I'll be further along and hopefully, I'll be happy."
"So anytime I watch anyone and they're passionate about what they collect and you know it's all good man, positive vibes."
"Fishing with a float is just one of my favorite ways to fish because you're watching, you're concentrating."
"If you are a precision quilter, you will love how easy this is; if you're not a precision quilter, you will love that it is so forgiving."
"It's really easy and fun to make."
"I love fall, this pattern is so fun to knit."
"One thing's for sure, whether it's big fish... or little fish... everyone loves extreme fishing."
"Gardening does not have to be difficult."
"They are so much fun, they are cheap to upgrade, you can learn a whole lot on them between wrenching and driving."
"It's a great pastime for me and for a lot of other people."
"Enjoy the hobby, keep listening, keep educating yourself."
"It gives you a really nice finished looking product, not a lot of play room in the actual build itself, but it does have enough accessories and enough little things happening in each of the rooms, enough details to make me really happy."
"One of the best things about this hobby is being able to share it with other people."
"I have enjoyed this; it still gives me pleasure."
"Hope you enjoyed it, maybe give you some ideas on curating or building your own collection."
"Doing this for fun is supposed to be fun, but it can easily become overwhelming."
"Have a great weekend and happy RC'ing!"
"Keep taking your camera out, keep taking photographs, and keep enjoying your photography."
"Being artistic enables you to enjoy your hobby in a different way."
"You'll love it, the greatest relaxation in the world, teaches you to forget."
"It's very rewarding, it's very fun, but be prepared for things to go wrong."
"I still treat it exactly as I did back then, purely a hobby that I do for fun."
"It's just like magic, isn't it, watching these trains get ran around and around."
"Overall, this is a really, really nice model."
"It's seriously some of the most fun I've ever had in this hobby, things just keep getting better and better."
"Take your time and have fun with it, there seems to be a lot of messages and people try something once and they give up."
"It felt good to be diving back into the reason that I got into the hobby again in the first place."
"I don't collect stamps for the monetary value; I collect it for the fun and the excitement of the hobby."
"That's what makes sewing more fun for me."
"Crafting is so good for your mental health."
"I'm obsessed, keep on fishing, this is fun."
"It's definitely a nice surprise to grab that."
"Enjoy the growing process, collect plants that you really enjoy. It's okay if you collect plants you don't really like because you get to learn how to grow them."
"It's just really fun to do and totally addictive."
"Collecting is not a race; you don't need to finish everything right away."
"It felt very LEGO-like, it felt very much like I was putting together a traditional creator set with modern technique advancements."
"I finished sock one last night... and I am now well on my way through the foot of the second sock."
"One camera body, a lens you like, can work out really well."
"Enjoy your car in stages, you don't need to rush to do everything all at once."
"It's my belief that you can have a super easy, long-term reef tank that doesn't take over your life."
"I love that part of the hobby; it's definitely my favorite part, just the customization and the creativity of the community."
"Learning how to work on the car, learning how things work on the car, that's fun to me."
"If you've not flown an RC plane before, just get this and try it, have fun with it."
"I really enjoyed the experience, and I think I actually might like this one a little bit more than my pro."
"It's been a lot of fun, the time has actually flown by doing this."
"It's all about location in salmon fishing."
"The little thoughtful design touches I see and the wheelie bar that's nicely integrated."
"I saved nearly all the track, I saved my switch motors, I'm going to spend some more money in lumber and stuff, but I'm gonna make it right, and I'm going to really enjoy it."
"It's a great hobby, it's a lot of fun, there's a lot of recognition when it gets done."
"I am actually really starting to enjoy the scratch-building side of the hobby."
"It's always a good day when it's the Tamiya way."
"Building your own is much more fun, but that's just me, you know. Some guys just like to fly, some like to build and fly."
"We have a great hobby; it's so much fun, but there is a learning curve to understand what's happening."
"This build is so much fun, the overall aesthetic is just super cool."
"Ask anybody who loves retro bikes, part of the fun is the riding, part of the fun is the collecting, and part of the fun is the wrenching."
"The balisong community is shockingly diverse, and I think it's because the one thread that actually connects us all together is that we like to play with fun flippy, you know, spinny toys."