
Academic Pressure Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Imposter syndrome and feeling not good enough are common experiences at university."
"Midterm week at Silas, students are scrambling for their exams, the stage is being built for the big party..."
"No one will fire me, Alex. You failed the most important exam."
"If I'm not playing or if I'm not working on Roblox, I'm usually like driving somewhere."
"The amount of self-doubt that college students feel the amount of pressure you're under this is just going to impact you much much longer."
"Why? Status, bragging rights, so they could tell their friends that their privileged children got into the Ivies even though in reality their children weren't good enough academically or athletically."
"Your well-being is way more important than these grades of ABCD efg element of PQRS once you free exclamation point to the power of 10 - question mark but once you guys speed."
"The German school system is pretty old and goes back to the 19th century when things weren’t exactly targeted towards everyone going to university."
"Grades being your entire value as a person is one of them just keep saying it to yourself study to understand study to comprehend."
"The result we get on this exam is not gonna define our worth as a human being."
"I just hope that students are able to enjoy what they do and not just feel completely overwhelmed."
"When you're young like that, every grade counts, every grade does count."
"Enjoy your spring break, students, for indeed, your entire sophomore year depends on it."
"I will not let an exam result decide my fate."
"He wanted to get a perfect score on this test and study hard but here he was, standing in front of the entire class, embarrassed and ashamed of his points."
"The test is called the 10-241 or the thinning in Austin Texas students prepare for the fitting which takes place in 18 hours."
"Social media is brutal and can be brutal for people... just wanting to be a good professor."
"My future depends on what mark I get in those exams."
"If my AS grades counted, I would've been so much more chill this year."
"As a graduate student, I really have to cherish every ounce of joy I can get."
"It's not the end of the world to not go to an elite Ivy League school."
"I wouldn't worry about being the top top tippy top of your class... you're going to be the best pharmacist this side of the freaking Mississippi, you already beat cancer."
"The pressure to excel in their studies weighs heavily on them, leaving no room for leisure or respite."
"I was getting straight A's in college, but then I was just having like... I didn't want to party with the girls that I was partying with."
"I wasn't allowed to get C's; if I got a C, then I got a tutor until my grades went up."
"I feel like a lot of that was Prior it was wanting other people to say you did the right thing you got the best grades you could have possibly got which was 100% is what I wanted to get in in every single exam."
"Straight A students are overrated."
"This is a really delicate balancing act for those of you in Year 11, trying to keep on top of all this language stuff plus all your other topics."
"Once you get to uni nobody gives a flying FEM and about what your grades at a-level were."
"My parents didn't really help with the mindset, pressuring me to do even better, and making me feel like the worst person if anybody got even one mark above mine."
"Don't stress yourself out if you don't even remember what happened last semester."
"Remember our deal, make this look good and we'll forgive your recent lackluster performance in school."
"I just looked over what I had to review and it is four lectures 166 slides."
"If you fail this year, you won't graduate with the rest of us."
"One day my dad walked into my room and yelled, 'I don't care if you're gay, you need to get your chemistry grade up!'"
"Children are taught from an early age that only by studying well and getting into a good university can they get a good job, make a lot of money, and live a good life."
"One night I had procrastinated as usual, and I realized that I had to finish a paper on the effects of rainwater on the river."
"When you didn't finish your homework and the teacher asks for it at this very second, you are on the narrow ledge between life and death."
"If I don't make an A, I don't get into the business school."
"Just remember, you don't always have to be the smartest kid in high school."
"I'm Rachel Hubbard, I'm from Pittsburgh, I'm here on a scholarship, I blew a recent AP Chem test, which means I probably won't be valedictorian unless everybody else totally messes up."
"Your grades used to be enough. Now, you need four years of good grades and a really good day on SAT or GRE day."
"It's the pressure of finals, isn't it? You make a mistake, you pay."
"The pressure to get accepted into a good university is not the same as it is in my country."