
Cryptocurrency Security Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"He who possesses the private key owns the bitcoin."
"At its core, an Ethereum wallet, also known as a client, holds your private key - the 'secret password' that gives you control over your coins."
"Your private key gives complete and full control over any bitcoins associated with it."
"Invest in a hardware wallet like the ledger backup pack or BC vault."
"Security is very, very important when it comes to these cryptocurrency projects."
"Your one job in crypto is to protect your crypto."
"Putting your actual hard-earned assets up to hot chains, hot wallets, internet-connected chains is [expletive] stupid."
"Not your keys, not your wallet, not your crypto."
"Cold wallets are much safer because your cryptocurrency is stored literally on like a souped up usb stick with extra security."
"Coinbase is known for being one of the most secure cryptocurrency wallets up until making this video anyway they've never been hacked."
"We can even put address watches on addresses so... Clue will watch that address and tell a law enforcement agent within seconds if the coins are on the move again."
"If you own bitcoin, you can very plausibly defend yourself against a powerful adversary."
"Bitcoin has far more security, far more network effect than any other digital asset."
"Bitcoin is implicated in that, Bitcoin is sort of, you know, key collateral in the system."
"Protect your bitcoin from hackers, personal mistakes, in-person attacks, device failure, and so much more."
"Bitcoin is money wrapped in military-grade encryption designed to be unstoppable."
"I have the majority of my crypto on cold storage."
"The most trusted place to store your crypto is in a hardware wallet like a Trezor or a Ledger."
"Bitcoin cannot be duplicated...the algorithm that makes up that piece of that Bitcoin cannot be duplicated."
"Bitcoin is backed by the network of Bitcoin proof-of-work miners."
"If you keep it on a centralized exchange, you don't have those private keys, it's not really your money."
"Protect your data privacy and crypto investments."
"Storing your cryptocurrency on a hardware wallet is the safest most secure way to manage your funds."
"It's a bit like the whole 'not your keys not your coin' argument."
"All attacks mean greater hash rate, greater security, and higher prices."
"I would like to see stronger privacy in Bitcoin."
"How does the privacy angle payment channel and watchtowers trio work?"
"Make sure that the crypto relinquishes their coins so basically they relinquish the contract they denounced the contract so that they can't just rug pull on you."
"Bitcoin's the safest cryptocurrency on planet earth so I don't know, it just looks like a really good situation to be in right now."
"Each crypto that you add to your Ledger is gonna have a different private key."
"Make sure you get your V chain into a wallet to secure your X node status before the deadline."
"Near Protocol: a crypto project with proven security, interoperability, and a deflationary Max Supply."
"Crypto does not pose a risk... paying attention to us but not really looking at us."
"We are basically about to break that for an all-time high for total hash rate as well which means that once again the Bitcoin network is the safest network on planet earth."
"You shouldn't leave your coins on any platforms or exchanges. They should be in your own wallets that you control."
"We're doing a service to these coins, upholding the security of the network."
"Safeguard your crypto, that's the best way to do it, safeguarded crypto if you have like a hardware wallet mobile wallet right ones that you control the keys get your crypto in there superman thank you."
"Not your keys, not your crypto, not your keys, not your coin."
"Funds held in bitcoin cannot be stopped or seized."
"Immutable: If it's not your keys, it is not your crypto."
"ADA has provided some security in the sense that if Bitcoin were to drop back below the 20-week, then maybe we'd just go back to playing in the same sandbox that we've been playing in for the last seven or eight months."
"Don't forget to move it offline onto a cold storage wallet."
"Bitcoin's network is one of the most secure and decentralized out there, and building on top of that gives you the strongest foundation to build upon."
"You need to keep your coins off the exchanges."
"Stop giving your coins and your keys to other people please not your keys not your coins."
"Your keys your coins and being in Cold Storage is one of the easiest ways to have that sovereignty."
"Bitcoin can't be confiscated unless they physically, you know, force it out of you."
"Instead of Wasabi, use Samurai Whirlpool for coin joints... instead of Trezor, use a Blockstream Jade or a Coldcard Hardware wallet."
"You cannot counterfeit bitcoin, you cannot counterfeit cryptocurrency. It's impossible."
"Not your keys, not your crypto. Take your crypto off exchanges, put them in a wallet, understand how they work."
"Ladies and gentlemen, cryptocurrency investors and enthusiasts, today I'm sharing with you one of the most prevalent and clever exploits that hackers are using to steal crypto."