
Atmospheric Setting Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"It went for a more meditative approach of having the central protagonist explore the quiet eerie town of Silent Hill."
"The slow atmospheric world building found in the classic titles is also very much present in Village."
"There is this cool sequence where you walk through a snow storm to a weird arch which leads to a weird hole. This hole is the first of many."
"Honestly, a ghost story is the last thing I would think to include on this list... but wow did I ever, it's completely atmospheric."
"When they all hit that vocal stride, it sounds like someone slamming the keys of their pipe organ in a dark mansion on a stormy night."
"This isn't just an apartment, this is a beautiful place of spiritual energy, it's spooky, it's haunted, it's all the things."
"The scenery and atmosphere of 'My Neighbor Totoro' is just lovely."
"The Order 1886: Once you get past the hype, you'll find a fantastic atmospheric shooter."
"Getting this right it's like being at home sitting beside a crackling wood fire when it's raining outside it really does place you in the zone and is a lot more immersive."
"In the evening in particular we eat underneath the Bistro lights with these candles lit which is really lovely."
"Wow, that's creepy as this place is. I'm getting serious musical inspiration."
"It's a mood, it's a vibe, I really do feel like lighting up an autumnal candle right now."
"A girl is running through the woods, the moon, the scent of pines, and then the gunshot."
"The fog and rain rolls in and the dark coast truly lives up to its name."
"It's got that little bit of haunting vibe when two holidays collide."
"Topolino's Terrace: classy atmosphere, French and Italian flavors."
"This is basically like a mystery drama tale set in a creepy old house."
"Walking through these rooms, it's like stepping into a horror film, the atmosphere thick with history and mystery."
"This room with the guardian as the set piece for the entire room created a lot of intrigue and atmosphere."
"The Local Flavor in Point Lookout: 'It feels strange and atmospheric... it's up to you to help him defend the place.'"
"Café Baba, sweet mint tea in a thick slow-moving haze of smoke."
"It's all atmosphere, no shotguns and stabbings."
"I loved everything about this story from the plot to the characters to the overall experience and atmosphere."
"Sci-fi Dine-in: the atmosphere here is tough to beat."
"Dark wood... a very compelling survival horror game."
"It felt very real... it's just a good genre shift if you're in the mood for something thrilling but also kind of atmospheric for summer."
"There's just something about playing a scary game at night, lights off, headphones on, the only source of illumination from your screen."
"Wuthering Heights... it has everything you could want for the autumnal season."
"Taverns of Teeth and Thaw is atmospherically rich, warm and toasty, and it makes your chest feel all nice."
"Grab a blanket, turn off the lights, and get ready to be transported to a world of ghosts, spirits, and things that go bump in the night."
"One of my favorite missions in that whole game just for the tone and setting it provides."
"It's a great atmospheric horror movie... very Gothic... and I love it for that... one of the best horror movies ever made."
"The act of just walking around feels so ethereal and otherworldly."
"This place now has a genuine charm when you're up here."
"I loved the vibe and like the setting was so fun and just like different from anything I've ever read before."
"Night was upon us and the full moon rose high into the sky."
"I love diners in general, but like a diner, I just picture like it's night, it's raining hard."
"The house feels so creepy, there's like a lot of atmospheric vibes going on."
"It is a stormy night on the Mediterranean Sea."
"I love when there's a good atmosphere... it's just very like Moody and rainy and dark."
"I really liked the score and the vibe and atmosphere of the film."
"The colors here are formidable, dusky, dusty, evocative, and mysterious."
"Whether you're like a spooky reader or just here for the Cozy Vibes, I feel like there's a book for you."
"I am loving this book. I love the writing. I love the setting. It's super atmospheric."
"This book places more emphasis on the character development and development of suspense and the overall atmosphere."
"I loved the atmosphere in Lock Every Door because it takes place all at the Bartholomew, which is just like a creepy building in New York."
"It's very atmospheric, the writing is stunning, it is absolutely beautiful."
"It was very atmospheric, I think when you're going through something like Warwick Castle and seeing all these sets and stuff that we've got in there anyway, it's always going to make it authentic."