
Intense Emotion Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"Welcome to my birthday, bro. This is crazy, this is actually psycho."
"I felt like every molecule of my body was almost like vibrating with this feeling of love."
"This is enough to send chills running down anyone's spine."
"In that moment, I experienced a fear that I've never felt before."
"I stopped breathing for a moment when I caught my breath."
"I felt some weird like awakening, like some spiritual. It was [expletive] insane."
"He must live. That's why he's wanted [explicit] to talk. Look at his [explicit] eyes."
"The struggle was fierce, overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death."
"Her scent hit me like a battering ram, like an exploding grenade. There were no images violent enough to encompass the force of what happened to me in that moment."
"He had only one thing on his mind that night: revenge."
"I saw a figure in the corner of my room and my chest wrenched in pure terror."
"Loving like crackhead love, you know what I'm saying?"
"Instant chills. The hair on the back of my neck stood up."
"I immediately took it out to the burn pit and cleansed it with fire. It screamed as it burned, and I can still hear those screams 10 years later."
"Sometimes they even stick the hand in the Medusan lava to give this overwhelming feeling of hatred."
"Arya is going to be the one who kills her, and in this shot she looks infuriated."
"I've got a real hatred for him, a real ya real hatred for him."
"He's yelling and screaming and going off and he's coming up the stairs."
"A profound and vehement fear seized hold of her."
"The look of fear in his eyes in this man was just beyond anything I'd ever seen before."
"Malfoy was screaming and holding Harry so tightly it hurt."
"Vox Coomer's face sets in a very serious expression while squeezing out a [ __ ], he speaks a single word: 'woof.'"
"I desperately want to see him blow up. I want to see someone blow up so bad."
"He lets out a primal scream, scared for his life as this woman is charging towards him."
"My heart has never pounded that hard in my life."
"It leaves you with goose bumps all over your body."
"His eyes... they were just... he looked at me and I could feel he wanted me to bloody die."
"Let me be mad, mad with the madness of absence, the wildest, most luxurious madness in the world."
"Karen's heart feels like it's going to leap out of her chest."
"I can't believe I get to stand near you, breathing the same air. I've got to have every molecule."
"We are sweating right now boys, we are absolutely sweating."
"The widow's determination is so strong that it breaches into the realms of fury."
"I thought my heart would pound right out of my chest."
"God or not, this situation is pissing him off."
"The doctor's fury is felt here, panting with clenched teeth completely powerless."
"I gave her a long kiss, unable to pull myself away from her lips, the lips which I yearned for night after night."
"I can't believe this is happening, my heart is pounding, my hands are literally shaking."
"Every single ship on the enemy team sunk at the hands of saltiest player ever."
"That furious bloodshot look in his eyes are still there exacerbated by both denim matrix and KITT flips he stands over you and smiles a really cruel smile."
"I don't ever want to lose you, you're my world (beep) so much, baby."
"This reading is killing me, how they feel about you: soulmate commitment, wedding chemistry, fulfilled. Geez Louise!"
"The blood is boiling, you guys. Oh my blood is boiling. Oh, this is so good."
"I couldn't even speak, my heart was pounding like I was slipping under deep water."
"I get angry when I have to hear and respond to constantly the same lazy ridiculous stupid asinine back ass word scientifically and often morally bereft apologetic defenses of religious belief."
"I am beyond disgusted and I feel like I've... it makes me tremble."
"You and I were a lot alike, willing to lay our lives down for the right [expletive]."
"It was eerie, my heart was beating so fast yet it felt like time had stopped."
"My heart dropped out of my [__] and onto the floor."
"I want to kill you so much every single day every moment I'm with you I desperately wanted to kill you."
"I walked out of this movie feeling like I could uppercut a [ __ ] bear"
"I'm absolutely in love and obsessed."
"It was at that point my heart leapt into my throat and I could feel it beating fast and hard."
"I felt like my heart exploded inside of my chest."
"Drawing it around her so tightly and fiercely and strongly that Anakin fell to his knees. He had never felt the Force move like this."
"Bro, that was a murder, dog. That was a murder."
"I will crash this [ __ ]! He's in the back! I will kill everybody in [ __ ] it. I don't even care. I've been ready to die for a long time."
"That was the weirdest feeling to have come over me, and it just felt like it was crushing every inch of my body without even touching me."
"A primal almost otherworldly cry that seemed to reverberate through the air around us."
"The hatred in Zaden's stare burns the side of my face like a palpable flame."
"I felt like I could have burst through my skin and shot into the sky like a rocket."
"I can't even tell you how I felt. It was just crazy and it was just so awesome."
"He kissed me in a way that I never been kissed before."
"I grabbed him and hugged him keeping that crazed look on my face the whole time."
"There's the most incredible feeling of my life."
"It wasn't bad either; it felt warm, inviting, familiar, and so intense that it made the air around me feel tight, but not in a suffocating way—like a hug from your grandma."
"This is like my heart was so, it was racing. I've never really felt like this before."
"This was hands down the most terrified I think I've ever been in my entire life."
"I want your world to begin and end with me," he says, his expression raw.
"The love I already feel for this baby, I just, um, I can't, it hurts, it literally hurts the amount of love that I have for this baby."
"Love has the same impact on the brain that cocaine does."
"Chemistry I have never felt a passion this intense."
"Thank you," she said, something intense burning in her gaze. "I don't know what I'd done without you."
"It's a darker love; there's an intensity there."
"I could feel my heart beat heavily."
"My heart is absolutely pounding right now in this moment."
"It makes the hair stand on the back of my neck as I recount this incident."
"I opened my eyes and saw a pale child staring me in the face, his dark eyes felt like they were staring into my soul."
"Your love is a fever, frantic, mad with ever more unrest."
"No emotion can compare to that knowing you're being hunted by something."
"Everything in my body and mind was telling me to run, scream, do something, but I was frozen from fear."
"I care about people intensely; I want them to be better."
"Her heart was pounding against her rib cage like a sledgehammer against sand."
"I feel like my heart is about to beat out of my chest."
"It's like a total eclipse of the heart."
"The deepest blue-green eyes lock onto my own and I can't breathe for what seems like an eternity."
"My heart almost jumped out of my chest."
"The vampire is prone to be fascinated with an engrossing vehemence, resembling the passion of love."
"My heart felt like it was gonna pound out of my chest."
"We could run away, we don't have to stay; I can feel it, it burns inside."
"I sat there staring at the screen, my heart beating out of my chest."
"I bolted upright in bed, feeling like someone had dumped a bucket of ice water on my head."
"Sophie's infatuation with Asahi is so intense that she directly heads to the adventurer's guild to seek him out."
"I remember getting chills, like goosebumps, like am I really serious?"
"Magpie's wrath was truly terrible to behold."
"My intense longing can fill up a river."
"Madness, love, literally madness."