
Historical Contribution Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"It was African slaves' central position as producers and processors of food that allowed them to leave their own special mark." - Historian Donna Gabaccia
"The contribution of the Soviet people was both enormous and decisive."
"African Americans played an important role in the drafting of the Constitution by providing the physical labor that built Independence Hall and contributing their knowledge and ideas to the drafting of the Constitution."
"Nobody, nobody will ever forget the contribution she's made to our country and to our Constitution and indeed her contribution to the world."
"We built this country, so we will not be erased."
"We've been doing this for hundreds of years and created millions of other things for generations and that's okay cuz I Believe in Us."
"We owe them a lot. The people who did some of the worst jobs in history shaped the world in which we live."
"What was good was the guy driving all night on the interstate and the guy out there picking working on a potato harvester."
"Reparations is essential because we've done too much and contributed too much."
"In reality, the black man created every goddamn thing."
"This country was built on the backbones of black America."
"The majority of the advanced technology that we have today didn't come from us."
"Each of these three men... deserves credit and recognition."
"Churchill was instrumental in the development of the tank."
"Black people have had a stake in this country for a long time since the very beginning."
"Russia helped win World War II, folks. Do you know that Russia was our Ally in World War II? They helped defeat Hitler."
"Black folks have participated heavily in even helping fight for Mexico."
"It is we who have been perfectors of this democracy."
"Without foundational black Americans, there would not be an America."
"We built the White House, we built the capital."
"What more honour than to be a guy who was involved in a significant collaborative work with John Browning."
"Muybridge had brought the notion of a 24 frame per second perspective."
"Once I understood trigonometry, I was like, this is genius! Who thought of that? Oh, right, these guys."
"We built this land, our ancestors built this land."
"We were not here first, but we built the country and were intentionally oppressed."
"It's nice to think that we've added yet another chapter."
"Max Morath: Luminary for Reviving Ragtime Music and Shaping Public Television."
"It's not just a theory, it's been proven by multiple physicists and astronomers through the ages, especially in the last hundred years."
"Slaves built this country not only filled hands but Carpenters Masons blacksmiths musicians inventors."
"Black folk were the people laying down the tracks."
"Black nurses were called to assist during the flu epidemic when thousands were wiped out."
"Is Christianity toxic? No, friends. Historical Christianity has contributed more good to the world than anything else under the sun."
"Margaret Hamilton's contributions to the project was developing was turning the software development process into a sort of engineering process."
"Paul's major contribution was indeed major; it allowed Christianity to take over the Western World."
"The secret to productivity: letting dead people do your work for you."
"Foundational black Americans were the only non-immigrant group. We built the country from scratch. No other group can claim that at all."
"We built your synagogues, we fought Hitler, we killed Nazis for y'all black women and men."
"Join us as we remember and honor their contributions."
"America provided almost 70% of the military equipment for the allies in World War II."
"We were instrumental in developing the system in developing the international Morse code."
"I decided to be part of history. I want to help people. That's it. I want to continue to live the American dream."
"We are foundational Black Americans, ma'am. We built this beautiful nation."
"Can you imagine how much we'd be deprived from were it not for Aisha?"
"Balto's accomplishment and contribution to the people of Nome is nothing short of spectacular."
"Muslims developed human rights centuries before they were really articulated in the western tradition."
"Muslim mathematicians expanded math to such a degree that we now call the base 10 number system and the symbols we used to denote it Arabic numerals."
"If anything, we can show that humans, men in certain regions with certain building blocks in their locale, helped to develop these things."
"It is important to acknowledge their contribution."
"Absolutely they have an incredibly valuable perspective to add to our understanding of World War One."
"Catherine Johnson's calculations were critical in putting Astronaut John Glenn into orbit."
"This is our ancestral homeland because we built it from scratch."
"It's important for these folks to know that they are part of the 100 Year story of Gleaner combines and they should be proud of their contribution."
"The camels... often are underappreciated for how much they contributed to the development of the country."
"The credit goes to Bose and Einstein who have proposed this in 1954, nearly 100 years from now."
"It turns out that brown people had great ideas and actually helped the white people."
"The development of cuneiform script was the outstanding contribution of Sumeria to the civilizing of mankind."
"They call us the navvies, hard drinking, hard fighting, and strong; there are no finer boys in the nation, and I'll tell of the deeds that we've done."
"He personally paid for the PA system that Martin Luther King delivered his speech."
"Muslims brought a system which allowed the three Abrahamic faiths to coexist for the first time in history."