
Unexpected Quality Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"Shadowlands was a pleasant surprise for a lot of people."
"Harley Quinn surprised me. I didn't think one of the strongest DC shows in years would be the one that doesn't focus on characters in action, but characters and comedy."
"Arpeggio of Blue Steel was an unexpectedly great ride."
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but Spies in Disguise is indeed a good movie in spite of its faults."
"It's a really good resource management game this crown of Amaro I was I was very surprised really came out of nowhere."
"When I watched 'King Richard,' I was so pleasantly surprised."
"Last night, I experienced something new, an extraordinary meal from a singularly unexpected source."
"This show had honestly no business being as good as it was."
"This game has no right to be so much better than Avengers, and yet it is."
"The Suicide Squad left me stumped because how did a studio who just made Wonder Woman 1984, one of the worst superhero movies ever made, do a total u-turn and make The Suicide Squad like the best comedy we've had in years."
"I'm not saying you should leave a theme park or Volcano Bay to come over to Cabana Bay and go to their pool bar. I'm just saying that was a surprisingly good meal to come from a pool bar at a value resort."
"Why is this so good? This has no right to be this good."
"That's beautifully made, that is not supposed to happen."
"Old-timey fox logo and music does not prepare you for one of the best sci-fi horror movies of all time."
"I was overall quite surprised by how good this was."
"This movie really does punch above its weight."
"Pedro was just bringing something to this that is he's bringing the next factor to it that I don't think a lot of us could have predicted."
"The TLX Type S here does more than you're expecting it to do in my opinion and it really, it's shocking, I mean honestly like it, it, it just blew me away."
"I just never could have expected it to be this good."
"Cucumber water but it actually does taste good."
"They gave us something that we almost didn't deserve. It didn't deserve to be that good, Luke. It didn't."
"The story of Persona 4 Dancing is surprisingly good."
"Dr. Sleep... this movie had no right to be as amazing as it was."
"Who'd have thought mall sushi being like some of the best?"
"Iron Man 3 caught me off guard of wow this is a lot better than I gave her credit for."
"About a third of the way into the movie... I said 'this is actually kind of good.'"
"I'm actually pretty impressed, it looks very bad but it's good."
"Shinobi - The Silent Fury: Surprisingly great."
"It's still worth picking up for me it's easily the biggest surprise in this franchise."
"This game had no reason to have a soundtrack this good, but it did."
"Overall, 'The Children' takes a concept that sounds like it would be a low-grade horror and tries to make an average film out of it, seemingly inadvertently, it actually winds up being very good."
"Turns out that in reality it isn't anything it by video game movie logic should have been it isn't terrible it isn't bad it isn't decent or even good but instead pretty freakin great."
"I wasn't expecting it to be amazing and it was so good... trust me you want to read this."
"This is so much better than it has any right to be."
"The Dell XPS 15 on the other hand took me completely by surprise."
"I was shocked at how much heart this movie had, and I was shocked because it's Eddie Murphy and it's about the making of like one of the greatest like B movies of all time."
"Microsoft Word is mind-blowingly actually not that bad."
"Spice and Wolf is unexpected and amazing. It's one of my favorites."
"This game is definitely like so far I mean we'll see how it holds up but so far it's the surprise of the year for me."
"Finding a place like this, like Murph's Bar, that's very unassuming, going in, Irish pub, but having a top-shelf, straight from Italy dinner is still freaking me out."
"This game had a couple bugs a couple issues but I was actually really surprised... for what we got I think that that's a benefit to everybody."
"Chris penis aside man it's hard to beat that fried fish..."
"It's actually way cooler than I was expecting it to be."
"I'm absolutely shocked to hear myself say that, but it's pretty solid."
"Wow, I'm honestly like blown away. Knew you could get good lobster on a cruise ship."
"That was a sleeper right there, I never heard that was born the ad-lib at the end brings it back around with the eye, karumba."
"This ended up becoming an actual staple in my everyday makeup bag...totally exceeded my expectations and surprised me."
"A genuine surprise, definitely recommended to check this out."
"The driving dynamics surprise, with a taut ride and confident handling—no longer just an old person's car."
"That had no right to be as good as it just was."
"I was also shocked at how good the Volkswagen Taos was."
"In conclusion for season one of Andor, Andor was such a surprise."
"Android Auto actually way better than I thought it was going to be."
"This is way more compelling than it ought to be."
"It really goes above and beyond what you think an upgraded version of that would be. It's like a totally different thing."
"On the surface, it's like a dry cracker, but it's actually a spicy cracker. Give it a try, you might just like it."
"Without spending a dime and just downloading this game off of, like, not caring about it to begin with has absolutely shown me that maybe one of the best games of 2020."
"Opening act fourth gear performance. We went because of the main band, but the opening band was way better than expected."
"I played the quote unquote worst Call of Duty which was infinite Warfare turns out that was probably one of the best."
"Man, what a surprise, too. It was just such a hidden gem."
"It's ability to be non-conforming to the status quo and be so much better than it really deserves to be."
"This game is awesome. I wasn't expecting it to be like a Ghost of Tsushima Style game."
"Big things come in small packages, this included."
"It's JJ Abrams second movie only it's only that it just makes no sense to me how good this movie is."
"The thing handles really, really well... way better than it has any right to do."
"I'm more impressed than I thought I would be by this."
"So forgive me if the rest of the video understates its accomplishments. This is much cooler than I was prepared for."
"It's really, really good. Definitely not what I think anybody thought it was back when James tweeted that."
"The Fright Night remake... it was surprisingly good."
"Movies that I either had little or no expectations for that ended up being some of the better movie experiences that I've had all year round."
"The interior actually is surprisingly upscale looking."
"I've never actually seen it this good before. I'm really shocked. I wasn't expecting this."
"The room service was unexpectedly good, real dishes, silverware, and Tupperware."
"So they got way more time than I would have thought and had a pretty good match. Very good match actually."
"That is wildly good. Kaboo, I really wasn't expecting that."
"I'm very surprised at how soft and comfortable these seats are. It's not something I would expect to find in a truck much less one from 2005 when trucks weren't really advertised and sold as the daily drivers that they are today."
"It's one of those rides that shouldn't be as good as it is."
"This chili is magical. I didn't have high hopes, I'll admit, 'cause you look at it and it's just brown."
"Surprisingly enough, it's actually pretty good."
"When I watch that 40-year-old virgin, I was expecting throwaway comedy, and it was really good."
"Nothing could have prepared me for how good."
"Believe it or not, it's actually a pretty comfortable chair."
"Surprisingly, this music is not bad."
"It smells surprisingly high quality."
"It's really round and mellow, much more than I expected it to be."
"I can't believe this was on my shelf for so long and it was literally so good."
"The brakes were so much better than I thought they were going to be."
"I really did not expect this to be as good as it is."
"Honestly though, there's just no way that I expected ever for this car to look this good."
"It grips in places that you'd never imagine."
"The subtlety and the intimacy that I'm getting out of this piano as a digital piano is really just... I just wasn't expecting it, to be honest."
"It looked like the most boring movie, you know, but it really is a great movie."
"I was not expecting this coffee to be this good on espresso."
"That's surprisingly good and I have to say it fell into the drink in totality."
"It was truly unexpected to see an end result so well-crafted and genuinely entertaining from start to finish."
"It's true, some of the worst looking restaurants have the best food."
"Everything is really nice on it; I'm super surprised how nice it is."
"It's definitely a little darker than anticipated, it's really good."
"The overall performance was actually pretty surprising."
"I was super hella surprised by this book."
"Surprised me on the feel. I wasn't expecting it to feel so good off the face."
"We went to a maid Cafe, which was surprisingly good."
"I was ready to slam them, but I was really surprised."