
Personal Confrontation Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"The only thing that happened just now is that you finally face the truth you've been looking away from."
"I just settled in, I really wanted it to be real, I wanted to beat him to death with that gun."
"It's easy to deny the existence of demons until you find yourself staring at one."
"You literally run away from everything. If that's what you want to believe, that's fine. But that's what you're actually doing right now."
"I want you to admit that you were wrong about this, James."
"I just need to let Maddie know right now that I do not appreciate her being shady towards me."
"She completely tells off Shane and he's like no I am gonna leave it's epic."
"Who talks [expletive]? I don't wake your [expletive] up."
"The only way out is through. You have to confront it and you have to surrender to it."
"Did you think this would hurt me, shatter my confidence? Shut the [] up, you minuscule little insignificant []."
"There has to be some sort of balance, like I hope that everybody has some way to express these things that they're not willing to confront."
"Brett then added that if Vince was still there by the time he finished getting dressed, he was going to knock him out."
"The universe gives the biggest rewards to the people who go a little bit harder work work a little bit you know work a little bit more consistently are a little bit stronger sacrifice a little bit more."
"At the end of the day, you have to love yourself."
"This was a tense verbal back and forth with Jar telling 50 he was pissed about that diss track."
"The story as it nears its end also insists upon the necessity of confronting that which terrifies you and poisons you the most voluntarily."
"He confronted his wife Kristen Bell about it and Kristen, of course, is cool [ __ ]."
"You're a [] child. Do me a favor, you selfish little [], you're sitting there and you're gonna give me [] for leaving 'cause I gotta go? Go [] yourself!"
"I'm quiet bro, I'm in England, bro. You got a problem, you know where I am, bro."
"I just want you out man. I don't care about none of that. You Goofy's Pop-Tart cheese. What the [ __ ] are you doing? That's disgusting."
"It's me against the killer. Who's going to win? Who's going to laugh last?"
"This guy is putting me in my place, I haven't been able to get away with this in a long time."
"I thought that he'd listen to a lot of really dumb [ __ ] online and I just kind of wanted to challenge him a little bit on it."
"What does Becky do when Becky is being called out for her BS?"
"You have to address what's going on, right, instead of just taking it in and just consuming it."
"I'm coming to kill you. In Los Angeles, at your house, or in the ring. No, in real life."
"I feel bad for you, Tom. I really do. Because at the end of the day, I get to go home and you get to go to whatever hole you came out of."
"You're too busy to find your daughter? You're too busy? I'm 31 years old. Wow, really? Okay."
"I leaned forward, still staring at me, her eyeballs frozen in their sockets. There was something intensely pleading in the way she was looking at me."
"I want to talk to nobody. You gotta let them in the eyes. That's my only, like, 'Yo, I don't know if you're [ __ ] around but at least I'm gonna look in your [ __ ] last resort.'"
"You totally shocked me with that. It's a lie. And it is shaming and it is grotesque."
"Hall and Nash reportedly confronted Bischoff over his decision to fire their friend."
"I didn't pick the fight; the fight picked me."
"If you're gonna say that you're gonna address something where you wronged a whole bunch of people, address it girl. Like you don't have to beat around the bush." - Accountability matters.
"You're going to go toe-to-toe with them because again Libra, you've been getting the red signs or red flags."
"Enough's enough, tonight I'm going to have a little fun and put this [ __ ] in his place."
"They're cowards. That's how I feel. You never saw Doggy Diamonds. I never saw him again, I would go right after his face. I mean, yeah, I'd go right at him. He knows that. We're gonna see how gangster he is when we see him."
"Quit the tough guy act in these Senate hearings. You know where to find me. Any place, anytime. Cowboy."
"We're gonna make sure you never forget this."
"I wasn't scared, you need to relax. It's all over now, right?"
"I'm gonna destroy your face, buddy. Your face is mine."
"What are you doing in my house? We need to talk."
"That's all this is Wendy, an act of defiance."
"I gotta go and at least make it some type of presence let them know I'm not gonna put up with it me against 300 people."
"I want you to know that I know. I saw you and I think that you're disgusting."
"You are out of your mind... like no thank you, no." - "I didn't need this money right now."
"I know who you are. I established who you were before we even started this."
"When you finally tell a predator to off... that's when the real test comes in."
"Oh yeah, you didn't want my friends to be involved? Well, they are."
"If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault privately between you and him alone."