
Manipulation Awareness Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Don't let Democrats all of a sudden trick you into believing that they actually believe in common sense."
"Not all that glitters is gold is gold gold is not all that glitters is gold do not let them take advantage of you do not see this new change so we're gonna change the beauty community there might be ulterior motives there be mindful of that."
"It is all based on manipulation and we need to really be awake because it's just happening before our very own eyes."
"Anyone who's trying to advocate for violence is trying to trick you."
"If a person is engaging in that strategy deliberately to promote right-leaning voices, I think that's bad."
"When you're a normal person interacting with normal people, your mind doesn't go to a place where you would even consider somebody being so manipulative and so cruel."
"Psychological defense and the ability to detect manipulations are very relevant for the war context, especially when individuals are emotionally vulnerable."
"Russ fully shuts down and wants to pull the plug on the entire walkthr and that's because there is no Mami Manor I am positive of this."
"It's so clear now just how manipulative and truly evil she is."
"I understand the feeling of being in a very manipulated state in a relationship where you know you're betraying yourself."
"Halo 3 is a timeless masterpiece. It's a game that should be cherished and never ever forgotten."
"Nobody's manipulating. As soon as you realize so much at the top manipulating it then it doesn't work anymore."
"The mainstream media manipulates to distract from real issues."
"Don't let yourself be manipulated by petty small stories."
"Don't let nobody manipulate you, don't let nobody play no games with you."
"I feel like they're trying to, I hear the phrase, sell you a bill of goods. And in the meantime, you're still waiting and waiting for like the real thing to happen here. Moon, I feel like you need to manifest with the Sagittarius moon."
"It tells you everything you need to know about the market manipulation happening before your eyes."
"Anyone who seeks to shame you out of these standards does not care about you; they want to control you."
"Corporate media is nothing less than a weapon of mass deception."
"Mental and emotional manipulation, scarier than yelling or any other series of toxic traits."
"She's manipulating you. Mental illness is not a reason to let someone harm or walk all over you."
"Don't let them play this Jedi mind trick on you. You're smarter than that."
"Do not let them play you as a pawn, do not let them use this progressive movement to trick you into being one of their soldiers."
"You shouldn't feel obligated if you feel manipulated in a price that you weren't willing to pay."
"You may spend excessive energy, time, and financial resources helping predators because they're the ones excessively complaining all the time."
"If not properly dealt with, the Jezebel spirit can destroy marriages, ministries, and lives."
"The phrase 'would you kindly' isn't seen as a way to manipulate someone anymore."
"Manipulators don't care about your life outside of them."
"Knowledge is power when regards the female manipulation."
"We're all being played, we're all being programmed."
"Watch for red flags, know what they're doing to you, and do not get emotionally involved right away."
"Literally, your posture. It's very upright and you have a certain amount of dignity associated with you."
"The game is being played up here, not down here where you and I are distracted."
"It's just this gross misrepresentation and spiritual manipulation."
"We are actually so vulnerable, we are so easily manipulated, and we are losing the race, lads, wake up."
"People who want to control you don't want you to critically think because they want you to take what they're feeding you and go with it."
"Control and manipulation in any form is not okay and no matter what that road just never ends well."
"We have to stop the TLDR mentality and start doing research. The other part that promotes manipulation is that perhaps intentionally, big tech and the powers-to-be appear to be promoting the idea of the echo chamber."
"They want to confuse you about your gender, make you think you're racist, and get you hooked on heroin." - Dave Rubin
"Once a desire is understood, it can be exploited."
"Whenever you encounter something that appears to be an emotional argument, look at who benefits from that message being put out."
"People who don’t want you to think are never your friend."
"I think identifying with an ideology as an identity for anyone at this point in time is just playing into the strategy that the people who are doing the damage to society want to play into."
"You're being manipulated, that report is fictitious."
"Don't let someone play with your mind or heart."
"If someone brags about how manipulative they are, run for the hills."
"Know your inner strength, never blame yourself, don't let anyone manipulate you."
"People don't like to feel they are being played or duped."
"Sometimes the power gets to their head and they try and manipulate whoever they're talking to."
"Trying to make someone believe that they are less than what they are is one of the worst kinds of evil."
"Imagine being a child against an expert manipulator, constantly made to feel wrong."
"When you're involved with someone who is highly toxic, it's very easy for them to twist your words, to blame-shift, and to throw you off your game. That's the whole goal, right? It's to keep you off balance."
"I'm not against giving, I'm against the sinful manipulation."
"Gaslighting and manipulation, it's a toxic cycle."
"They showed you a beautiful side of themselves, but it's a side they use to manipulate."
"Being pandered to is intoxicating but the problem is being pandered to is a manipulation tactic."
"Don't let them manipulate you... cut that [__] off."
"Teaching students about sexual encounters and how to recognize when they're being manipulated makes sense; it's like a defense measure."
"If your gut feeling is telling you you're being manipulated, then you're probably being manipulated."
"Choose peace, okay? I know you have a good heart, but don't let anyone use you."