
Open-ended Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"This is my opinion, this is not... my conclusion."
"This leaves us with an open opportunity for anything to happen."
"I'm excited... it's unlimited potential now."
"The movie could have ended really at any point."
"Its primary purpose is to open up, not resolve; to inspire questions instead of answering them."
"I love videos like this that are kind of more like open-ended discussions about things."
"Do you believe they should still be protected?"
"Let your imaginations run wild and see what you can create with this."
"What do you think how this is going to play out?"
"Now this is an open ended question. I don't know the answer."
"I'm not even gonna put a tag on it right now."
"They're a blank for you to fill in, and I don't know, I think that's cool."
"Minecraft is anything that you would want it to be."
"It has potential. Let's leave it there. It has huge amounts of potential."
"The possibilities are literally six of them."
"The possibilities of what of this... well, it's limitless."
"It's kind of fun in the way like literally anything is possible."
"Honestly, anything can happen. Anything can happen."
"Perhaps the ending has not yet been written."
"We still have so many different possibilities."
"Is it good? Is it bad? Make of it what you will."
"So what if when..." (Incomplete sentence, but leaves room for curiosity.)
"Case studies are typically open-ended problems, so in that sense, there is no right answer or there is no wrong answer."
"Whether internet investigating does more harm than good then remains an open question."
"You don't have a specific purpose, you can do anything."
"I honestly don't know... I'm not sure yet, just see who they choose."
"I mean, it's an open question as far as I'm concerned."
"The can of worms is absolutely open. Your guess is as good as mine."
"A simple prompt can lead in any number of directions."
"Let's put it that way, let's give myself the biggest open-ended possibility."
"That's the type of... [end of transcription]"
"That's life, and it allowed enough space for the viewer to also lead to their own conjecture."
"The possibilities really are endless."
"When a prime minister takes office, there's no time limit, no fixed number of terms; their leadership stretches out in front of us."
"You can get very creative with this."
"What are your favorite foods? is an example of an open-ended question that cannot be answered with a yes or no response."
"I think that was just a really good ending as well because it's like yeah, it's satisfying in a way but it leaves it open-ended enough that they could start an adventure leaving like picking up right where they left off or just doing something completely different."
"Start with the least sensitive question, work your way up and ask open-ended questions, if the goal of the conversation tends towards more cooperative or altruistic goals."
"They left it open for interpretation."
"It's a great conclusion to the series that wraps a bow nicely on everything but it leaves it open-ended just enough in case the creators ever want to revisit this universe."
"It's an open ending that fits the themes of the series, where the adventure and your own capabilities have no limits if you keep pursuing them."
"Some stories don't really have an ending."
"Elijah's exit from this world left an open-ended question: would he return?"
"From there, anything is possible. It depends on us."
"Heidegger concludes this work not with ready-made answers but with a series of open questions."
"Everything has no definite answer."
"You can grow up to be anything you want to be."
"Anything is possible, anything and everything is on the table."
"For me, it's closure on one chapter, but another one remains open."
"If you are into open-ended play, and you definitely should be if you have a little one, those are the best toys."
"How long are you planning on staying? Indefinitely, open-ended."
"The possibilities here are really endless."
"Anything can happen, this is anyone's game."
"The possibilities truly are quite endless."
"The possibilities are endless for this."
"The possibilities are endless, aren't they?"
"George is whoever you want him to be."
"Sometimes I like an open-ended story because it allows your imagination to wander all over the place."
"It's meant to be left a little bit for you to interpret it how you like too."
"The power of Outer Wilds' ending comes from its open-endedness."
"There's no end goal to this game because it truly is infinite."
"The possibilities for what could happen are endless, and that's exciting."
"Your research question should be open-ended, normally it starts with how, what, or why."
"It doesn't tie up everything with a conventional tidy ending, it leaves some open, unresolved issues at the end."
"There's no end to the possibilities of that sort of scenario happening."
"It can be whatever you want it to be."
"The real question is why is all this kicked off now and how will it end?"
"What makes a good hero? There's no one correct answer for this question."
"The possibilities are endless, really."
"There's not a definitive answer to anything."
"Hope you enjoyed this video; it was a bit more of an exploration, maybe there wasn't a clear answer."
"I'm gonna leave it up to everyone's imagination."
"The future's unwritten, you just don't know what's going to happen."
"This is not 100% closed, that's my belief."
"Whether this story is paranormal, extraterrestrial, interdimensional, or man-made, I'll have to leave it up to you."
"That's how some stories are; there is no ending, things are incomplete at times."
"Hex crawls are very open-ended and, in my opinion, best for the kind of exploration that you do when you're not really sure what's out there."
"I lay it out there, give you some theories, give you some thoughts, and let you come up with your own theories and thoughts and go from there."
"There's so many possibilities, there usually is no right answer."
"The question isn't what are we going to do, the question is what aren't we going to do."
"Open-ended analysis is just like you're not trying necessarily to just understand something specific."
"It leaves the door open in case anybody wants to revisit this incredible canon."
"The story does lack a definite ending, but the rest of the narrative more than makes up for it."
"Use open-ended questions not yes and no questions."
"The definition of icon is open-ended, and you don't have to define what that truly means."
"The potential is literally endless as a blank canvas."
"There is still enormous potential for narrative and what we've been doing, and there are doors left open still."
"It's anyone's game at the moment."
"An open-ended question allows the patient to elaborate on a subject or to choose aspects of the subject to be discussed."
"So as you can see the possibilities are really endless."
"The possibilities could be endless."
"The possibilities here are limitless."
"Sometimes a story ends without questions being answered, and it's great when it does."
"What is finite element analysis? Now this is a very open-ended question."
"I never like to wrap everything up completely with a nice tidy bow."
"The list of possibilities is endless."
"I love those style of films that leave open for interpretation."
"It's not like it's decided yet, you know, this isn't Formula One."
"The possibilities are quite endless with how we can go about this."
"Possibilities are endless; we will see where it goes."