
Naming Conventions Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"Some tropes have nice, chill, nonjudgmental names that communicate their general vibe in intriguing and fun ways. And then there’s this."
"Good names drive good designs and bad names are an indication of bad designs."
"That's such a classic name for an anime character, like just put one word and then attach it to another."
"You know, the names... Smart technology... It's gotta be smart. That's why they call it smart."
"The cities and towns in Pokémon Black and White are all named after various types of clouds, connecting to their slogans."
"Sharing the husband's name is among other things a meaningful tradition dating back centuries."
"Make sure your function names are meaningful and descriptive."
"That's evil. It's the same here with the 5600 you on the 5500. Yes, we call this evil."
"Names are not meant to be objective. Titles are meant to be objective."
"Many characters in this series have pun-inspired names, often referring to food, a trademark of Akira Toriyama's humor."
"Private fields will always be prefixed with an underscore and Siri sharp rate is automatically suggesting three names for me."
"With the introduction of a new cartridge, Kitridge would coin a new name. This new revolver was the Thunderer."
"Naming a baby is a two yes or one no situation. You do not name a child something your partner does not agree with."
"Rosie, the ie ending is literally all over the chart."
"Long descriptive names but when you're context aware do not bloat your naming."
"This era gets its name from those [human] kingdoms."
"That's a rule in anime every character that manipulates smoke has to name their abilities after songs or bands or albums."
"You might want to give names to your classes and IDs that resemble basically what the HTML element does."
"Renaming conventions are just really weird... somebody that's not familiar with this database just wants the quick information about what it is real quick."
"One of these things that always kind of bothers me, UFC on Fuel TV 14 and then UFC on whatever."
"The particle's name, 'Oh my God,' reflects the surprise it caused in the scientific community."
"Why do you think they call it Windmill Village?"
"Why is all the bad guys named Bill?"
"Do I call this The Beatles? Do I call this The White Album all lowercase? What do I call this thing?"
"Variable names in computer science should be chosen wisely."
"Namespaces are not for creating taxonomies. Namespaces are for preventing name collisions." - Jack Didrik
"How can she be your daughter with a totally different last name?"
"Give your table a meaningful name."
"We need to carefully think what is the essence or the capabilities we want to offer and name the functions as well as the abstraction itself appropriately."
"A good system of names tells you not just about the function you're working on, but about the entire context of the system."
"The power of a system like this is that things are named and organized in the exact same fashion."
"The reuse of names helps to reduce cognitive load."
"Isn't it crazy that there's a guy in Disney just called Goofy? They just named him Goofy because he kinda acted that way. That's like if you called me Goofy."
"The last thing I'd like to show here is how the names that we're using are very much for our convenience in understanding this, making sense of it both as we built it and as we come back to it."
"If you're ever creating an asynchronous method of your own, then you really should name it in this way with the trailing async keyword."
"Five is associated with pentane, but we're going to replace 'ane' with 'yl,' so this is going to be called pentyl."
"And on the right, we have four carbons, and that has the two oxygen atoms, so it's going to have the 'oate,' so instead of saying butane, we're going to say butanoate."
"If you want to write the common name from the IUPAC name, if you see butanolate, you can replace it with butyrate. So, this is pentyl butyrate."
"So, let's separate into two parts. On the left, we have phenol. Phenol is basically a benzene ring as a substituent. Benzyl contains seven carbon atoms. It's the ring plus the carbon on the outside."
"So, instead of saying benzo, we're going to have to put the 'oate' part in it, so this is called phenol benzoate, and that's basically the name of this structure."
"So, it's your turn. Go ahead and work on this example. Let's say we have a CH3 attached to a carbonyl group and attached to a benzene ring. So, how can we name this particular example?"
"It's not too heavy, it does have weightless in the name."
"Having some consistency around how things are named is really going to operationally make your life a lot easier."
"Be descriptive with your object names."
"Declare variables as descriptive as possible."
"Keep the variable names as descriptive as possible."
"These are names that very much buck the trend of what we have in mind as a concept for a name, but single-letter place names are actually way more common than you might actually think."
"When you're labeling things, it's important to use some kind of consistent naming conventions."
"Adding a random suffix to your bucket names can enhance security."
"Giving a component the right name can be very helpful."
"You got to be thorough with the way that you name your objects, you have to be consistent with the way that you're organizing things."
"If we're careful about how we name things, it's much easier to be clearer about what each part of the code is meant to do."
"Make sure you have accessible names and they match the visible labels."
"Let's make it a little bit more cleaner so let's give this table a name first so we know that this table here is called customers."
"If you think that a comment is necessary, that means you didn't name things well enough."
"Our keep rules do not actually have to keep extra classes; all we want is we want to prevent them from being renamed."
"A proper naming convention for your smart home devices is crucial."
"The purpose of a name is to communicate what's going on in the code."
"The 30 Years War lasted 30 years; it's funny how they made them like that."
"They all have their own personality and we name them based off of how they look and their personality."
"It's important to name things, take some time to think about what is this class about, what does it do, what is the goal of this class."
"In a bizarre and unexpected series of events, we have the Romans to thank for how this weirdly Western name ended up being used in the quintessential East Asian country of Japan."
"Someone clearly did a really poor job with the naming scheme here."
"Define a naming convention for the Content Center families as your content center library grows."
"Let's use display width instead of width for naming this constant."
"Why do we even call it Superman? Superwoman!"
"A constructor has the exact same name as the class and that's a requirement."
"Names come last, things are named last."
"It gets this name - and you magically, automatically create us or give us a new unique identifying way of distinguishing our action creators or action types."
"I like to name my indexes with the fields that they're on."
"You're actually free to use any name you'd like for a generic type as long as it provides further explanations to someone that might be reading your code."
"It cuts down on the size of the names that I have to write, and it's meaningful."
"The magic of both symmetry and naming conventions working in tandem with one another."
"It's good practice to name your levels as it helps keep your componentry smart and organized."
"When you're naming your extensions or naming your priority labels or whatever, anytime you have to come up with a name, the more descriptive you can make that, the better off you're going to be."
"The nice thing about being able to subset an element using its name is that you don't have to remember where it is in the list."
"Everything in Hotwire hinges on the sending side and the receiving side agreeing on names."
"Each plague mech has two names: one after a letter in the Greek alphabet and the other after the creature that it is inspired by."
"That's pretty handy because with our naming convention, it works every time fine."