
Mental Practice Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Forgiveness is letting go every time the memory occurs."
"People are so passive aggressive, especially towards people who are only just getting into watches."
"Every moment, we practice really knowing what is in the mind."
"Visualizing is a powerful method to focus your intentions."
"Simply observe the thoughts, don't judge them or label them."
"Visualize in a state of normality. Once you do this tip, you literally trick your mind, because now you match the harmony. It starts to manifest easily and effortlessly."
"When we imagine something in our mind's eye or mind's ear, we are imagining the real thing happening."
"Naming and giving an identity to a real world skill and applying the same name or identity to the mental version of that can enhance the mental training and visualization in significant ways."
"We visualize it as if it's already happened."
"Practice critical thinking and visualization while reading."
"It's important to step into divine protocol where you rehearse in your mind what is that it is loving god with your mind."
"By practicing being in the lucid zone... integrating information... you see things differently."
"Unfortunately Mike it isn't true that every stock I buy goes up but it is true that if I own the company I have a good enough sense of its fundamentals that I have been willing to invest my treasure in them."
"Positive or creative visualizations and positive thinking is so important."
"Pick a little image, visualize it, and make that a habitual image."
"Literally, what you do with a practice creating a certain state of your mind like focusing on something changes the structure."
"Use that imagination as active visualization because the mind does not know the difference between what we imagine and what is real."
"Visualization is the practice of creating a powerful mental image of a future desired outcome."
"Visualize the next 10-15 minutes and see yourself doing things or see yourself getting happier."
"Gratefulness is much like a muscle in our brain, and the more we exercise it, the stronger it gets and the easier it becomes to find those things to be grateful for."
"Niassa means giving up to the Lord. The activities continue, your life in the world continues as it is, but mentally, inside, in your heart, in your mind, continuously offer up everything to the Lord."
"...once you can see the board in your head... it will be much easier to calculate and to visualize the positions."
"The power of concentration is not a strenuous proceeding."
"The practices of mindfulness of the breath and body, of mindfulness of thoughts and feelings."
"Mindfulness is... a form of attention."
"I have to try to stay in the present, that's another big thing."
"Practice being a powerful warrior mentally, and then let that radiate physically."
"Don't have negative thoughts, just focus on positive sort of thoughts, visualize these are the key things."
"Live those experiences over and over again mentally until you feel really in touch with the self that knows and does, and the best there is is yours."
"Imagination practice is equivalent to an actual experience insofar as your nervous system is concerned."
"Engaging your mind in proactive and positive visualization at a conscious and subconscious level is a foundation of playing great golf and continual improvement."
"Visualization is a highly specialized skill where you are creating vivid mental imagery, emotions, and environments in your mind before they have happened."
"Mindfulness is really trying to focus your attention... meditation is really the narrowing of thought."
"Visualization and contemplation... help to create the state of concentration."
"Here you can only visualize and experience positive outcomes."
"Meditation leads to understanding."
"Affirming is just repeating the same thoughts over and over to push you into a state of having whatever you're affirming for."
"Practice meditation is done in the mind, not in the body."
"Visualization is one thing that I love to do."
"Mindfulness is this ability to kind of bear something in mind... definitely focusing on a particular theme."
"Visualization is one of the most effective charisma boosting tools available."
"Your brain doesn't know the difference between you studying for that test or you doing the work to start that business or get healthy."
"Mindfulness is to simply observe what is without judgment."
"Visualization is so important, and we actually do it all the time."
"The number one correlated thing across all those people is some sort of mindfulness practice."
"Mindfulness is the practice of taking in that stimulus and not responding."