
Winter Activities Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"No SK! Everybody, no SK! Come on, it's a snow day!"
"There's multiple in the snow, okay, you know what those are used for?"
"Winter can be a beautiful time... you can freeze to death or you can ski and snowboard and have a great time with your family and build something."
"I love playing in the snow! Mom, did you get a Nintendo Switch Light? What do you have, Mom?"
"Well hello my little babushka. So maybe I'm just slightly salty because I could never dye my dog."
"It's my snowman, I built it by myself and I am proud."
"Sledding down a big hill seems hard but can also be really fun."
"It's snow angel time the whole family is making themselves some birthdays snow angels I love how they just like flop themselves onto the ground when they do it it's actually adorable and hilarious."
"She loves running, so I got her winter running gear."
"It's winter time, get your $500 beater put a cage in it and get it ready to rally next year."
"People don't want to have a miserable winter if people can't handle another winter where they don't go out to parties I think that's completely fair."
"Trimming the tree, sipping hot cocoa by the fire, my favorite."
"Freeze Lake Madison and make it an ice rink, that's such a good idea."
"This is seriously awesome especially for winter."
"Hope Christmas is going well for y'all watch all the movies spend time with family cozing up with some hot chocolate with hot milk which is what I'm gonna do tonight with my kids it's gonna be great."
"A winter wonderland is the time of year I went to wonderland."
"It's a new way to go through the snow and enjoy the snow differently than you have ever done before."
"It's tempting isn't it to hide away on these darkest months, but not us."
"It's just about family, it's about fun, it's about just the snowy wonderland."
"Snowball fights, you know, building little snow forts... I can't see that not happening."
"No snow trip is complete without a snowball fight."
"It makes me think of snowball fights and skiing."
"I want to go ice skating. What other winter activities we can go tubing."
"Hope you enjoyed a little glimpse of some of the things we like to do during the winter time to keep ourselves entertained."
"Okay, it is open, as we mentioned, it's open in winter as a winter park from December to February as a snowmobile park, and then you can always visit Mammoth and Lamar Valley up in the north too, even during the winter."
"These hand warmers that they have are Lifesavers because we found that just putting them in your gloves just puts your whole body's you know heat up keeping them in your gloves while you're snowmobiling."
"When the first cold fall day hits and you know winter is coming, ice fisherman, normal people didn't get to go out as much as I wanted to last year, but this winter is different. Going out a bunch, we're almost there."
"One of the most thrilling activities you can partake in while visiting Finland, especially during the winter months, is an icebreaker cruise in the northern regions."
"Snowballs and snow angels with family and friends."
"I'm going to take snow. First snow of the year is celebrated. Snow gives you a lot of activity: tubing, skiing."
"Time to bring in more Winter Wonderland fun!"
"I was enjoying it so much that I hardly noticed the ache in my toes."
"So this is winter, you can't forget party mode."
"Before the Christmas period ends, we have to go and at least have a mold cider and look at some sparkly lights even if it is Jan."
"I had so much fun doing like wintery snow activities."
"It's not just about the ice skating; they're going to have different kinds of activities including cozy fire pits."
"Whitefish are one of my favorite fish to go after in the winter time; they're delicious table fare and they put up an excellent fight."
"My kids always love helping me out with the winter sowing."
"My wife was able to get them all dressed up in his like ski boots and stuff, and he was having a blast."
"We're off to Winter Wonderland, everyone's out for the day."
"Snow on the ground, sun in the sky, friends by my side, let's go run for an hour."
"That was a pretty successful first snow outing of the winter."
"I'm excited to have a day with you guys, a fun wintry little day."
"Buzzing already, we are going husky sledding this morning."
"Welcome back to a very cold day in Connecticut, but that is not going to stop us because we have an awesome winter day ahead of us."
"Don't hang up that rod and reel, there's awesome opportunities this winter."
"Do you think if you saw a lake that was frozen, do you think it's a good idea to go ice skating on it? No, not unless you know that it's thick."
"The sauna and the Arctic cruise will mean you'll always look forward to winter."
"Making some dinner and getting cozy watching a show, making some hot cocoa, oh it's gonna be awesome."
"If you're not yet subscribed to my channel, I like to do hot tent camping in the wintertime."
"I'm excited to go ice skating, I'm excited to get on the party bus."
"This is just the perfect time during winter to really get in the kitchen and really experiment and enjoy this time indoors."
"I hope you find inspiration to do your winter clear out, to fix your clothes, organize it, have it in order because it makes life so much easier."
"Snowballs and snow angels playing in the snow with family and friends, joy to be had by all."
"It has transformed how much crafting and the kind of crafting that I can get done in the darker months."
"I used to build a snowman every year when I was a kid."
"Every winter, me, Nick, and Wolf would go up to Nick's family's cabin that was up in the White Mountains in New Hampshire just to snowboard, and it was great."
"It's a beautiful day for a snowshoe."
"I just built this sled and I'll let you ride it with me if you are nice."
"I am savable, I am good, feeling a bit tired because I've been hanging out in the snow."
"Some people tell me it looks like way too much work, but I'll tell you, I think it's the greatest way to spend the long winter."
"Can you believe that you're sitting in a hot tub eating a snowball in the middle of winter, it's pretty cool."
"If you're lucky enough to get one of each set, you could totally make a snowman."
"You don't need expensive dedicated winter gear to go winter backpacking."
"If you want to see some really cool winter activities, check out all the things everyone's been up to."
"It's crazy, this is winter, and there's so much stuff going on, I wonder what summer is like."
"As much as I'd love to stay inside and be cozy with the family all day, the frozen tundra presents the perfect opportunity for me to finally catch up on something that I've been dragging my feet on for 6 months to a year now."
"Instead of walking, Amanda and I drop and start doing snow angels in the helicopter."
"Celebrated for his lively scenes of everyday Dutch activity on the ice."
"It's perfect, good crowd, good people, we're learning in the middle of the winter when we would not be running at all."
"It's a great wedding destination, winter sports, you could have cross-country skiing, you could have snowmobiling."
"On a Polaris, winter is just one big fun-filled season."
"What do you think, now we can go sledding in the snow?"
"That's a very real video of people ice skating on a lake."
"It's packable, and the snowballs actually make a perfect snowball."
"Every year when snow starts flying, the city's overrun by tourists as Zakopane is famous for providing skiing, snowboarding, sleigh rides, and other snow-bound activities."
"If you like the snow, there's going to be a ton for you to do."
"Learn the incredibly rewarding art of winter wildlife photography."
"Definitely impromptu snowball fight goes on the list."
"Guys, we did it, we went sledding!"
"My grandson and his mom and dad went sledding on Sunday and had a great time."
"It's just a great thing to be doing in the winter, it's a great resource, and yeah, living off the land, hey."
"I don't know how to ride a sleigh. They said: 'Don't worry. We'll teach you.'"
"We're gonna go sledding, maybe build a snowman, just frolic and have fun and be merry."
"We had some fresh snow, so we'll make some snow cream to go with our leftover chocolate cake."
"Actually sledding, I like to sled too."
"It's an exciting morning because we are finally going to be able to go out and play in the snow."
"It's the very first skate of this winter, which is my favorite thing to do."
"Last one there buys hot chocolate!"
"I'm really motivated to work on the winter village this year."
"Reindeer sleigh rides down Santa Claus Lane, hot cocoa air rides, and then complimentary warm blankets."
"Come on, everyone, we can build a snowman. Hooray!"
"Everybody likes to go out and have fun in the snow, right?"
"Let's go ice skating and go to the bar; maybe that's a cute winter excursion we can do."
"Publico is a great little hangout place, a good bite, and in the wintertime, they do those little globes that you can reserve."
"I'm so excited and I don't know, maybe the girls can go outside and play, make snow angels."
"Relax, take them tobogganing for real."
"Take a deep breath, if you have the opportunity to take your kids proper tobogganing, for the love of God, take your kids proper tobogganing."
"I love you guys, I really hope this helps, hope you have fun out there this winter season, and we'll see in the next one."
"Snow days are totally acceptable to go outside and play in the snow and make snow angels."
"Having a whole layer of snow, when you see something quite cool that you don't always see, like the snow ops clearing the runway, it's magical."
"Treat yourself this winter to a unique hands-on experience."
"I love cold weather because you get to have fun with ice and stuff that you usually wouldn't be able to."
"Someone to love so I can hold their hand while we're skating around the trees."
"I just like running outside when it's cold in the winter."
"So this is The Snow Days with Hot Chocolate and so you're just gonna weave in your ends just like you see."
"He loved having a warm bath and then sitting in front of the fire as he sipped hot chocolate."
"Then it's time for sledding; it's a wild ride down the hill."
"Bryant Park is a really cool spot, they have this thing called like a winter market."
"You don't need snow to go sledding; you don't even need a sled."
"Out on the pond, I like to skate and try to form a figure 8, but when both feet become entwined, I fall down on my behind."
"We had a snowball fight last night in our shorts."
"Even church bells sing along and the children making angels in the snow."
"Stay warm and cozy, Frosty solving friends."
"You can make your own snowman, oh isn't it cute."
"While I'm all for Christmas, it's a magical time full of kisses. Take a walk outside and tickle the snowman's nose."
"It's a snowy day, stay at home, enjoy some hot chocolate and some Christmas movies."
"How lucky we are to have these trails in this in the wintertime."
"You don't need snow for snowmen if you've got craft supplies."
"I love these, perfect for playing in the snow with the kids."
"That's the most excited I've been for a fish in quite probably all winter."