
Religious Controversy Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"A prominent imam participating in a pagan ritual, like it just boggles my mind that any Muslim would take their deen from someone like this."
"Jesus was a Muslim" - "Big banner. That's what they had on camels' backs. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard."
"Perhaps Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married... as the DNA results suggest."
"It is much more difficult to explain away the testimony of Jim Peniston and John Burroughs... they retired from the Air Force."
"It is not for a good work that we're going to stone you but for blasphemy because you are being a man make yourself God."
"It wasn't only that He had broken their Sabbath, but that He called God His own Father and even made Himself equal with God."
"This was a Jesus who didn't die, who took revenge on his enemies, and who kissed Mary Magdalene on the mouth."
"Historians, scientists, and religious leaders have argued over the authenticity of the Turin Shroud for generations."
"The Mormon church is under attack by a former member. It's almost like Scientology is uniquely horrible in how they discuss former members."
"The Works-based gospel is heresy and anyone who preaches it is a heretic period."
"Show as much love as possible to Ridge and just wait for Scientology to try to send Ridge a bunch of hate mail."
"It's clear through motives like this that Francis is remaking the church he's obviously trying to change the faith and make the Catholic Church into something aligned with satanic forces of our world."
"The battle is not just about liturgy or the traditional Latin Mass, it's actually about Doctrine, dogma, and morality."
"I'm not attacking Catholics... but pick up any history book that's not biased towards Catholics and you'll see the Catholic Church throughout history did some awful awful things."
"Nebraska woman attacks local Spider-Man statue as a hate crime against Christianity after mistaking it for Satan. Those evil eyes."
"Katie Holmes left to protect Suri from Scientology." - In Style Magazine
"Faith and the Lord Jesus Christ is controversial because it's extreme, narrow, demanding, and very intolerant of other religious attempts."
"The religious world thinks that's heresy and they want to hang you for it, but the Bible says that I'm righteous and I can't be righteous and be a sinner at the same time."
"The slavery issue is the most frustrating, just obviously just the worst hill for a Christian to want to die on." - Matt
"Gay clergy member... homosexual acts are immoral... having a clergy member that is gay is highly controversial for them."
"Executing Cranmer was a foolish thing to do on Mary's part as his recantations would have all but destroyed his legacy but now he had nothing to lose."
"The Catholic world is shocked as am I that an Archbishop of the Catholic Church would knowingly give the Holy Eucharist, the body of Jesus Christ, to a Muslim."
"It's Jesus Christ's Church, and if he does nothing about McCarrick, his ghost is going to haunt Francis and this church forever."
"Most people rejected his message. They hated Jesus because he told them the truth."
"The fragments of the consecrated host are crushed by feet. This is horrible, our God in our churches is trampled by feet." - Bishop Schneider
"They want to abuse this process for Shifting the Catholic church and not only in the other direction but in the destruction of the Catholic Church."
"The issue of the mark of the beast is about worship."
"To support Francis now would be to betray mother church."
"You don't mess with this stuff here. There's a spiritual war going on. Jesus Christ is slandered in Hollywood, every foul word you'll hear is about Jesus Christ."
"I find this very condescending to them, and when I was a theistic evolutionist, I was very, very miffed by the whole idea. It's just like, you know, it's kind of dumb."
"If you grew up watching any and all Hollywood movies, then you probably are with me when I say maybe it's a good idea that these churches are banned."
"Jesus had plenty of controversy in his ministry and he only did it for three and a half years."
"So even though the Quran says Christians and Jews are infidels worthy of death, you can befriend them, deceive them, lie to them, to get them, to entrap them."
"Glory to Jesus Christ who crushed Muhammad under His feet."
"The Papacy attempted to change God's holy Sabbath to the first day of the week, a day that God never sanctified, a day that is not holy."
"But now after rejecting Paul God had chosen them and them alone of all the churches of the first century."
"The decision to remove the traditional liturgy from the life of the church 'may not be used in parish churches.'"
"Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth I have not come to bring peace but a sword for I come to set a man against his father and a daughter against her mother."
"Come back to orthodoxy and don't take things like Jesus had to be born again."
"Leader and evangelist, mystic and prophet, to this day, Mary Magdalene continues to inspire both veneration and controversy."
"Dr. Naik is a fraudulent preacher that has damaged the faith of many throughout the world."
"When you share with a religious leader... and they go you... what? How could you? That's weird."
"The Eucharist is just a symbol? To hell with it."
"The king doesn't like it, the Catholic Church doesn't like it because they question Miracles."
"The Pharisees messed up, deliberately created an apostasy, and here is the true doctrine."
"...the battle is over worship; the last days' controversy is hinged on your view of God."
"They claimed Allah has a son, that is a tremendous evil statement."