
Child-friendly Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"They are gentle, great with kids, and intelligent."
"They are good with children, good with even dogs. They can quite adapt to the environment very well."
"He was so sweet to my boys, he was so worried about scaring them, he'd always tell them jokes."
"It's still a toy and it should be fun and treated like a toy and it should be fun for kids."
"All they care about now is PG child friendly baby videos and slime tutorial."
"The YouTube kids app doesn't have any cursing."
"Kids love him because he's a good listener and he really talks to them with his heart."
"Racing in a grocery store: Police officers were photographed driving through a grocery store in miniature police cruisers designed for children."
"I recommend one because it's really okay for kids to get adjusted."
"I'm low maintenance, love children, and I'm fun to be around."
"Thundercats roar is a much more lighter childlike humorous series than its predecessors."
"They're known for being very good with children."
"Perfect for the children because they're small enough but it also makes them feel like they're getting a treat."
"I'll try to keep it kid-friendly but I don't want to talk down to children. You guys are smarter than that and you deserve better than that."
"I tried to make it feel like a really comfortable toddler's room."
"I really love the front facing bookcase... it helps them to remember a lot easier which books are their favorites."
"Imagine being a little kid playing this game, how gorgeous this is."
"And let me remind you, this is great for kids too."
"Every kid in the city could walk to a park, no problem, and I absolutely adore that."
"He's sort of giving you an intro into deception in an easy way that even kids can follow along."
"Learning is fun! Seriously though, it's good for kids."
"Child dungeons in particular are a nice improvement."
"This studio looks like a place where you want to bring your child to dance, where something exciting and fun goes on day after day, and last but not least, where they're learning."
"It's a cutesy, cartoony game made for kids but also a game that has enough depth to interest and captivate older players as well."
"He wasn't afraid to get goofy alongside kids."
"The fifth and final way is if you have kids in your home or grandkids is to simplify the toys... again the same thing of visual simplicity and fewer decisions to make."
"An incredible guitar for the money, particularly for a child's first guitar."
"Gargoyles was a mature animated series that didn't talk down to kids."
"It's a lot of like really kind of children movie focused things going on."
"For a kid, it must be the most fun movie of the year."
"Places without cars are better for kids."
"It's a real easy recipe, kids could do it. Kids could do this one. Okay, it's really, really simple."
"As a recent father of a three-year-old, almost four now, Japan's really quite kid-friendly. I think this is another one where Japan gets a bum rap."
"It was painful to use, while not totally unusable, it's just definitely not meant to be handed to a kid to play around with."
"We're creating a space in our kitchen with our child in mind."
"Bali and now we noticed here in jerkata also is how many play places there are for the children and how family friendly everything is"
"This is great for children as well, and I think they would actually eat it."
"Kids would definitely be comfortable back here."
"You make this turkey, you're not going to believe it how moist it is and how simple it is. A child could do it, a child well maybe not exactly a child, maybe a little older child, not a younger younger child."
"They're very good around kids, perfect."
"He had an incredible relation with children."
"Giving her this cute smock with a little bit of some star patterns on it because stars seem kind of kid-friendly to me."
"Spider-Man is a hero, every Spider-Man film should partially cater to kids, every single one."
"...they're good for temperament and because you can hand it to a child the child's not gonna hurt it."
"Great Escape shines in particular for younger guests because of the family-friendly ride lineup and abundance of walkthrough attractions."
"The bit of trail that we're just on was actually built by one of the estate workers with the idea of children in mind."
"While Dinosaur World is a fun place to visit for all ages, it is obviously geared towards children, which makes it a great place for field trips."
"Everything that we do with children and young people should be child appropriate and child-friendly."
"Think about each of the rooms of the house and again how you can set it up for your child at their height at their level so that they can do some of these things on their own."
"It automatically returns to safety position when you let go of it, which is really great when you have young kids around."
"We're very, very keen on letting children use these facilities."
"We have no raw edges anywhere on this pillowcase which means it's super washable, super kid friendly, and it's ready to go."
"It strikes an uncanny balance between telling adult stories and being accessible to children."
"I have yet to see a kid not go crazy when they see the amount of space up in this loft area."
"Children just love to be with her; she was very caring and listened very carefully to children."
"She's super kid friendly and I think probably the girl's favorite pet."
"She's a mama girl. She is courteous, she's so nice, she'll grab a little child by their hand."
"They're great with children because they're not really known for being nippy or aggressive."
"They're funny, clown-like, hilarious, and they're another one that's great with children."
"I love these crayons for my toddler mostly because she can't break them, and she can't eat them."
"I don't like primary colors... so having this is nice for me because they're more neutral colors but they're still fun colors that the kids can enjoy."
"It's designed for kids six years old and up."
"Such a quick and easy meal, my kids love it."
"It's so easy even a child can do it."
"I want to work really hard that anything that we're building this go-kart, it's going to be more kid-friendly than anything else I do."
"It's like Call of Duty but kid friendly."
"Making our cities more kid-friendly."
"My son is a genuinely good guy who gets on really well with kids, and kids love him."
"This passes the eye test for me; this is good for kids."
"Somebody who's honest, somebody who's understanding, someone who likes kids."
"Intelligent, with a real tendency to be affectionate towards children."
"I love my bike but I want to be able to put my ten-year-old on the back of my bike."
"Animal Crossing is beyond child-friendly."
"It's great for toddlers if you want to kiss them, you don't leave marks on them."