
Diverse Experiences Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Everyone is going to experience life differently, and not everyone is going to believe in what you believe in."
"Playing different roles to fulfill the great movie."
"Everyone experiences things slightly differently, but it's about sharing those stories in an open forum."
"We've done dancing, cake-baking, pizza, gin, champagne, and now we are test-driving all of the flora stuff."
"Life has so many amazing things to offer from movies that make you feel to music that feels like it was written specifically for you to books that transport you away to a different world."
"There's not just one way for having a good experience. We all have unique strengths and talents."
"If you're a fan of big personalities, ridiculous circumstances, theater and performance in any way, queer culture, learning about queer and POC experiences, fashion, comedy, the color pink I guess, and so much more, then drag race is for you."
"Dirt 5 has loads of different experiences that you wouldn't expect to see in a racing game, and some of them I don't think we've seen before."
"Does your used to fly planes in the Air Force. Betty built rockets and rocket powered cars he's been in some bands he's been rich he's been poor he's a free spirit who does whatever he wants."
"Exposing yourself to more experiences, more people, more processes that seemingly don't relate, can escalate your ability to create exponentially."
"Exploration journey: 'All three watches offer unique paths, leading to different watch collecting experiences.'"
"There's something that we can learn from everyone's journey."
"Beneath the notice of gods and heroes, there are smaller stories hidden, tales of murder, crime schemes, and heroism."
"The beauty of living on our planet is that no matter who you are or where you live, the chance for something unexpected to happen is inevitable. That's life."
"From Palestine to the Charlotte Motor Speedway."
"Sometimes we learn the lessons through fear, sometimes through love, sometimes through suffering."
"If you want to design games, just play as many different games as possible."
"Thank you for your witness, your strength, your... what you're working and sailing in a different way and soaring in a different way."
"His greatest error was believing that just because some individuals may be lonely, battle mental illness, live on the streets, or engage in sex work, it doesn't mean that they don't have people who love and are concerned about them."
"Why are there so many strange, scary, and beautiful things about the Pacific Northwest?"
"Every single thing that goes down is just like immensely interesting and unique and awesome and different and fun."
"I'm always fascinated by the stories of people who similarly find themselves in different situations of feeling lost."
"Across two battlegrounds, Blizzard provided two entirely separate gameplay experiences."
"And I think there are many, many ways of having a meaningful life."
"Isn't that crazy though, like I think that's the how insane everybody's life experiences can be so different in this country."
"Some of them were downright stupid, some were extremely dangerous, but some were outstanding."
"He's lived 10 different lifetimes of 10 different individual stories."
"Our story has been filled with laughter, fun, adventure, challenges, lots of hugs and kisses, happy times with our friends and family, and plenty of drama, as life will be." - Christy Friendly
"Celebration, relocation, forgiveness, solid start."
"2023 will be an even better year for reading where I'll discover even more favorites, read even more diversely learn about so many more experiences and just enjoy my favorite hobby."
"I've been lucky to experience a lot of different types of flight training in the adventure flying courses with Jason and Howard."
"I feel like I've lived so many different lifetimes, you know?"
"I played in the Philippines, I played in Brazil, I played in Copenhagen, I played in Kuwait."
"Fantasy can be anything. Fantasy, like gamers, can be anything."
"Reasons are gonna be different for everyone."
"We went to dentist's office, pet shelters, retirement homes, high school, which didn't work out, but it is what it is."
"This was like my third all three matches I loved in different ways."
"What a competition, it had everything."
"I want to live like many different lives in this lifetime; I never want to be stuck in the same thing."
"...it's wild, wild experience, yeah, totally amazing, and each city's different."
"We need to recognize that some people's experience are not ours."
"This year was definitely a year to remember, we did all kinds of cool stuff."
"Depression doesn't have a single look, as everyone has a very different experience."
"So I can see why this type of travel is so appealing, being able to live and immerse yourself in different places and different experiences with different people."
"Meet Kathy, who's lived most everywhere, from Zanzibar to Barclay Square. But Patty's only seen the sights a girl can see from Brooklyn Heights."
"We're really looking forward to all the different experiences."
"Being an actor is the greatest life you can have because we get to be many people in one lifetime, and most people get to be just one person."
"We get to walk in the shoes of an experience or a life that is so different to our own."
"We can bring on a lot of guests who have incredible stories."
"Everything to do with Formula 1 was a pleasure, whether he was sitting with an engineer, whether he was signing an autograph for a fan, or whether he was sitting in the race car about to go out for a qualifying lap."