
Jury Decision Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"It's a remarkable verdict from the jury... They awarded punitive damages... that says something." - Legal analyst
"You cannot use a jury decision from a different case to decide a separate case and then deny the defendant the opportunity to defend himself."
"Fewer jurors means more of a likelihood that there is going to be a unanimous verdict reached."
"No lawyers, no judges, get to decide. It's up to the jury."
"Even if the judge told the jury at the very end that they felt like they made the right decision based on what was shared during the trial."
"Living in reality is important... none of us are in the rooms when these people with power are planning and devising their schemes."
"I had questions about Mr. Murdock's guilt but voted guilty because I felt pressured by the other jurors."
"I think they were stuck on whether they would find the defendant guilty on some of the reckless counts."
"You have to acquit. You all looked at the door. That meant you had a reasonable doubt."
"You can never predict what a jury is going to do."
"It's going to be interesting to see what the jury thought of this."
"The aha moment for the jury was the audio tape of the interview."
"At the end of seven weeks of trial, the jury came back guilty on all counts."
"It's perfectly obvious that this jury did the right thing, which means of course that the media and the court of public opinion will deem that the jury did the wrong thing."
"Hopefully, the jury adheres to reasonable objective facts."
"Objectively, the jury cannot convict somebody unless they're 100 percent convinced they did the crime."
"You can't lay a better foundation for a reasonable jury than he has to establish the fact that Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd and we all saw it on camera."
"This was not a close call, this was a clear-cut case in the eyes of the jury."
"This case came down to, did Rittenhouse have the right to defend himself by taking the lives of two others?"
"The jury unanimously decided that yes, the individual was justified and therefore acquitted upon all charges."
"This case comes down to one simple question: Did Nicole Bell intentionally shoot and kill Henry King? If the answer is yes, you must convict."
"Let's put on the evidence, put on the case, and let the truth out and let the jury make the decision about what they feel the just outcome is here."
"We the jury find Mark Hauck count one not guilty."
"How could you be surprised that a jury came to this conclusion and certainly how could you criticize the verdict."
"The jury deliberated, and it only took them three hours to determine that Billy was guilty."
"The jury deliberated for only four hours and they came back with a verdict of not guilty."
"The evidence was enough to convince the jury."
"If the jury have a doubt, then the law says they should find them not guilty."
"Engaged with women was dangerous. This is something that's not just speculation, it's not just allegations, it is a jury of his peers deciding that he did this."
"It was pure self-defense, that is why the jury acquitted."
"The federal court jury rendered a substantial verdict in favor of Carol, amounting to a staggering $83.3 million in damages."
"We will finally be able to present our case and let 12 people in Philadelphia decide."
"A Virginia jury spent less than one hour in deliberations before coming back with a guilty verdict."
"Typically not a good thing if you are a defendant typically when the jury reaches a verdict so quickly it's not good."
"If all 12 vote death penalty is just, that's the death sentence."
"The jury was only out for 10 hours and they got a sweeping conviction."
"I think relatively speaking it's a very fast verdict and when you get a verdict back that quickly it means that the jury was very very careful."
"The time has now come when the great burden of reaching a just, fair, and conscientious decision in this case will be placed solely with you jurors."
"The popcorn killing... turns out as the jury heard the evidence they felt like it was self-defense."
"I trust the system... I think juries get it right... she didn't cover her tracks as well as she probably thought she had."
"The jury found the way they did, and she was subject to the death penalty."
"If you are firmly convinced of the defendant's guilt, then you must find him guilty."
"Justice department respects the jury's verdict the decisions in that case were made by agents and prosecutors on the ground."
"This jury will decide what the facts are and where the truth lies."
"Ultimately, a jury in the State of Florida might get to decide."
"This jury's gonna be wild, this jury could literally do anything."